intensiver Dreier

intensiver Dreier


intensiver Dreier
November 2016 Unterrichtswissenschaft 44:391-407
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Unterrichtsbeobachtungen zeigen, dass Lesestrategien im regulären Unterricht kaum gelehrt werden. Daher sollte geprüft werden, welche Strategie einer Professionalisierung von Lehr kräf ten besonders positive Effekte verspricht, um eine nachhaltige Implementierung strategieorientierten Unterrichts zu bewirken. In einer Studie mit 75 Klassen der Jahrgangsstufen 5-7 wurden drei Treatments realisiert: In der Vergleichsbedingung (VB) wurde den Lehrkräften ein ausgearbeitetes Förderprogramm mit Wiederholungsbaustein zur Verfügung gestellt. In der Untersuchungsgruppe 1 (UG1) fanden ergänzend drei Fortbildungsnachmittage zur Reflexion der Programmdurchführung statt, während in der UG2 zusätzlich an weiteren drei Tagen eigenes Unterrichtsmaterial entwickelt wurde. Effekte der drei Bedingungen wurden über einen Zeitraum von 15 Monaten anhand von Schülertests (Leseverständnis, Lesestrategiewissen, Lesemotivation) und Lehrerbefragungen geprüft. Während in den beiden Unter suchungs grup pen UG1 und UG2 mittelfristig eine stärkere Verbesserung des Leseverständnisses als in der Vergleichsbedingung vorlag, konnte nur für die UG2 langfristig eine Überlegenheit im Hinblick auf das Lesestrategiewissen der Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie für die Einstellungen der Lehrkräfte zu strategieorientiertem Unterricht nachgewie-sen werden. Die Befunde legen nahe, dass sehr aufwändige Fortbildungsmaßnahmen nötig sind, um die Effekte ausgearbeiteten Unterrichtsmaterials zu übertreffen. Schlüsselwörter: Lehrerfortbildung, Professionalisierung, Leseverständnis, Lesestrategien, strategieorientierter Unterricht Classroom observations indicate that reading strategies are only rarely taught in class. In this study, three different approaches to foster strategy-based teaching were investigated. Teachers from the comparison group (CG) implemented a standardized reading program and corresponding booster sessions. In intervention group 1 (IG1), teachers applied the same worked-out program materials but additionally attended program reflection courses on three afternoons. Teachers from intervention group 2 (IG 2) received the same treatment as IG1 teachers, but spent three more afternoons developing supplementary teaching materials. Across a time period of fifteen months, students' reading achievement (reading comprehension, strategy knowledge, reading motivation) was assessed three times (pre, post, follow-up). Students from IG1 and IG2 demonstrated larger reading comprehension gains at post-measures. At follow-up measures, however, only IG2 students excelled in strategy knowledge. Moreover, IG2 teachers' attitudes towards strategy instruction were most positive after implementation of the program. Results indicate that large additional efforts have to be made in order to surpass the effectiveness of mere worked-out classroom materials.
... Die Forschung zu Sprachbildung und -förderung konnte in den letzten Jahren zeigen, dass es bei der Wirksamkeit von Sprachförderung weniger auf die Struktur eines Sprachförderprogramms als auf die Sprachförderstrategien der Fach-und Lehrkräfte ankommt (Beckerle, 2017;Kammermeyer et al., 2019;Kucharz, 2018 (Cromley & Azevedo, 2007;Slavin, Lake, Chambers, Cheung & Davis, 2009). Doch der Transfer von evidenzbasierten Leseförderkonzepten in die schulische Praxis gestaltet sich herausfordernd (Kretlow & Helf, 2013;Ness, 2008; Souvignier & Behrmann, 2016 Im Folgenden werden die den Domänen zugeordneten Konstrukte (siehe Abbildung 1) näher beleuchtet, die Gegenstand der Kurzskalen sind. Die Reaktion auf eine Innovation hängt von den subjektiven Wahrnehmungen und handlungsleitenden Motiven der Beteiligten ab, die sehr unterschiedlich ausfallen können (Petermann, 2014). ...
... Vorliegende Forschungsbefunde belegen, dass der strategieorientierte Leseunterricht eine wirksame Methode zur Förderung des Leseverständnisses darstellt (Cromley & Azevedo, 2007;Slavin, Lake, Chambers, Cheung & Davis, 2009). Doch der Transfer von evidenzbasierten Leseförderkonzepten in die schulische Praxis gestaltet sich herausfordernd (Kretlow & Helf, 2013;Ness, 2008; Souvignier & Behrmann, 2016) . Das betrifft auch die grundlegenden Prinzipien des selbstregulierten Lesens, für die nur ein Bruchteil der regulären Unterrichtszeit aufgewendet wird, wie Unterrichtsbeobachtungen zeigen (z.B. ...
Zusammenfassung. Diese längsschnittliche Studie untersucht die Effekte dreier Transferkonzepte auf die Nutzung formativen Assessments im Leseunterricht der Grundschule. Hierbei wird die vermittelnde Rolle der Akzeptanz und der wahrgenommenen Machbarkeit (gegenüber den bereitgestellten Feedback- und Diagnostikmaterialien) sowie der Kooperation im Kollegium analysiert. Während in der Kontrollgruppe (KG; n = 14) den Lehrkräften ein umfassendes Materialpaket zur Verfügung gestellt wurde, fanden in der ersten Experimentalgruppe (EG I; n = 29) zusätzlich drei begleitende Fortbildungen statt. In der zweiten Experimentalgruppe (EG II; n = 30) wurden darüber hinaus schulinterne Maßnahmen über einen Multiplikatoren-Ansatz umgesetzt. Die pfadanalytische Auswertung der Befragungsdaten zeigt, dass sich im Vergleich zur KG die zusätzliche Teilnahme an den Fortbildungen (EG I) förderlich auf die Materialnutzung auswirken kann (β = .75, p < .05; f² = .059), während sich kein positiver Effekt für die ergänzende Umsetzung schulinterner Maßnahmen (EG II) findet. Die wahrgenommene Machbarkeit (β = .30, p < .05, = .019) bezüglich der Materialien, insbesondere aber die Kooperation im Kollegium (β = .31 – .37, p < .05, Ũ = .020 – .028) haben eine zentrale vermittelnde Funktion für den Transfererfolg.
Implementation of a Program to Foster Reading Competence: Improving Long-Term Effects by Using Booster-Sessions Abstract. The main research question of this study was to test, if long-term effectiveness of a program to foster self-regulated reading can be improved by additional booster-sessions. A total of 27 fifth-grade classrooms (n = 779 pupils) participated in the study. The reading-program was implemented into the reading lessons in 22 classrooms during the first half of the school-year. Ten of these class- rooms (n = 288 pupils) took the six booster-sessions during the second half of the school-year. The five control classrooms (n = 139 pupils) took regular reading instruction. Gains in reading strategy knowledge and in a standardized reading comprehension test proved to be significantly higher immediately after finishing the program in contrast to the control classrooms. However, long-term effects only turned out to be higher for the treatment group that took the additional booster-sessions. Follow-up effects even turned out to be stronger than the immediate effects of the program. Hence, booster-sessions can be regarded as a promising approach to support the implementation of training programs into regular classroom instruction.
As a procedure for handling missing data, Multiple imputation consists of estimating the missing data multiple times to create several complete versions of an incomplete data set. All these data sets are analyzed by the same statistical procedure, and the results are pooled for interpretation. So far, no explicit rules for pooling F-tests of (repeated-measures) analysis of variance have been defined. In this paper we outline the appropriate procedure for the results of analysis of variance for multiply imputed data sets. It involves both reformulation of the ANOVA model as a regression model using effect coding of the predictors and applying already existing combination rules for regression models. The proposed procedure is illustrated using three example data sets. The pooled results of these three examples provide plausible F- and p-values.

Welche Arten von Wissen sollen Lernende erwerben?

Was bedeutet eigentlich Lernen?

Welche Arten von Motivation sind besonders lernförderlich?

Wie kann Lernen am besten unterstützt werden?

Welche Antworten gibt die Lehr-Lern-Forschung auf diese Art von Fragen? Ihre Beantwortung ist für eine reflektierte und wissenschaftlich
fundierte Lehr-Lern-Praxis zweifelsohne von zentraler Bedeutung, gleich ob es um schulisches Lernen oder um Erwachsenenbildung,
um Lernen in traditionellen Settings oder um computerunterstütztes Lernen geht. Um dies aufzuzeigen, werden die wichtigsten
Grundzüge der Lehr-Lern-Forschung vorgestellt, wie sie typischerweise in der international fest etablierten „European Association
for Research on Learning and Instruction“ (EARLI) vertreten wird. Sie wurde zunächst in erster Linie von Pädagogischen Psychologen
und Empirischen Pädagogen getragen, die traditionell an das Paradigma der kognitiven Psychologie angelehnt arbeiteten. In
den 1990er Jahren kam in diesen Kreisen jedoch ein neues Paradigma auf, das sich von einer kognitiven Betrachtungsweise des
Lehrens und Lernens abgrenzt und die Situiertheit, d.h. die Kontextbezogenheit des Lernens Wissen herausstellt. Es wird hier
die Forschung innerhalb beider Strömungen dargelegt. Dabei werden die zentralen Konzepte und die Forschungsmethodologie vergleichend
Two instructional studies directed at the comprehension-fostering and comprehension-monitoring activities of seventh grade poor comprehenders are reported. The four study activities were summarizing (self-review), questioning, clarifying, and predicting. The training method was that of reciprocal teaching, where the tutor and students took turns leading a dialogue centered on pertinent features of the text. In Study 1, a comparison between the reciprocal teaching method and a second intervention modeled on typical classroom practice resulted in greater gains and maintenance over time for the reciprocal procedure. Reciprocal teaching, with an adult model guiding the student to interact with the text in more sophisticated ways, led to a significant improvement in the quality of the summaries and questions. It also led to sizable gains on criterion tests of comprehension, reliable maintenance over time, generalization to classroom comprehension tests, transfer to novel tasks that tapped the trained skills of summarizing, questioning, and clarifying, and improvement in standardized comprehension scores. Many of these results were replicated in Study 2. In contrast to Study 1, which was conducted by an experimenter, Study 2 examined group interventions conducted by volunteer teachers with their existing reading groups.
Zentrale Forschungsfrage der Untersuchung war, wie Lehrkräfte dabei unterstützt werden können, ihren Unterricht nachhaltig im Sinne von Prinzipien wirksamer Leseförderung zu verändern. Dazu wurden in 75 Klassen der Sekundarstufe I drei unterschiedliche Ansätze zur Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften in den regulären Unterricht implementiert. In einer Vergleichsgruppe (n=27 Klassen) wurde ein ausgearbeitetes Förderprogramm durchgeführt. In einer ersten Experimentalgruppe (n=31 Klassen) fanden zusätzlich drei Fortbildungen mit dem Ziel einer theoriebasierten Reflexion statt. In einer zweiten Experimentalgruppe (n=17 Klassen) wurden darüber hinausgehend drei Fortbildungen zur angeleiteten Entwicklung weiterer Unterrichtsmaterialien angeboten. Unterrichtsbeobachtungen zeigen, dass unter allen drei Bedingungen bedeutsam mehr strategieorientierter Unterricht stattfand, wobei die Unterschiede zwischen den Bedingungen marginal waren. Während nach einem Schuljahr die Leseverständnisleistungen in beiden Experimentalgruppen höher ausfielen, glichen sich diese Unterschiede im Verlauf des folgenden halben Jahres wieder an. Bewährt hat sich generell der Ansatz einer materialbasierten Fortbildung, der Lehrkräft en die Sicherheit vermittelt, auch ungewohnte Instruktionsprinzipien realisieren zu können.
Multiple imputation was designed to handle the problem of missing data in public-use data bases where the data-base constructor and the ultimate user are distinct entities. The objective is valid frequency inference for ultimate users who in general have access only to complete-data software and possess limited knowledge of specific reasons and models for nonresponse. For this situation and objective, I believe that multiple imputation by the data-base constructor is the method of choice. This article first provides a description of the assumed context and objectives, and second, reviews the multiple imputation framework and its standard results. These preliminary discussions are especially important because some recent commentaries on multiple imputation have reflected either misunderstandings of the practical objectives of multiple imputation or misunderstandings of fundamental theoretical results. Then, criticisms of multiple imputation are considered, and, finally, comparisons are made to alternative strategies.
In this classroom intervention study, reciprocal teaching (RT) of reading strategies was combined with explicit instruction in self-regulated learning (SRL) to promote the reading comprehension of fifth-grade students (N = 306). Twelve intact classes were randomly assigned either to an RT + SRL condition or to an RT condition without explicit instruction in self-regulation. Three additional classes served as a no-treatment comparison group. Strategies instruction was delivered by trained assistants in conventional German language lessons. Students practiced the application of these strategies in small groups. Both at posttest and at maintenance (8 weeks after the intervention), students in the two intervention conditions (RT and RT + SRL) outperformed comparison students in measures of reading comprehension, strategy-related task performance, and self-efficacy for reading. Relative to RT students, students in the RT + SRL condition were better able to maintain training-induced performance gains over the follow-up interval. A moderated mediation analysis revealed that this difference in the sustainability of the two treatments was (a) mediated by the successful mastery of the learned strategies and (b) most evident among students with poor reading fluency skills.
Teacher reflection has been promoted as a necessary tool for educators to sustain responsive instructional practices. A variety of approaches for integrating inquiry into teaching and reflection in practice emerged from extensive and intensive efforts to reform teacher preparation programs. Based on those conceptualizations, a three-level model of reflection for preservice students was developed and is described. The scaffold levels include technical reflection involving a critique of lesson development and delivery, a deliberative level involving interactive journal writing and video-based analysis, and critical reflection involving topical discussion during seminars. Specific examples and discussion guides are presented, and recommendations for special education teacher preparation programs are offered.
This paper is an account of one aspect of a self-study—the ‘roundtable reflections’—conducted over two semesters with two cohorts of Bachelor of Education preservice teachers at the University of Ballarat. An innovative approach to learning and teaching mathematics based on negotiation, ‘commuting’ teaching experience, and systematic reflection was introduced with each cohort and roundtable sessions provided the reflective space for the systematic ‘unpacking’ of the learning. Analysis of these roundtable sessions has developed understandings of the impact and effectiveness of this approach in redefining the role of both the pre-service teacher and the teacher educator as ‘co-learners’. The implications for those involved in teacher education are explored as a means of further understanding the nature of teaching and learning about teaching.
The primary focus of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a classwide peer tutoring program in reading for three learner types: low achievers with and without disabilities and average achievers. Twelve schools, stratified on student achievement and family income, were assigned randomly to experimental and control groups. Twenty teachers implemented the peer tutoring program for 15 weeks; 20 did not implement it. In each of the 40 classrooms, data were collected systematically on three students representing the three learner types. Pre- and posttreatment reading achievement data were collected on three measures of the Comprehensive Reading Assessment Battery. Findings indicated that, irrespective of type of measure and type of learner, students in peer tutoring classrooms demonstrated greater reading progress. Implications for policymaking are discussed.
This article uses observations of 4 second- and third-grade teachers who had volunteered to participate in a 5-year staff development program designed to help teachers develop strategic readers to illustrate the difficulty teachers have (1) focusing low achievers on the process of being strategic rather than on the labels for various strategies, (2) helping low achievers understand the mental processing involved in being strategic, and (3) using authentic literacy tasks to teach strategy instruction. The guiding question was why instruction designed to produce strategic readers resulted in low achievers' post-lesson interview responses that were inconsistent with the Pressley, Goodchild, Fleet, Zajchowski, and Evans concept of a ''global good strategy user.'' The 4 teachers' strategy lessons were studied during 1 year, and, following each observed lesson, the lowest achievers in each classroom were interviewed to determine their understanding of what they were supposed to learn. The lesson observations and 19 students' interview responses suggest a need to reexamine assumptions about the nature of strategy instruction and about how to prepare teachers to engage in such instruction.
In this article, I combine results from several years of study in an attempt to understand 11 teachers' progress toward becoming expert strategy teachers. The article is based on a 4-year staff development program involving 8 rural school districts in northern Michigan, during which 46 teachers were intensively studied annually. I use those intensive studies, as well as less formal observations of other teacher participants, to describe a continuum of 9 ''points of progress'' teachers seem to go through in learning to teach strategies to their lowest achievers. I argue that this continuum spans past collective thinking of the field regarding strategy instruction and foreshadows where strategy instruction must go if it is to achieve its potential.
Research on the implementation of reading strategies suggests that self-regulated learning might be a powerful framework to optimize effects on reading comprehension. Models of self-regulation emphasize that the teaching of strategy knowledge (Strat) has to be complemented by offering skills of cognitive (CSR) and motivational (MSR) aspects of self-regulation. In order to investigate whether all aspects of this model have to be carried out under regular classroom conditions, three different strategy programs (Strat+CSR+MSR vs. Strat+CSR vs. Strat) and a control condition were compared. Within a pre-, post-, and retention-test design with 20 classes, comprising of 593 fifth-graders (11 years), development of strategy knowledge, reading comprehension, school-related self-efficacy, and motivational orientation towards learning goals were assessed. While all strategy-oriented programs proved to enhance reading competence, understanding of reading strategies and competence for application of reading strategies, gains in self-efficacy did not differ from the control condition. As regards the retention test, the program that covered all aspects of strategy instruction (MSR+Strat+CSR) showed strongest effects as predicted by self-r
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