



Hasil gambar untuk imusify ico

About IMU token

IMU - a NEP5 standard utility token.

IMU tokens are used as the engine to support imusify’s multi-layered, decentralized music economy. This will create an immense potential value for the token’s use throughout imusify’s infiltration into the industry.

Through our smart reward and compensation system, ϑ IMU is either rewarded for contribution to the platform, or used as a currency for exchanging digital assets and services. By establishing trust and transparency between artists, supporters, fans, and industry service providers; a vibrant ecosystem emerges.

The inefficiencies of centralization

The rapid transition to digital media has led to a diminishing rate of return for artists. The exploitation artists currently experience is a result of the extreme inefficiencies that lie within the current centralized music industry. Lack of transparency within the system has led to lost revenues, misattribution of ownership, and ineffective licensing processes. Not only are artists struggling to earn a fair and sustainable income, but large organizations continue to grow and withhold unfair portions of revenue through exploitation of artists and their creative content.

Connection Failure

Music is more available to global users than ever before but the disconnect between music creators, collaborators and shareholders is growing, making it more challenging to fairly exchange ideas and resources than ever before.

IMU Tokens

imusify uses a combination of innovative protocols and frameworks to facilitate direct peer-to-peer connection between artists, fans, and other stakeholders. The platform integrates the best practices of traditional crowdfunding, streaming, media sharing, economic and social networks. This way, imusify eliminates the need for existing intermediaries, resolving inefficiencies, providing transparency, and ensuring everybody is fairly rewarded for their contribution. Use cases include artist crowdfunding, transparent artist royalty payments, incentivized content curation, open-source development and network collaboration.

Music. Made. Smarter

Crowdfund your music project

Support your favorite artist

Discover new music

Stream your favorite tracks

Collaborate with anyone anywhere

Get exclusive tickets to shows

Connect with your fans

Get paid for your creative services

Token info

Ticker: IMU

Platform: NEO

Token Type: NEP-5

Available for sale: 65,000,000 IMU (65%)


Pre-sale Price : 1 IMU = 0.044 USD

ICO Price: 1 IMU = 0.05 USD

Accepting: NEO, BTC , ETH, LTC, XMR, BCH, DASH

Soft cap: 1,000,000 USD

Hard cap: 25.000.000 USD

Hasil gambar untuk imusify ico


July 2017

Concept Development.

August 2017


November 2017

MVP 1.

January 2018

Team Established.

February 2018

MVP 2.

August 2018

imusify Alpha.

October 2018

imusify Beta.

December 2018

Imusify v1.

January 2019

imusify Academy.

March 2019

Platform 2.0.

1 August, 2018 - 1 September, 2018

Presale Start.

1 September, 2018 - 30 September, 2018

Main Sale.


David Walters

Dina Yedigeyeva

Nate Strang

Jennie Legary

Luka Pregelj

Jaroslav Karasek

Gianluigi Guida

Basit Raza

Jovana Jelkic

Andres Jaramillo

Istvan Szukacs

Istvan Balinth

Constantin Nicholas Goller

Matthew Hussey

Marco Aniballi


Onuwa Nnachi Isaac

Wayne Chico Pittman

David Spielman

Darius Bruner

Tadej Krevh


Anders Larsson

Joakim Holmer

Nikolaj Kuntner

Chris Hager

John Gado

Marcus Brown

Wayne Rosso

Vincent Castellucci

Gijs Verheijke

Dennis Chin

Tommy Walters

Tadej Krevh


Username: Rogram

My Profile Bitcointalk:;u=2320815

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