ie's Ch. 01

ie's Ch. 01

I'm the slave of a very highly sexed, sadistic but loving Domme. She's smart, energetic and gorgeous inside and out.

I'm under her car, changing the oil. It's a Lexus LS, gifted to her by her daddy. I've already mowed her lawn, and picked all the weeds from the garden I designed and we built together. I know that if I'm good and attentive enough she'll let me take my cage off and masturbate, eventually. It's been 42 days now, but who's counting. She's let me penetrate her occasionally, but only with the cage on. But almost daily, sometimes several times, she likes to ride me either with a dildo gag, or her strap-on attached over my caged dick.

It's also my duty to keep her friends satisfied, both male and female. While this is often sexual, it's more often as a servant or a Butler. Anyway, I'm under her car tightening on the oil filter when my butt plug vibrates 3 times in quick succession. That's her way of summoning me.

I clean up in the garage sink as best I can, and take off my clothes and fold them neatly on the workbench I built. She generally doesn't allow me to wear clothes in the house unless I'm unloading groceries or something.

She's at the kitchen table at her laptop, surrounded by invoices. We bought some land and built storage units on it and she's doing the books. As I step in and kneel before her, sneaking a glimpse of her beauty before casting my eyes to the floor. I'm feeling wonderfully submissive at the moment.

She cups my chin and brings my gaze up to her eyes, "Happy birthday, sweety," she says, and leans down for a long, deep kiss. My toes curl instinctively as I softly caress her face with my strong and calloused hands.

"As I'm sure you've figured out by now, I have a little surprise for you this evening. Justin's coming over around six, and I'd like you to make us dinner. I'd love your baked salmon thing with the cilantro rice, please. So finish up with whatever you're doing so there's time to get groceries."

I can feel the heat of blush rising in my cheeks, and she gives me the most beautiful smile and kisses me deeply again and scoots me away. As I turn to go THWACK, and I impulsively grab my right but cheek and turn to her. She's standing and has this huge grin on her face. She had whipped me, hard, with the power cord of her laptop. I can't help but smile back, though, even though I'm sure it will leave a deep welt.

Finishing up the oil change, I have time to do a quick detail on her car in case we're using it tonight. I want tonight to be perfect.

At the grocery store my butt plug kept going off randomly. As distracting and frustrating as this is, my cock is always straining at its cage, I LOVE it when she does this, which is really quite often. It reminds me that she's thinking of me, and that she's in complete ownership. I feel loved and adored.

Returning home, and her car's not there. After unloading the groceries, I strip down and fold my clothes neatly in the garage. I've built an outdoor shower in her garden to use when I don't shower with her. I used one of the existing Aspen trees to plumb up a really nice shower head, with local limestone slabs as the floor. It's a luxury that I feel deeply grateful for.

As I'm rubbing garlic and butter into the salmon I hear her car pull up into the drive. As she breezes in with a huge smile, setting a bottle of wine and a bunch of flowers on the counter, she gives me a yelp as she smacks my ass right where the welt is from earlier, before wrapping her arms around me from behind and laying a string of kisses on my back and shoulders. "When that goes into the oven, I'd like you to run me a bath, please."

I love bath time. I'd expanded her bathroom into what used to be my bedroom. We found this huge clawfoot tub at an estate auction and I put it in by the French doors that open to a cantilevered patio overlooking the garden. It's here I get to wash her hair, and shave her legs, pits, and pussy. I love the intimacy, and she almost always lets me lick her to orgasm after making a perfect little landing strip of her pubic hair.

After toweling her dry, she has me do her nails and apply her makeup. Tonight it's simply some mascara and some subtle eyeliner. She's laid out one of her cute summer skirts, one of my favorites, and I slip it over her before brushing her still damp hair. To finish it off she steps into the super cute G string I'm holding out for her, and I slide them up around her hips before planting a kiss on her pussy. She nods down to the vanity, where her gold necklace is. It has the key to my cock cage on it. She wears it every day. As I clasp it around her, she gives me a long, deep kiss.

With her ready, it's my turn. My collar is on the vanity, and my ball gag, too. My collar is my pride and joy. I made it from thick leather with a soft velvet liner. It's about 3 inches wide with four big D rings and a big, solid buckle in front and a big, antique looking padlock. She slides the collar around my neck, seeming to search my eyes for feeling, clasps the buckle and I see her smile as the lock clicks shut. She gives me another deep kiss before putting the ball gag, also home made, onto me. This, to me, is the piece de resistance. Not only does it take away my ability to speak, it's also a very visible and constant reminder of my status, not only for me, but for anyone who happens to see me. I'm far more acutely aware of this than even my ever present butt plug.

She attaches a leash to my collar, and silently leads me downstairs into the garage. Here, she pulls the shackles off the pegs in the wall. I had built a small forge in the side yard and used it, an anvil and some hammers to make the chain and metal shackles. The shackles are lined with the same leather and velvet as my collar, and lock closed with the same faux antique padlocks, five in all plus a few extras to bind me further, if desired.. My ankles are bound to each other by chain just long enough for me to walk in small steps, about 16 inches where my casual stride is more like three feet. My wrists are attached to a chain around my waist. There's enough slack there so I can work, but not enough where I could touch my face without bending way over. I'm feeling very self conscious about this. While Justin has seen me naked many times and in very compromising positions and situations, never in my shackles. Rosie and I both know he's going to absolutely love this. Me? I'm not so sure.

Back in the kitchen I've set an elegant table, with candles and the bouquet of flowers she had brought in a vase as a centerpiece. "He's here, sweety! Will you get the door?" Here it is, I'm thinking, as I shuffle over to the door. I open it just as he's bouncing up the steps.

"Bwahahaha!", he erupts in laughter as he catches sight of me. I could melt steel with the heat burning in my cheeks, my eyes remaining downcast. "She's really outdone herself with you, hasn't she? Wow!"

He brushes right past me to embrace her in a long and deep kiss. He has brought her flowers, which she hands to me without looking as they continue to make out. As I arrange the flowers he had brought in another vase, they enter the kitchen hand in hand.

"Happy birthday, sport!" he yells as he smacks me, hard, on that same welted butt cheek. It really hurt, and I probably had tears in my eyes when I turned around to acknowledge him, eyes downcast.

"Now, is that a proper greeting?" she says to me with a grin. "On your knees and show him how to do it right!? Burning with embarrassment I kneel before him and nuzzle his crotch with my gagged face. Humiliating as this is, I can feel my cock harden in its cage. As much as I want to hate this, I really get into it once I feel his dick start to stiffen inside his pants. My abhorrence mixes with desire now, to my deepening shame, and I really want to unbuckle his trousers now.

"Bring us some wine, please", she says as she leads him by hand out of the kitchen. I stand up, literally shaking, acutely aware of my cock throbbing against its cage. I'm sure my face was glowing redder than ever. Deep inside I know that she deserves some things that I simply can't provide her, so here I am. It's deeply humiliating, but also somehow satisfying.

I bring them wine where they're sitting at the table, and light the candles. She uses her napkin to wipe the string of drool that had gotten past my gag and was running down my chest. Our eyes meet, and she smiles.

"You want this?" she asks him, handing him the fob that controls my but plug. "Ha! Yes! I love this thing! Why don't you come over here and finish what you started!"

Burning, I crawl under the table and nuzzle his crotch again. He's still semi erect from before and I sink into a deeper level of submission and desire. "Please please please take this gag off of me", I'm thinking, "let me do you right!" He's playing with the different settings on the butt plug, and getting different levels of nuzzling from me. Slow vibe for soft caresses from my face, high vibe and I'm seriously trying to masturbate him. "Angie says tonight's all set" he says to Rosie. "Should be really good." I cant not hope that it's something involving me. But what I don't know. "I can't wait!" she giggles. "Let's eat!" Justin uses my hair to pull me, somewhat reluctantly, off his crotch. "Awww. Finish this later then cock sucker?"

I shuffle into the kitchen to serve them, eyes downcast in true shame now. "Fuck! You got drool all over my pants! That's going to cost you!" I can hear them both laugh.

As they eat and chat casually, I stand a few feet away from her awaiting any needs they might have. While I feel like I'm on display, they're going on like two lovers as if I'm not even there. They do complement my meal, though. I know it's really good, although I wasn't able to slip a taste. I'm hoping they're feeling gracious enough to save me some. I'm starving. It doesn't look like it, though, as they've almost finished it.

"Get your bowl, sweety." She says

"Yes!" I'm thinking.

I come back with my big, ceramic dog bowl and she nods to the floor under the table where she'd like me to put it. She gets up and scrapes the little remaining salmon, rice and asparagus into the bowl. It's not much, but I'm elated. But then she disappears into the pantry and I hear the familiar sound of the aluminum scoop going into the dog food bag. I glance up at Justin, crestfallen, and he's just looking back at me with a nod and a chuckle. He takes the remote and gives the plug a long vibe just laughing now. Rosie returns from the pantry with a grin, the dog food and also a riding crop. She saunters by me with a very direct look while dragging the crop softly across my cheek. She pours just enough of the dog food into the bowl to completely cover the leftovers. She turns back to me and blows me a kissy face, then turns to sit on Justin's lap. She motions me to come over, so that she can remove my gag, then nods me toward my place under the table.

I'm no stranger to dog food. Not at all. Sometimes there's days in a row where that's all I get to eat. It all depends on her mood, I guess, and I'm generally happy to eat it because it amuses her so. But with both of them looking down on me and smiling, and it being my birthday, I'm not feeling cheery about this at all.

"Eat it all and lick the bowl clean like a good doggy" she says, and Justin just erupts in laughter. "No hands, now." She says. "Maybe this will help" she says, getting up to retrieve one of the extra pad locks, pulling my arms behind me and locking my wrists together. "That's a good look for him, amiright, Justin?" They both laugh. I literally have to bury my face in the dog food and use my tongue to get it into my mouth. I can hear them kissing and my butt plug is going off intermittently. As humiliating as this is, my cock is straining again against its cage. Every time my butt plug goes off, I'm reminded that I'm at least part of the attention, regardless of who has the fob.

THWACK! I jump and hit my head on the table. THWACK, THWACK, THWACK!! "Hurry up! We have places to be!" It was Justin behind me with the riding crop. He definitely knows how to swing that thing. I've finally found the salmon at the bottom of the bowl, and I'm licking it clean like the good boy I know I am. I back up on my knees from under the table to find them looking down on me, apparently satisfied.

"Don't you have a job to finish?" she asks me, nodding to Justin, who's got a big grin on his face. He sits down and I go to him on my knees, chains jangling. I start with nuzzling him, and can feel him stiffen under his pants. My hands still bound behind me. I use my teeth to unbuckle his belt and go to work on the more difficult task of the button on his jeans, and the zipper. He's not being particularly helpful, just sitting upright and playing with the remote. I can hear Rosie clearing the dishes off the table. I've finally got his zipper down, and now I'm trying to pull his pants down with my teeth, but he's sitting on them. The only way I can get him to adjust his weight is to find the head of his cock sticking out through the waistband of his underwear and licking it as best I can until he arches his back a bit, where I tug his pants down another inch with my teeth. I'm acting with desperation now, even though I'm not even bi. I want this dick in my mouth in the worst way! It's really a thing of beauty, and I can certainly understand why she loves it so much.

Just then Rosie popped her head under the table. "Need some help?" she asks with a smile. He finally arches his back enough for her to pull his pants down, and I join her in licking his shaft like a popsicle. "Ahhh... Best birthday ever, hehehe" he says. I can feel him playing with the remote. Rosie stands and I can hear them kissing again. I can't get as much of his dick in my mouth as I'd like because of my position on the floor, but I'm doing my best with my tongue and he seems to be enjoying himself judging from his occasional hip spasm and the fact that my butt plug was droning on at the same level for some time. I saw out of the corner of my eye her panties hit the floor, then her skirt. Then I feel her pulling me out from under the table by my collar. She guides me into a kneeling position and straddles my face. She's already sopping wet, and Justin's behind her caressing her tits and kissing her neck.

I felt that she didn't have far to go before reaching a climax, and she was really grinding on me hard, one hand pulling on my collar, the other maybe on Justin somewhere. Just when I thought she was there, she shoved me roughly down on my back. "Tea bag time!" she smiles, speaking to Justin. Still with his pants around his ankles, he straddles my neck, with his balls almost completely covering my face, his huge hardon jutting out right above me. They lock into a kiss while she lowered herself onto his cock, having to wiggle around a bit until she was down the length of him, the bud of her ass just touching my forehead. I could hear them making out sloppily as she rode slowly up his length, then coming down hard, impaling herself with a deeply satisfying moan. For the longest time I couldn't breathe. My cock was trying to burst its metal cage, my plug was whirring away audibly in my ass and my hands were pinned under the weight of all three of us.

I could feel her juices running down his shaft onto my face, and tried to maneuver myself to where I could taste it and maybe catch a breath. I licked at his scrotum but all I could taste was his sweat. But perhaps sensing my need, he scooted himself down my chest enough that I could catch a breath, and reach her ass hole with my tongue. As soon as she felt it she came down all the way and stayed there while i probed her as deeply as i could with my tongue, while rocking herself on his cock. That was what it took to send her completely over the top, and she literally screamed out her orgasm, bobbing onto Justin a few more times before wiggling down one last time on my tongue for a bit before rolling off of us both. Justin, however, wasn't done. He got up and literally lifted me to my knees by my collar. He leaned back against the table and with one hand on my collar he grabbed a handful of my hair and just jammed his cock down my throat and just started face fucking me hard, almost as if in anger.

This was, of course, way more than I could handle, and I started puking. He didn't stop, though, and just kept using my hair and collar to thrust himself to the hilt, his balls slapping against my chin. I was in a panic- I couldn't breathe at all and the contents of my stomach had nowhere to go but through my nose, dripping all over his cock, only to be jammed back into my mouth. I was nearly crying. Rosie had grabbed the dog bowl and held it under my chin and with one hand kind of caressed the back of my head while at the same time pushing me on to Justin. Tears were just pouring out of my eyes. I'm not sure if I was crying, or just scared, but Rosie put her face right close to mine and whispered "Take it like a man", over and over in the most soothing voice. But what was going on in my mouth and throat felt so violent. I'm quite sure had I not been restrained I would have reacted with violence. But I was absolutely helpless, and Rosie's presence allowed me to surrender for the most part.

Finally, Justin was coming to his climax. But I knew this because he was only getting rougher with me. I was still choking and puking out my nose, and I hadn't been able to breathe in forever. I just focused on Justin's grunting thrusts and Rosie's soothing voice. At last, Justin let out a deep, guttural moan while almost tearing my hair out trying to get deeper down my throat. He held me still and I could feel his load with my throat and tongue coursing through his shaft directly into my stomach. I still couldn't breathe while he held me there and the only taste was my own puke and bile.

As his spasms subsided he finally let loose his grip on me. I pushed myself off of him and wretched into the bowl. Rosie was still caressing my head, now cooing how awesome that was. I tried to look at Justin to maybe show him my anger, but his gaze was off in the distance.

"C'mon, let's get cleaned up. This night's far from over!" she said. I dragged myself off the floor and we all headed to the shower outside.

To be continued.

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