kitchen floor soft spot

kitchen floor soft spot

kitchen floor plans with walk in pantry

Kitchen Floor Soft Spot


The kitchen is the hub of your home, where you cook family meals and gather for parties. The floors in this busy spot must withstand heavy foot traffic, dropped dishes, and spills galore. But they also must indulge your craving for style. Get started with these considerations.At home, you're the star of your own cooking show—and chances are, sauce gets spilled, silverware gets dropped, and spouses, kids, and pets check in often. It's important to choose floors that stand up to this type of wear and tear. And if you have young children or plan to stick around for years, nonslip floors are important for safety.Choose floors that complement your kitchen, whether it's rustic and country-style or cutting-edge contemporary. Consider the kitchen's size, as well as existing colors, textures, and patterns. Should the large surface underfoot serve as a neutral backdrop or a vivid focal point?If you spend hours on your feet slicing, dicing, and stirring consider floors with a bit of softness and resilience.

Tile floors, for instance, can be uncomfortable to stand on for long periods. Wood is better for reducing leg fatigue. And resilient floors, with their elasticity, are the most comfortable for feet. Whatever you choose, a soft mat or rug can add comfort as well.Between food spills and tracked-in dirt, kitchen floors can get pretty grimy. To minimize time spent on maintenance, choose a material that's easy to clean, water resistant, and not prone to staining.If you're planning a remodel, your budget is probably divvied among countertops, cabinetry, lighting fixtures, and more. Where does flooring fit in the plan? Once you've determined your flooring budget, measure the kitchen to get an idea of square footage. Remember that additional costs may apply, including underlayment, delivery, installation, and removal and disposal of your previous floor. Wondering which type of floor you should pick for your kitchen? Check out the following articles to discover the pros, cons and best uses for each of the floor types available.

Explore kitchen floor options: Hardwood Laminate Bamboo Cork Vinyl Linoleum Tile Other Materials Have soft spots on floating laminate floors on concrete.Does it needs to be fixed? Can we inject spots? I had Mannington Laminate floors installed on concrete with a silent 3 in 1 underlayment. How to know if soft spots are too big and needs to be fixed? Can we drill hole in laminate and inject something? Pros and cons please. Looking for professional help to fix this. Do you have the same question?  /how-fix...Assuming you mean Shaw Silent Step 3 in 1 underlayment, I would suggest you contact them with your question. However, there are a lot of 3 in 1 knockoffs out there, so hard to tell what you have.I can only think of two ways you would have a "soft spot" on laminate over concrete - water under the underlayment which migrates when you step on it, sort of like a blister, or the laminate floor is too tight to the walls or wet, so it is bulging up and as you walk on the bulge it migrates elsewhere in the floor.

The former you would usually smell mold or a persistent wet smell, and might be able to see dampness or mold around the edges if you pull back a baseboard or two, the latter you should be able to see if someone gets their eye down to floor level and watches as another person walks around.As to fixing it, short ot taking it up I cannot see a fix unless it is edge bound from expansion, in which case cutting a bit off two adjacent sides should solve the issue for now. As far an injection goes, I cannot see that working well - you would almost certainly end up with lumps and bulges in the flooring.If Shaw can't help you (or not their product) then figure out which flooring contractor you would chose to fix it based on reviews and recommendations, then have them out to assess it and give you recommendations. Answered 3 years ago It sounds to me that the concrete floor was not leveled properly before the underlayment and floor were put down, unless as LCD there is a straight line running across the floor and not just spots of flexing.

While there are ways to cut out a panel and replace it when damaged I would live with the problem or you would have to pull up the floor from the edge that it terminates on. With the brands I have installed a spot repair wntails destroying a center panel to get it out and fixing the problem under the floor and replacing the panels. The problem is they are to be installed from start point to ending point so now while you have a starting point you have no termination point so you have to cut the bottom edge of the last panel and glue it in place. And I do not really trust that glue joint to last the life of the floor especially if you have a thick pad underneath as a certain amount of flexing is expected with the padding, the thicker the pad the more the flex. If your installer is still available have him check it out. Unless the flexing is excessive your floor should hold up. I hate to admit it but I installed a floor in a commercial use and the company's representative would not okay the extra cost to level the floor so we went ahead and installed with a disclaimer and it has been in for a few years with no failure yet.

This sounds like a good way to fix my floors. What wouod you use to insert into the floors? then do you place a wooden disk over the whole after you inject it with sound to steady the floor? Answered 1 year ago HomeRepairer - the original question asked about injecting something to stiffen up the "soft spots" - the answers did not think that was workable. Any form of injection would, even if it cured properly under a floor (which is questionable, likely result in permanent waves and hard spots where the injection hardened the pad - plus the type of pad used in the original question is apparently a "foam bead" type, which any injectant would penetrate (because the vapor barrier is on the top) and turn hard, eliminating the padding in that area - so you would have have and soft spots, which was the original complaint.Original questioner - assuming this is a Roberts 3 in 1 or similar pad, it mauy well be that over time the soft spots will diminish as the free space in the foam bead layer packs down and stabilizes - I have a similar basement floor product (foam bear encapsulated in vapor barrier) which was a bit soft and "spongy" feeling originally, is not quite firm (but not hard) and stable feeling

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