if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do 继续写信,敦促共和党各级政要

if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do 继续写信,敦促共和党各级政要

根基若被毁坏,义人能做什么?if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

这是我们每个人都需要直接面对的问题。This is a question we all must face.

但是共和党里面很多有头有面的人,却不想直接面对这个问题。也许他们希望他们能够隔岸观火,能得渔翁之利。但现实应该是覆巢之下,安有完卵。 But many Republican dignitaries refuse to face this question head-on, they would rather hold out and sit out on the sideline.

现在关键的问题是要让这些有决策地位的共和党人看到这个问题。这就需要基层群众的力量。To make them see that they can't try to save themselves without saving the nation and the GOP, we need you.

川普总统现在有足够的法律依据可以直接用平息叛乱的方法来解决这次问题,继续蜂拥而起的群众性集会,能够让他看到这种做法也能够得到大多数民众的支持。President Trump has the people's support, and the constitutional authority to put down the coup.

但是,如果在这个过程中能得到多数共和党领袖的支持的话,过程会更加和平,并且更可能从摧毁变成建设。因为要摧毁邪恶的深层政府是很困难的事。这困难不但包括邪恶的深层政府的力量,也包括在摧毁邪恶的深层政府的同时要保证政府依然能够运作,就需要有大量懂得政府运作的正派官僚接管这些部门。而现在依然缺乏的是这些正派官僚。But if he receives the support he deserves from the Republican dignitaries, the process will be more peaceful and constructive. Even to replace the deep state crocs, we need many bureaucrats willing to serve the people.

司法部长巴尔就是这样一个非常典型的例子。当川普解雇了前任司法部长塞申司之后,他只能够选择了巴尔这一个曾经在布什政府里面任职的老江湖来接任。他要推举任何的人进入内阁都需要参议院的批准,除非只是代理部长的临时任命,而参议院里面的多数共和党人依然是政界的老油条,他们有他们自己的政治目的,支持川普只是当他们的政治利益与川普的政治目的一致的时候的做法。President Trump will also need the senate Republicans to move forward his appointments and agenda. They are Washington insiders with their own agenda, political power, many of them support President Trump only when their interests align. Bill Bar is an example of such Washington insider.

这就是为什么正确理解林木德和鲍威尔的角色如此重要。他们明确指出如果共和党内的重要人物不全力支持川普总统清除欺诈,我们就不应该全力支持乔治亚洲那两个竞争参议员位置的候选人。他们遭到很多即使支持川普总统的党内大佬的攻击。但是我们需要看到,若没有他们两个如此强的火力攻击乔治亚州长,在乔治亚洲和其他过各州所挖出的重磅证据,让我们进一步行动有更多依据,乔治亚州长根本就不会改变他原来的初衷而支持审核。即使现在他也还没有全力支持,因为唯一能够我们可以接受的全力支持就是召开紧急会议直接取消认证,而不是再做什么假惺惺的审核,因为审核完了他们的选举人已经派出去了。We need to understand the power of the movement spearheaded by Sidney Powell and Lin Wood. They directly threaten to call Republicans to sit out the run off unless the rigged system is exposed and replaced. Without their fire power and the evidence they helped gather, Brian Kemp wouldn't have agreed to order an audit. Even that is not enough, we need to demand emergency legislature session to reject the certification. We have the smoking gun evidence. We should demand no less.

我相信我们上一轮的写信是产生效果的。因为在众多的摇摆州里面都举行了州议会所主导的听证会。但是这还不够,因为听证会如果不带来真正取消认证选举结果的决议的话,那只是他们在做政治秀。现在很多这些州的议员已经不直接接收电子邮件,除非是选区内居民通过他们官网联系表格。WE believe the last round of email had been effective in bring the state legislatures to hold public hearing. But that is not enough. It could have been just a show if no resolution to reject the certification come after. But many of these state legislators do not receive e-mail this way any more.

我们有下面建议:Here is what we suggest.

1.   我们要开始写信送到各个州各个县的共和党首领,让他们感受到来自基层的这些压力,并且开始通过他们向州议员施压, 用下面链接。 Write to GOP county chairs in 5 swing states. use the following link.

Send emails to county GOP chairs in 5 states – Telegraph or

Send Outreach Emails to 5 County Chairmen (whenhappened.com)


1.) Copy email addresses and paste to your email BCC 用你自己的电邮应用,复制电邮地址后,帖到bcc(隐秘发送),不要用 to or cc。修改邮寄方式是因为用原来程序那个比较方便的方法很多邮件被拒。

2.) Copy letter of your choice and paste to body of email or write your own letter; 选择你要用的信件模本,或自己写

3.) Make your own subject line; 自己写主题栏目

4.) Sign with your name, address, and phone #; 自己写姓名,地址等等

5.) Send; 发送

6.) Repeat for next group. 再选下一组

Choose one of the following four lists of recipients:

2.   对于那些继续给你写信,或者短信要求为乔治亚洲两个共和党候选人的竞选捐款的那些共和党内大佬,我们必须要给他们写信告诉他们,我们不是你的钱包,你需要的时候就向我们要捐款而不向我们负责任。你要得到我们的支持就必须坚定的支持川普总统,让他可以用他的方式击败政变。Write to the US senators, especially those who are sending you message to send money to help keep the senate majority, that we are not your ATM, which provides you the cash without demanding your responsibility. Stand firm with President Trump to defeat the coup, and we will stand with you.



Sample letter to Mitch: short version 写给参议员样本信,超短板

Dear Senator,

I hope you are as infuriated as I am by the widespread election frauds orchestrated by the Democratic machineries in the corrupted big cities in swing states. They would have successfully stolen the presidential election unless Republican party unite to fight back.

The GOP has been able to count on President Trump, but as he faces the most critical time of our nation, can he count on the support of other Republican leaders or will he have to fight alone? This is the fight for the survival of GOP as a real political force as much as a fight for the future of the nation. Defend your country together with President Trump and you will save the GOP! Otherwise, the GOP will lose its place of significance.  

I urge you and all GOP elected officials to unite and stand strong with President Trump at this critical moment. This is the only way to combat the left’s blatant attempt to steal the election, to fight the lies by the leftist media, and the censorship by big tech.


Sample letter to Mitch: short version 写给参议员样本信,短板

Dear Senator,

A coup is happening right in front of our eyes, in the form of a rigged election! 

I hope you are as infuriated as I am by the widespread election frauds orchestrated by the Democratic machineries in the corrupted big cities in swing states. They would have successfully stolen the presidential election unless Republican party unite to fight back.

The mainstream media would want us to believe that we do not have enough evidence, or that the number of votes affected may not be enough to overcome the margin of Biden's victory. The actual evidence brought to light so far overwhelmingly points to the contrary. The big tech’s censorship on the hearing is ample proof that they have neither factual nor logical argument against our evidence, but they are just more determined to win by fighting dirty. We need you to step up and fight back along with President Trump!

The GOP has been able to count on President Trump, but as he faces the most critical time of our nation, can he count on the support of other Republican leaders or will he have to fight alone? This is the fight for the survival of GOP as a real political force as much as a fight for the future of the nation. Defend your country together with President Trump and you will save the GOP! Otherwise, the GOP will lose its place of significance.  

I urge you and all GOP elected officials to unite and stand strong with President Trump at this critical moment. This is the only way to combat the left’s blatant attempt to steal the election, to fight the lies by the leftist media, and the censorship by big tech.


Sample letter to Mitch: Long version 写给参议员样本信,长板

Dear Senator,

A coup is happening right in front of our eyes, in the form of a rigged election! 

I hope you are as infuriated as I am by the widespread election frauds orchestrated by the Democratic machineries in the corrupted big cities in swing states. They would have successfully stolen the presidential election unless Republican party unite to fight back.

The mainstream media would want us to believe that we do not have enough evidence, or that the number of votes affected may not be enough to overcome the margin of Biden's victory. The actual evidence brought to light so far overwhelmingly points to the contrary. The big tech’s censorship on the hearing is ample proof that they have neither factual nor logical argument against our evidence, but they are just more determined to win by fighting dirty. We need you to step up and fight back along with President Trump!

To me, as a voter and supporter of conservative causes, President Trump is the ultimate champion of conservatism. He delivers on what he promised. That is why he has received massive support from the grassroots, people like me, with so much enthusiasm.

To a large extent, my support for many congressional and senatorial candidates outside of my own district stems from my support of President Trump. The entire Republican Party owes him a great deal for how his policies have grown the GOP with new members and supporters, including many in the racial minorities. Even at the time he is under such tremendous pressure, he is still campaigning for the 2 senators in Georgia.

The GOP has been able to count on President Trump, but as he faces the most critical time of our nation – how to stop treasonous coup from taking over the nation – can he count on the support of other Republican leaders or will he have to fight alone? This is the fight for the survival of GOP as a real political force as much as a fight for the future of the nation. Defend your country together with President Trump and you will save the GOP! Otherwise, your call for support of the senator majority will fall on deaf ears, for the GOP as we know it is gone.  

I, and many likeminded patriots, urge you and all GOP elected officials to unite and stand strong with President Trump at this critical moment. This is the only way to combat the left’s blatant attempt to steal the election, to fight the lies by the leftist media, and the censorship by big tech.

How about starting with a real effort to remove section 230 protection for the Big tech that have been suppressing the freedom of speech? How about calling on DOJ to investigate and prosecute the election frauds?

With your effort, we will have power to do what is right for the United States of America!


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