is a memory foam topper as good as the mattress

is a memory foam topper as good as the mattress

is a firm mattress better for baby

Is A Memory Foam Topper As Good As The Mattress


Memory Foam vs Spring MattressesI’m going to cut straight to the chase with this page on my website, and start by telling you the main reason spring or “coil” mattresses are still manufactured is because they’re cheap to construct and to buy. The technology used within a spring mattress hasn’t changed that much in many years, and the support you received from a new one bought 10 years ago will be the same if you buy one now. However, I’m not about telling you what’s good for you and what isn’t. My job is to make sure you get both sides of the story and I think this page will be very useful for those of you who are not sure if moving from a spring mattress to memory foam is the right choice for you. So, let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons you can expect with both types. Of course, I will try not to be biased, but I can’t help starting with memory foam. There is far more choice with a memory foam mattress simply because of the abundance of technology available to manufacturers.

Plus the levels of firm to soft are far more accurate than that of a coil spring, not to mention the different layers foam mattresses can have. Starting out with a foam mattress before you suffer from back, neck or shoulder pain could stop this from happening all together because you get the natural support you need from the word go! If you do have trouble with various aches and pains whether they’re mild or severe, a foam mattress will definitely help because it supports important pressure points across the body. Unlike a spring mattress, the technology within is like having billions of tiny springs supporting your frame and it will contour to your natural shape much better. Think of it like buying a suit that’s been made for you rather than buying “off the peg”. Foam mattresses will last much longer and the warranties available are more extensive because the materials used are far superior to that of a spring type. Largely, you’ll be doing the environment a favor especially if you look out for the CertiPUR-US certification.

One of the biggest complaints about foam mattresses is the fact they produce additional heat. However, there are brands on the market like the DynastyMattress 12-Inch New Cool Breeze GEL I have reviewed that pretty much eliminate this problem. Depending on the way of packaging, you may have to wait for your mattress to expand before you can use it, and in some cases there will be an odor. Finally, yes, foam mattresses will cost you more. But, they last longer if cared for properly and could avoid problems in the future due to aches and pains caused by a poor sleeping surface. First of all, as I have mentioned a spring mattress is cheap. The main reason for this is the technology used to construct them is pretty basic. When you first buy a spring mattress, there is no need to wait until you can use it because they “spring” to their original form instantly. Since spring mattresses don’t rely on heat to adjust to your body, you won’t get the problem of being too warm when you sleep.

They are well ventilated. You won’t get the “outgas” odor that’s sometimes synonymous with foam mattresses because of the materials used. If you don’t like the idea of waiting for your mattress to conform to the contours of your body, a spring mattress might be the answer. This is a personal issue though, and most people get used to this characteristic of memory foam fairly quickly (plus new foams and layer set-ups are being developed every day, making the problem slowly go away). If you suffer from various aches and pains, don’t expect a spring mattress to help. This is because the coils within simply push weight back at the same pressure at which it’s received. This leads me on to another con with this type of mattress… Body weight will not be distributed evenly so it’s impossible for a spring mattress to help support various pressure points around the body that can cause spine or joint problems. It’s virtually impossible to find a mattress of this type with anything more than a 10 year warranty due to the materials used and in many cases they will start to sag after a year or two because of the way they’re designed.

Maintenance of a spring mattress will take up much more of your time because they not only need to be rotated often, but flipped as well.I would personally say you have to look for a good mix comfort / strength and durability.  A mattress that will hold your back and neck but also keep you comfty all night. The topper will not make the full work of supporting your body and thus you should look for at least a depth of 10 inches of full mattress. uses, really hits the nail. They’ve spend a tremendous amount of time perfecting the surface with natural fabrics and connecting the different layers to make a very good place to sleep. They have followed the same Direct-To-Consumer model as the new tech-sleep companies, allowing them to sell at a very competitive price while delivering right to your door on an easy to carry box. Definitely worth checking them out. They currently sell in Mexico but are expanding rapidly    Honestly speaking, not in the slightest.The only benefit of a mattress topper over a memory foam mattress[1] is it saves you a bit of cash (in the short term at least).

However, the money saved is not going to win over the fact that your sleep, health and potentially your back will suffer because of it.If you are in need of a new mattress then take the financial hit and get one, they are worth every penny and once you begin to justify the potentially hefty price. For example, how important a mattress is to your health and sleep, the fact that they are long-term investments, expected to last at least 5 years, if not 10 years!Also, mattress toppers are not going to solve any issues you may have, its like buying a cheap car that you know is going to breakdown, simply because you need to get from A to B.These days as well, with companies like Casper and other bed in a box brands, they’ve really hit the market well and now offer very good memory foam mattresses at quite reasonable prices. Wait a few months, save a bit more money and then buy a Tuft & Needle, Eve or Leesa mattress.Footnotes[1] 2017 Update - Best Memory Foam Mattresses of 2016 & 2017: ResultsTo briefly answer your question, I feel that a quality memory foam mattress topper with appropriate density can be better than a full memory foam mattress.

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