iv vitamin c dunedin

iv vitamin c dunedin

iv vitamin c dosage

Iv Vitamin C Dunedin


Ground-breaking research at Otago University has revealed Vitamin C may be a useful tool in cancer treatment. But the researchers need $1 million in funding to begin human trials. Otago University Professor Margreet Vissers has told the Sunday programme that new knowledge about how Vitamin C works in cancer indicates that it could be a useful tool in the toolbox of anti-cancer therapies. Recent research suggests a number of potentially beneficial effects and clinical studies are needed to investigate these. Lab tests at Otago showed tumours with higher levels of Vitamin C were less aggressive and slower to grow than ones with lower levels of the vitamin. A number of doctors around the world and also in this country offer the treatment to patients as an alternative or a complement to current treatment regimes. They are using high level doses of Vitamin C by intravenous infusion. But while there have been some reports of success, the approach has had no scientific proof to back it up.

The new evidence generated by Professor Vissers’ lab has emerged from tumours in mice and by analysis of human tumour tissue. Professor Vissers' team is uncovering the relationship between Vitamin C and a protein that occurs in tumours. "The protein that's regulated by Vitamin C drives new blood vessel formation and helps the tumour to grow," she says. "The Vitamin C prevents the protein from working. That in turn, stops new blood vessels and slows tumour growth," she adds. The researchers are now ready to take their investigations to a new level with human trials. "What we want to find out is, if we increase the amount of Vitamin C supply, is that going to slow the tumour growth as well? We suspect it will." Patients would be given high doses of Vitamin C intravenously under controlled conditions. Professor Vissers' team would monitor the impact of the vitamin on the cancer and this information would provide the first demonstration of a mechanism of action.

This information is essential for our understanding, and is needed before proper clinical benefit trials can occur. But this new trial needs about $1 million in funding and money for Health Research is scarce. The Health Research Council as the only public source of these funds is stretched, and obtaining funding is exceptionally difficult. It could take years to achieve success through this route, and this has been the experience of many, including this project. Funding applications from Prof Vissers and colleagues continue unabated, but time is short. Now is the time for action. "We're ready to go," Professor Vissers says, adding, "we have all of the expertise in place, we have all of the samples in place, we have all of the collaborations in place." Click here for further information.Vitamin C is an essential vitamin and most people know that lack leads to scurvy. The optimal amount needed to stay healthy is uncertain – the RDA (recommended daily allowance – which will keep scurvy away) is 50 – 60mg per day.

In diseased states, the need for vitamin C increases. This can be seen in animals who often increase their vitamin C production more than tenfold, and also in humans when the amount of vitamin C found in the blood and the urine falls dramatically during illness and stress. This suggests that in these conditions, the intake of vitamin C should be greatly increased. Vitamin C enhances immune function by helping the white blood cells become more effective.Research shows that intravenous vitamin C at high doses, used in conjunction with chemotherapy or radiation, may be helpful in cancer treatment. However this is a very controversial area. We understand now that IV C is a pro-oxidant, not an antioxidant, because it generates hydrogen peroxide in the extracellular space. H2O2 is the drug that preferentially kills cancer cells while leaving normal cells unharmed. For those in the later stages of cancer, the intravenous vitamin C protocol may improve the quality of life. The protocol also suggests a strict diet with oral supplementation.

IVC is not recommended for people with kidney problems or G6PD enzyme deficiency.A good snack and being well hydrated on the day of treatment is recommended to avoid low blood sugar and dizziness. Please click here to view Fees. Mental alertness is essential in our daily activities as well as carrying out our professional tasks. Any person who has good concentration and is sharp and alert does very well in his or her daily activities. As one grows older, alertness goes down. Even young people often... Greater than twenty million Americans suffer from migraines, a vascular headache that can cause a disabling cascade of symptoms. Magnesium levels affect serotonin receptors, and also have an effect on nitric oxide synthesis and release, as well as on NMDA... Telomeres are functional complexes at the end of chromosomes that affect genetic stability and regulation of cellular life span. Maintaining telomere homeostasis affects how well we are aging and the disease states we experience as we age...

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