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King Size Mattress Prices Singapore


There are generally 2 categories of sleepers. Which one are you? Following intensive research, we discovered that a FIRM or MEDIUM-FIRM support mattress would appeal to most individuals. With this in mind, we zoomed in on the 4 key factors that will affect sleep quality. We spent several months testing intensively and analysing different materials to craft out the perfect combination, creating the ideal mattress to satisfy each type of sleeper. With the use of individually pocketed mini springs, there is superior support for an undisturbed sleep. Mini springs reduce movement of the mattress, giving you and your partner a restful night. Keeping you comfortable and cool all night The secret to Baton Sleep mattress lies in its high density foam and supportive, pressure-relieving convoluted memory foam. The super soft foam gives you the plushy comfortable feel, whilst the pressure relieving memory foam, gives your back a full support. As our convoluted open-cell technology memory foam is breathable, the full foam contouring to your body doesn’t result in heat retention.

Air circulates freely through the foam, keeping you cool all night. NO EXPOSURE TO ANY HARMFUL CHEMICAL EFFECTS WHILE YOU SLEEP Baton Sleep mattresses are CERTIPUR-US certified which means all our foams are free from harmful flame retardents and have extremely-low VOC. Absolutely no mercury, lead, formaldehyde and phthalates are used in the production process. This simply means you are not exposed to any harmful effects while you sleep. FREE FROM OZONE DEPLETERS Our mattresses are free from ozone depleters – chlorofluorocarbons CFCs, so you know you are doing your part in preserving Gaia. As restful as can be Our mattress fabric are Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Dust Mite treated, making the mattress clean and keeping you safe from any allergies and irritations. Ships in a box Because the Baton Sleep mattress uses only high quality foam and mini pocketed springs, we are able to compress it without compromising the quality and integrity of the mattress.

By delivering it in a box, we are able to transport it conveniently, resulting in cost savings for transport, handling fees, and storage charges. These savings are eventually passed on to you. Everyone deserves a great mattress and you don’t have to hurt your pockets to get one!Before you start, you might want to consider firstly if you really need to replace your existing mattress and buy a new mattress. If your mattress sags, leaves you unrested in the morning, or is more than 10 years old then you need a new mattress. If your lifestyle has changed or is changing (for example, if you are getting married) this is an excellent reason to get a new mattress. Certain health problems you may have - indeed, many musculoskeletal problems - may benefit from a new mattress. You need not wait until it's really obvious that a new mattress is necessary: the need is usually there long before the signs become obvious. For example, by the time a mattress actually sags, it has already long since worn out.

1. Put comfort first - your comfort. 2. Lie down to test whether you want a soft or firm mattress. 3. The correct size for you. 5. Your bed base is important. 6. Which mattress material type is best? 7. Stay away from allergens. 8. Don't be swayed by brand names. 9. A warranty is a must! 10. Ask to try it out at home. Don't fall into the common trap of thinking the brand name and price tag will tell you how comfortable the mattress is. The primary requirement of a mattress is that it be comfortable for you. If it does not meet that need, then it is not suitable, no matter how cheap or expensive it is. You certainly don't want to spend thousands of dollars only to find that the mattress leaves you feeling unrested. Instead, find a mattress which feels comfortable to your body. This depends on several things, such as the firmness, composition and size of mattress. 2. Lie down to test whether you want a soft, medium or firm mattress. No matter what size of mattress you are considering, if you sleep with a partner then ideally you should both visit the showroom together to test out different sized mattresses.

However, where sleep disturbance is a particular problem, you do have the option to put . This helps because the two separate mattresses (even though they are pushed together) transmit less movement than one mattress would. Additionally, this way both of you will benefit from being able to pick your own firmness and comfort level of mattress; for example one partner may prefer a soft mattress and the other a firm mattress, allowing each to achieve an individualized sleep experience. 4. The right thickness. There are a surprising number of disadvantages to having a thick mattress, which you should be careful to take into account when shopping. Firstly, a thick mattress tends to be quite heavy, which can become a problem when you are flipping it. This is particularly an issue if you are purchasing a larger size mattress, such as a queen or king size. Another problem of a thick mattress is that it may make your bed too high, and in terms of appearance this would be a big decorating flop.

You don't want your bedroom to look like the bed was made for a giant to get in and out of, while everything else is in proportion. From a purely practical standpoint, another problem with thick mattresses is that fitted sheets might not be able to fit properly on them. Buying specialty sheets is an added expense and hassle, not to mention that if you already own a collection of fitted sheets they will be rendered unusable on a very thick mattress. Furthermore, if sleeping with a partner, the softness or firmness of an adjustable sprung slatted bed base is something which each partner can adjust differently on his or her side of the bed, according to individual preference. Thus a customized sleeping setup is possible, even with one mattress. Additionally, an adjustable sprung slatted base allows for good air flow and proper ventilation below the mattress, preventing mildew and allowing the proper hygiene you desire. Innerspring with metal coils are the most common but this does not mean they are best.

Innerspring mattresses can be allergen-prone and will eventually sag. Furthermore, if the parts are not of the best quality, the springs can be noisy and/or uncomfortable. A truly well-made innerspring bed can feel comfortable, but this is something you can only test out by lying on it. There are also talks and discussions, especially online, about metal spring coils mattresses attracting and amplifying electro-magnetic radiation (EMR) that is harmful to our human body. Just do a Google search online on the word 'mattress antenna' and you will find many write-ups relating to this topic. A latex mattress is an excellent choice in material. Latex mattresses are made from naturally elastic latex rubber. They therefore do not have any springs. The block of latex rubber used for the mattress is a natural product, derived from the sap of Hevea Brasiliensis, the rubber tree. A latex mattress offers superb comfort and softness, easily conforms to your body shape and weight, yet its elasticity delivers the correct back support you need and keeping your spine naturally align.

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