iv vitamin c albuquerque

iv vitamin c albuquerque

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Iv Vitamin C Albuquerque


What is high-dose vitamin C? Vitamin C (also called L-ascorbic acid or ascorbate) is a nutrient that humans must get from food or dietary supplements since it cannot be made in the body. It also works with enzymes to play a key role in making collagen. When taken by intravenous (IV) infusion, vitamin C can reach much higher levels in the blood than when it is taken by mouth. Studies suggest that these higher levels of vitamin C may cause the death of cancer cells in the laboratory. A severe deficiency (lack) of vitamin C in the diet causes scurvy, a disease with symptoms of extreme weakness, lethargy, easy bruising, and bleeding. when vitamin C is given, collagen becomes thicker again. High-dose vitamin C has been studied as a treatment for patients with cancer since the 1970s. A Scottish surgeon named Ewan Cameron worked with Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus Pauling to study the possible benefits of vitamin C therapy in clinical trials of cancer patients in the late 1970s and early 1980’s.

Surveys of healthcare practitioners at United States CAM conferences in recent years have shown that high-dose IV vitamin C is frequently given to patients as a treatment for infections, fatigue, and cancers, including breast cancer. In the 1970’s, it was proposed that high-dose ascorbic acid could help build resistance to disease or infection and possibly treat cancer. Have any side effects or risks been reported from high-dose vitamin C? Intravenous high-dose ascorbic acid has caused very few side effects in clinical trials. However, high-dose vitamin C may be harmful in patients with certain risk factors. In patients with a history of kidneydisorders, kidney failure has been reported after ascorbic acid treatment. Patients with a tendency to develop kidney stones should not be treated with high-dose vitamin C. Case reports have shown that patients with an inherited disorder called G-6-PD deficiency should not be given high doses of vitamin C, due to the risk of hemolysis (a condition in which red blood cells are destroyed).

Since vitamin C may make iron more easily absorbed and used by the body, high doses of the vitamin are not recommended for patients with hemochromatosis (a condition in which the body takes up and stores more iron than it needs). Explore Santa Fe Soul's current Special Offers for the month of June » See Current Offers Attend Classes, Workshops, Certification Programs and More... » View Event CalendarAll our services are performed with the most care and accuracy.  We have gone through extensive training and we are aptly qualified to provide you with the best possible treatment outcome. Listed below are the many therapies that we offer and a small amount of information about the therapy.   If you would like more detailed information on the therapy please go to the ARTICLES page and find the article related to the therapy. B-12, B-Complex Lipotropic Injections for Weight Loss – these injections stimulate the metabolism, increase energy production and give you a strong advantage in reaching your fitness goals.

Injections typically are done once per week for 5-10 weeks, exercise is recommended during the course of injections to speed up the results. Package prices are available call for details. MicroNutrient IV Therapy – High dose vitamin C (15-100g), Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), Myers Cocktail, EDTA Chelation, Hydrogen Peroxide, Phosphatidylcholine, Anti-Migraine IV, Sodium Bicarbonate, Macular Degeneration IV, Glutathione, Pre/Post Operative Nutrient IV  and so many more!! PRP Injections & Prolozone Therapy – Wendee Burnett CFNP performs the prolozone injections and can help relieve chronic pain in the muscles, joints or nerves. Prolozone injections are a combination of B-12/Folic Acid, Dextrose, Saline, Sodium Bicarbonate, various homeopathics and Oxygen/Ozone gas. Very powerful and effective. Esthetic Services – PRP Microneedling for smoothing of the skin and anti-wrinkle therapy.  RF Facials to tighten the skin. Ultrasonic and Laser Lipo (non-invasive) for fat reduction and skin tightening. 

Hydration IV  Therapy in combination of any of these therapies makes them far more effective.  We also offer skin peels and Enzyme facial peels.  For those of you who want to fly in to ABQ for a 3 day beauty retreat we have special packages just for you! Get pampered 3 full days in a row and afterward you not only feel amazing, you’ll look amazing! Urine, Hair & Saliva Analysis – Find out if you have Heavy Metal Toxicity, Parasites, Bacterial/Viral/Fungal/mold infections, Chemical and Inhalant testing and so much more. The Kit includes all supplies needed (saliva and urine collection containers/bag), cost also includes analysis results. Analysis results are reviewed by our team of Professional Homotoxicologists, Herbalists and our Nutritionist to determine what is happening in your body and what you need to do to fix the problem areas. Stop wondering about how toxic you are and find out why you have aches and pains, perhaps even find what could cause a serious symptoms. 

*this test is for educational purposes only, not diagnosis or treatment of any illness or disease.  Call us directly to order your kit (505) 821-9609 ) discovered that sodium bicarbonate kills candida and when the candida is dead, the body can focus on more important health problems like cancer. We traveled to Italy to learn directly from Dr Simoncini so we can carry out this therapy with more expertise than anyone else in this country! This therapy trumps all other anti-candida therapies. We get all the people who have done everything else and we are the ones who finally help them kill the fungus that’s been plaguing them for so long. We have even seen clients who have gone to other clinics to supposedly get this treatment done and come to us afterwards because it was done incorrectly. Don’t waste your time, come to the best! Anti-Candida programs are typically 3 weeks long. Kinesiology – testing to provide information on your body’s nutritional needs, heavy metal toxicity, allergens, viruses, bacteria, fungi, mold and parasites.

Not only can Kinesiology be used to determine a problem in the body, but also a solution. Food & Allergen Screening (No Needles) – Fruits, vegetables, grains, meats/poultry, multiple types of fish and seasonal pollens as well, over 250 substances tested. Energy Integrations – Integrate all parts of your being (body, mind, soul, spirit, ether/energy) together to strengthen your focus on attaining your goal.  Integrations focus all of who you are as a person toward the goal you’re attempting to accomplish, whether that’s health related or if its financial, marital, or sports related, integrations take you to the next level in your development as a person. Live Blood Analysis – Digestive function, organ toxicity and free radical damage can all be seen in live blood when looked at under a microscope.  Bacteria (Lyme’s and related co-infections) and parasites (blood/lymph/liver flukes) can also be seen and treatment progress can be monitored. Your blood should show changes if your health is improving!

Oxygen/Ozone Therapy – Internal administration of Oxygen/Ozone gas to strengthen (and regulate) the immune system, decrease bacteria/virus/fungi/mold presence in the body, increase energy levels and metabolism, plus so much more.  This is one of the best therapies we could ever offer! Ozone Sauna – Very relaxing and incredibly therapeutic steam sauna filled with pure Oxygen/Ozone.  One of the best things about this style of sauna is that your head is not inside the steam, so your face feels nice and cool and you don’t breathe hot moist air.  Burn up to 600 calories during this relaxing metabolic booster and rejuvenate all your muscles while stimulating detoxification. Oral Liposomal Therapy – Christopher Hall has produced a new form of equipment which can take any of our IV therapies and turn them into a liposomal solution that can be taken by mouth (No Needles!) and deliver the same nutrients to your cells but in a more effective manner. Electrostim/Micro-Currant Therapy – Chronic and acute pain relief through gentle electrical stimulation of the muscles, using ultrasonic frequencies. 

Cellulite decreasing frequencies through electrical impulses are sent to target areas where fat deposits have settled and are hard to burn with traditional exercise. Hypnosis/Meditation – Using brain wave frequencies we can bring your life into balance with guided meditation and hypnosis.  Get through the blocks and sabotage that keep you from reaching the stars.  Christopher has worked with multiple professional athletes to help them become world champions and in some cases multiple world title holders.  He has also helped people to overcome negative thought around cancer, fears, phobias and even addictions. Metabolic Testing – This very sophisticated test takes only 10 minutes to complete.  What we do is measure the amount of oxygen you inhale verses the amount of CO2 you exhale, along with your heart rate.  This gives us your metabolic rate, meaning how many calories you burn every day.  It also provides detailed information on the amount of Carbs and Fat you burn every day, so we can build a custom meal plan and exercise plan for you to meet your goals.

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