impeach Biden and demand resignation of the national security team

impeach Biden and demand resignation of the national security team

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The reason I am writing to McCarthy is that he is the highest ranking Republican on Capitol Hill and he appears to have grown some spine.

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Letter below

Honorable Representative McCarthy:

I am writing to you, even though I am not in your district, because you are the highest ranking Republican on the hill, and I was impressed greatly by your impassionate speech on the house floor. This is the time that your leadership is needed for the whole nation, as the VERY survival of USA as we know it is on the line. So I hope you forgive me for this intrusion.

As we hear more details of the terrorist attack at Kabul Airport, I strongly believe that we are in such a grave and perilous time that call for immediate action before the situation becomes unsalvageable. Unfortunately, those currently occupying the positions to do so are either too corrupt or too incompetent, or both, to take the needed actions. It is up to the citizens and representatives who truly represent them, someone like you, to force the issue.

Imagine a patient had bowel surgery, and the surgeon closed up the incision and said I am done, before hooking up the bowel correctly, because he has to get to a date.  The patient would suffer very bad bowel leak, and have peritonitis, very serious condition that needs repeated surgery. Should this patient trust the same surgeon to do the repeat surgery if he still insists that no error was made, because bowel surgeries are always messy? No, the patient should sue the surgeon and take away his license, and probably put him behind bars at least for criminal negligence, and to pay for all the suffering he is going to go through. Imagine if the whole OR team who saw what the surgeon did and didn’t do a thing to stop him, should they also be sued for being complicit with the crime? You bet!

The grave situation in Afghanistan is of similar nature, but in much grander scale, which will lead to a tremendous loss of lives not only for the Americans and allies currently in Afghanistan, but also the additional soldiers who will now have to fight Taliban fighters armed with our advanced weaponry, without the use of the airbase, and subsequent terror activities spreading to rest of the world. We are not even talking about how much harder it will be to build a coalition with the cowardly cut and run image forever affixed to the American leadership, until that leadership is changed.

There is definite need for increased volume of call for impeachment of Joe Biden. But impeachment proceedings take time, and during that time, someone who can regain the trust of our military rank and file as well as other world leaders, and who can instill fear into the Taliban must be given temporary authority to direct all future efforts. None of the people in the current national security team will be fit for such assignment after their abject failure. In fact, we should demand the resignation of the SOS, SOD, National Security Adviser and Gen. Milley. I believe the best temporary solution is for the national security team which of President Trump’s administration (SOS Pompeo, SOD Miller) to assume the leadership to oversee the task to secure the situation and bring home all the stranded Americans and allies.

There will likely be need for all Americans to stand up and hold the cabal of corrupt politicians accountable. But we need leaders. I am writing to you, even though I am not in your district, because you are the highest ranking Republican on the hill, and I was impressed greatly by your impassionate speech on the house floor. I ask you and other like-minded congressional leaders to take such a role. You are where you are exactly for a time like this, Esther 4:14.

We will be in prayer for you and other God-fearing and America-loving leaders to have the strength, wisdom, and courage to take on the tremendous challenge.


Tweet version:

We are in such a grave and perilous time that call for immediate action before the situation becomes unsalvageable. Unfortunately, those currently occupying the positions to do so are either too corrupt or too incompetent, or both, to take the needed actions.

All Americans to stand up and hold the cabal of corrupt politicians accountable. But we need leaders. I was impressed greatly by your impassionate speech on the house floor. I am writing to you, the highest ranking Republican on the hill, to take the lead. Esther 4:14

There is definite need for increased volume of call for impeachment of Joe Biden. Without this we are not serious about holding him accountable. He committed at least criminal negligence, probably treasonous sabotage.

We should demand the resignation of the SOS, SOD, National Security Adviser and Gen. Milley. I believe the best temporary solution is for the national security team of President Trump’s administration (SOS Pompeo, SOD Miller) to assume the leadership to oversee the task

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