It’s time to make Email Marketing more personalized

It’s time to make Email Marketing more personalized


Billions of people are using emails and email marketing therefore needs to leave a dent. Email is still a major source of communication and still used for personal, business, commercial, legal, academic, and scientific purposes. Email marketing continues to prosper and the generic email has truly evolved and become more effective. It’s always a wise decision to hire a professional and get a reputed digital marketing company in Kolkata to do the job for you.


There are a few things that make email marketing more personal and get in the personal touch.

Did you know that email marketing has a personal touch now? Get your email on point and get connected with a digital marketing company in Kolkata.



An average working individual receives more than 100 emails per day and if your email has to be personal, it needs to be relevant. You need to offer the person relevant content and just not randomly shoot an email and expect the subscriber’s attention instantly. If the email doesn’t find any utility or relevance, then it will soon land up in the trash can of the email box. The choice is yours!




The right time is the main factor when an email needs to have an impact. The wrong time can make the email redundant, but the right time can get you potential leads. Gather data about your subscriber and know more about their choices and opinions. Research about current topics and then create content that would interest the subscriber, after which you can shoot the email and expect things to move. After all, the right time can make things happen.


Comes from a person


People would be more likely to read an email coming from a particular person, rather than a business name. Therefore, one needs to have the name of a person in the form feed along with a face. Get rid of the logo, if you don’t want your email to be skipped and deleted.


Subject line


The subject line of the email is the deciding factor of whether the email will be read or shunned. If the subject line is boring and extremely formal, then the email would be skipped. Whereas, if the subject is kept interesting and something relevant and informational, then the mail would be read.


Offer dynamic content


Never bore your subscribers and the best way is to ensure that your emails carry good content. Use the demographic and geographic data and personalize the offers before sending out emails to different consumers. This will be more appealing to the email reader and at the same time will do tons of good for your brand credibility. Dynamic content offers have benefitted a lot of brands and it’s time for your brand to do the same and reap the sweet fruits of hard labour.


Email marketing is tricky and getting personalized is the best way to make the consumer feel important. When consumers open the mail and invest their time, half the battle is won. Emails trigger action and combined with skillful marketing techniques – the sky is the limit!



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