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Alternative Cancer Treatment Center Having been diagnosed with cancer is like no other experience. It immediately scrambles our thoughts and dismantles our dreams and previous agendas. Our hearts and minds are lit with a burning and all encompassing fear. This occurs not because of the nature of cancer but rather is a consequence of a complete misunderstanding and lack of knowledge regarding biology, health and “disease”. It is essential to understand that our bodies function according to biological laws and are not arbitrary or doomed. Just as certain as a finger will heal, if cut with a knife, so can our bodies heal from cancer. Our aim is not only to treat the cancer, but to change the biochemistry of your body to a state of health and well being so the cancer will no longer flourish. Over 20 Years Of Specializing In Treatment Alternatives For Cancer What sets An Oasis of Healing apart from other centers is that we focus on providing you with this knowledge, to gain the understanding, the tools, and the direct experience, therefore the power to heal.
When you understand how your body functions, how your brain and body are an organism functioning in unison, and how your mind and body have developed to the state it is today, then you can begin the process of healing, changing and transforming from a state of dis-ease to a state of vitality. At first glance the causes of cancer seem daunting. It appears that cancer can be caused by an almost unlimited number of carcinogens (cancer causing substances) in the environment as well genetic predispositions (weaknesses). Cancer cells, unlike other cells in human beings are anaerobic. That means they can not use oxygen when they metabolize glucose (burn sugar) for energy. A healthy, oxygen burning cell can produce 38 ATPs (energy pack… The immune system consists of organs, such as the spleen; specialized tissues embedded in organs; and cells found in the blood, connective tissue, and the extracellular fluid. The extracellular fluid (or matrix) … Nourish Your BodyIntravenous TherapyAdjunct TherapiesThe natural and alternative intravenous therapies we may use in your comprehensive cancer care program include:
High Dose Vitamin C Therapy Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) or IPTLD (Insulin Potentiated Low dose chemotherapy) UBI (Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation) Ozone & Hydrogen Peroxide Other intravenous therapies including a multitude of antioxidants, botanicals, pharmaceuticals and nutritional products designed specifically for individual needs. Other key components of our comprehensive cancer care program include the following types of holistic cancer treatments to provide the body with the support needed to heal, repair & recover, in other words to replace abnormal cells with healthy new cells: Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (Electro and Manual) EWOT (Exercise with Oxygen Therapy) Adequate sleep, rest and relaxation Regular exercise and body conditioning Stress reduction & psycho-spiritual strengthening Personal and Environmental Hygiene It is our intention to educate you regarding the biological laws that govern the functioning of your body so that you will know with absolute certainty that not only is your body capable of healing but that it was designed to heal.
And once armed with this knowledge, it becomes clear that the fear previously experienced was born of ignorance. It is neither a miracle nor a gift, but rather the natural consequence of living according to our biological requirements. Here at An Oasis Of Healing, a trusted Arizona cancer center, we integrate scientifically proven, advanced alternative cancer treatments that work naturally with the body with very positive results. The foundation of what our clinic works from involves many integrative healing modalities and alternative cancer therapies and treatments based on a deep respect for nature. Many of our patients who come see us have the same type of cancer, however, all of them have certain requirements and as a result, we develop a customized and unique plan of care for each person. Our Body is the Magic Pill Top 5 Things for Good Health What is the Purpose of Food? Our Latest Blog Posts How To Reverse DiabetesWhat Are The Health Benefits Of Garlic?
Why Health Needs To Be On Your Agenda You are hereVitamins » Vitamin CThe University of Kansas Cancer CenterPatients liken hot chemotherapy to “being filleted, disemboweled, and then bathed in hot poison.” Best patient care, or merely the biggest moneymaker? According to the New York Times, hot chemotherapy, which couples extensive abdominal surgery with blasts of heated chemotherapy to the abdominal cavity and its organs, was once a niche procedure used mainly against rare cancers of the appendix. Most academic medical centers shunned it. Now it’s being offered to patients to treat more common colorectal or ovarian cancers. Dr. David P. Ryan, clinical director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, says there is little evidence that it really works and “has almost no basis in science.” The treatment is extremely costly, and is something of a desperation move by leading medical centers because the competition for patients and treatments is so intense.
So why is this dangerous, scientifically unsound, and outrageously expensive procedure considered a viable treatment option for cancer patients, when intravenous vitamin C—safe, effective, and far less expensive—is questioned as an adjunct therapy? Why is this common vitamin, administered in high doses intravenously, labeled an unapproved drug by a hostile FDA? Why also is the nutritional advice for cancer patients from the American Dietetic Association so half-hearted? It seems more focused on stopping weight loss during chemotherapy or radiotherapy than it is about using nutritional and other natural factors to help rebuild immunity and get the body more into balance. Could it be because the organization gets about $1 million a year in payments from pharmaceutical companies? You know the old saying: just follow the money. As we reported previously, oncologists are the only doctors allowed to sell—and profit from—their own drugs. Oncologists can buy chemo drugs at a deep discount and then dispense them at the higher rate in their offices.
It lets oncologists run a kind of pharmacy as a side business, and represents a considerable part of some oncologists’ income. Contrast that with intravenous C. Because it is a vitamin, IV-C is inexpensive, and it cannot be patented, so no one makes any serious money. Oncologists lose the financial incentive to prescribe it. The overtreatment of minor cancers is a growing problem. This is especially the case for prostate and breast cancer. Not long ago, prostate cancer was commonly detected with a digital rectal examination, which revealed palpable neoplasms. PSA (prostate-specific antigen) testing detected many more cancers—which led to many more biopsies and treatments. However, the observation that the number of cancer deaths stayed the same suggests that a substantial percentage of cases are unlikely to progress. Still, about 90% of diagnosed men seek immediate “curative treatment,” which in theconventional medicine world means chemo and surgery. There is some good news—the tide may be turning, albeit very slowly.
A recent statement from NIH stated that “active surveillance” is a viable option as treatment for low-risk cancers. This is a blow to the current standard of care touted by mainstream medicine. At the same time, the active surveillance approach also recommends multiple biopsies to monitor the progression of the tumor. This is extremely problematic for several reasons. First, even the NIH admits that infection through biopsy is one of the side effects of active surveillance. As we reported last year, studies from three countries show that infectious complications from prostate biopsies have more than doubled in less than a decade. As much as five percent of prostate biopsies develop infections from the procedure—or about 50,000 Americans every year, and an equal number in Europe. Nine out of 10,000 men whose tests were negative for prostate cancer died within a month from sepsis and other complications, according to a recent study in the Journal of Urology. The greater risk, however, is that biopsies can cause cancers to spread, usually along the path of the biopsy needle, a phenomenon called “needle track seeding.”
A 2004 study concluded that manipulation of an intact tumor, either by fine needle biopsy or by large-gauge needle core biopsy, is associated with an increase in metastases, perhaps due in part to the mechanical disruption of the tumor by the needle. Another study suggests needle track seeding as a possible occurrence with breast biopsies, and concludes that the cancer may recur “if the tract is not excised or radiotherapy not given.” So the way to fix the spread of a cancer via biopsy is to do more surgery and/or radiation! This is exactly what happened to a 62-year-old woman whose needle biopsy caused the cancer in her breast to extend the full length of the needle tract. She ended up losing her entire breast because of the biopsy when only an excision was originally needed. The Nordic Cochrane Centre in Denmark has studied the effects of mammography on breast cancer risk. They found that for every 2,000 women screened, only one will have her life prolonged, while ten will be treated unnecessarily because of “overdiagnosis” and will in the process be more likely to suffer future cancer and other complications.