Donny arrr

Today I want to tell you about a very interesting trading platform that will allow you to effectively trade your assets. 

This project is a stock exchange that combines the core functions of a new distributed system with the characteristics of private trading.

ITEX digital money trade stage is a propelled HYBRID stage propelled on the incredible thought of DECENTRALIZATION. The principle target of ITEX digital currency venture is to created and simple, best, productive and similarly helpful exchanging condition for crypto-brokers and all crypto-darlings all around. The best favorable circumstances and significance of blockchain innovation and the utilization of keen contract are clarified and exhibited here. ITEX group plans to make and built up a helpful, anchored, straightforward, free of glitches exchanging stage. Using blockchain innovation in ITEX Hybrid exchanging stage, the issues of straightforwardness and control that do happened in the greater part of the digital money trade stage would be killed.

As the ITEX group has gaurantee us, there will be improvement of good exchanging stage for the clients and all financial specialists through the usage of good exchanging request framework, Good API associations, and in like manner the great bandwith at the largest amount. ITEX cross breed stage is intended to perform a great many exchanging exercises every seconds which will make it to be the best digital currency trade stage through the implementation of the propelled exchanging instruments.

An exclusive features of ITEX hybrid cryptocurrency trading platform are:

Multiple layers of insurance which implies the security of the ITEX platfrom has been taken care of great. Hacking and assaults on the cryptographic money trade and exchanging stage has been the issue of the day confronting the crypto-perusing stage. Brought together has restricted the stage to embrace the utilization of blockchain innovation which would have helped in fixing of the trade security. This is the motivation behind why ITEX has presented a HYBRID platform which basically implies propelled exchanging stage which is 100% anchored as far as security.

Another enticing features is the Good UI (User Interface) received by ITEX group. ITEX has designed and program the platform with a decent UI in which both new and existing merchants would have the capacity to exchange the platform with no bad things to say. New brokers dependably thinks that its hard to exchange effectively in the trade with terrible UI essentially on the grounds that they generally think that its hard to explore a trade with awful UI.

Low store and Withdrawal is another highlights I might want to talk about right now. Have you ever encounter paying an extravagant expenses on the exchanging stage. I could recollect a few times back amid the record-breaking high of some digital money like ETH ($1400) in which trade platform was charging 0.01 ETH per withdrawal which add up to nearly $14 per withdrawal. Some even charged for saving on the platform back then. ITEX trading platform will guarantee there is low exchanging and exchange expenses in the stage in which that is the reason it has embraced and HYBRID trade to lessen the exchanging charges for clients and merchants all around.

There has been accounted for instances of tax evasion in some other digital money trade out there in which a huge number of dollars has been laundered. ITEX has come to ensure the laundering of cash in crypto-space is kill. There will be 100% straightforwardness in the trade stage in which dealers will have the capacity to follow the exchange subtleties on the blockchain organize.

Selection of cold wallet by ITEX group is an extraordinary one to control and anchor merchants subsidize in the trade. As I have said before on, there has been accounted for instances of stolen assets and resources in the digital money trade. ITEX has embraced an outside chilly wallet which will be use to anchored the assets of its clients.

ITEX will likewise embrace the highlights of social and exchanging framework for both present moment and long haul in which custores will have the capacity to duplicate the correct exercises of an indicates brokers on the trade in which the outcomes and result would be the equivalent for the two clients.

ITEX platform is intended to with new and propelled exchanging highlights which will help the clients exchanging knowledge because of ITEX high adaptability.

ITEX security its not something to be stressed over basically on the grounds that the stage has made a decent bench marking with the other cryptographic money exchanging stage which has caused ITEX to enhanced the standard of its security. With this propelled safety efforts set up by ITEX group. Merchants assets and resources will dependably be protected in the platform.

Straightforwardness and trust is another great highlights of ITEX digital money trade venture. Larger part of the trade venture out there are battling with the issues of trust and straightforwardness with their dealers in which this has come about to debate between the merchants and the exchangers. This is another reasons why individuals trusted that neighborhood installment framework will be supplanted by the decentralized installment.

ITEX hybrid platform is structured with a low exchanging expense includes in which brokers are just charged little of expenses for the exchanging exercises in the system dissimilar to the next digital money trades out there.


  • Simple and friendly structure
  • Multiple layers of protection
  • Quick and low cost deposits and withdrawals
  • Money laundering control
  • Back up in cold wallets
  • Free access to exchange history and statistics



The cryptocurrency market doesn’t rest: while some traders are waking up to operate, others are shutting down their computers. Thinking of this you will be able to connect your account with your favourite trader, thus imitating their every move without them having access to your account. You will only have to link their code to your account and activate the ‘Social Trading’ option (that you can deactivate at any given moment when you want to resume your own activity). This will contribute to the generation of a larger activity volume in the exchange and mining of iTEX currency while your account will not stop operating. It is a perfect way for traders to help each other given that no one can actually be active 24/7. As a reward, the volume that your account generates while on the ‘Social Trading’ mode will be calculated to give a referral % to your social partner, not to the person that referred you to the platform.


ITEX will operate a futures market in the BTC/USD pair with a leverage of up to 50x and for the main Altcoins up to lox. 100% of the funds used will be backed up in cold wallets. Every eight hours, people will be able to make fund withdrawals, which will be manually supervised.


With the desire to create a currency that possesses a growing utility and can benefit users, we created iTEX Token — a ERC-20 under the ETHEREUM network. Given that it is a currency token, iTEX will function inside and outside our exchange, depending on the value that the community can give them. It will fulfil several important functions to benefit our users:

1. Vote for new currencies and projects
2. Holding and freezing to participate in the system of fee distribution.
3. Will act as a market within the exchange, being easily interchangeable with all cryptocurrencies.
4. Discounts on fee charges within the exchange.

Login to purchase token:


The sale of tokens will be carried out in two phases:


A total of 20 million tokens will be sold. The price per token will be $0.02 USD. There’s a minimum of $500 USD and maximum of $50,000 USD per purchase. The sale will happen on the third trimester of 2018 and it will be a direct sale, with no referrals.


A total number of 180 million tokens will be sold. Their price will be $0.05 USD per token. There will be a minimum of $100 USD and maximum of $100,000 USD per purchase. The referral program -awarded with 10%. will be available for the public presale stage.

  • Token information:

Notation: iTEX

Platform: Ethereum

Total supply: 1,000,000,000 iTEX

Token for sale: 200,000,000 iTEX

Token price: $ 0.02

itex token.jpg


  • iTEX contains a strong team:

The iTEX development team includes the foremost skilled IT members, marketing, application development, business, management, human resource management, communications, blockchain ... with a few years of expertise within the areas within which they were active. beside experienced advisers, the event team is well ready to supply an ideal platform for the worldwide market.




  • User-friendly iTEX exchange; It has a wide interphase that allows smooth transactions. It can be accessed via web, desktop and other mobile devices.

  • iTEX takes security as their top priority to protect user funds in exchange. Therefore, Exchange iTEX will provide maximum security for the exchange; Traders and investors need not fear losing money to attackers.

  • In exchange for iTEX, the transaction fee is very small for both transaction fees or withdrawal fees. The transaction process in exchange iTEX is also faster and very reliable.

  • ITEX exchange is very transparent, all activities are done with the consent of the user. They also provide maximum customer service to users of the platform. Therefore, in case you need emergency assistance or clarification on the platform, their staff will always be willing to help.

  • ITEX exchange has a cold wallet not connected to the internet thus minimizing the level of vulnerability.

  • ITEX also regulates and controls the level of money laundering in exchange.

  • There will be features to store all records for future reference.

iTex stands out with the characteristics that make up the reputation of a world class like:

  • Simple and friendly structure
  • Many layers of protection
  • Quick deposit and withdrawal of money and low cost
  • Control money laundering
  • Backup in cold wallet
  • Free access to exchange history and statistics

The advantages of iTEX for users.

With friendly criteria, iTEX has rules set for itself, wishing users around the world to use a really good trading platform, see below.

  • 90% of the fee will be charged in exchange will be transferred to itex token holders.
  • 500 million tokens to distribute in the first two years. Every two weeks an equal number of Itex tokens will be distributed to all operators based on the volume of transactions created during that period.
  • The token used in the voting system will be burned.
  • Itex exchanges will list currencies or tokens based on three conditions: a strong community on Twitter, Telegram and voting currency.


- iTEX has a strong team:

The iTEX development team includes the most skilled IT members, marketing, application development, business, management, human resource management, communications, blockchain ... with many years of experience in the areas in which they were active. Along with experienced advisers, the development team is well prepared to provide a perfect platform for the global market.


- iTEX has a breakthrough idea, well-designed materials and websites:

  • Website:
  • Has a beautiful, eye-catching and easy-to-see interface, contains all necessary information about ICO as well as the development direction of the project. Show the professionalism of iTEX team in project operation.
  • The detailed white paper of iTEX in English is available at: . It contains information about the project, development team, route, development direction, operation and ICO. This white paper is very nicely designed, the information is detailed and clear. This illustrates the great effort that ITEX team has put into this project.

- Partner:

iTEX cooperates with leading partners such as:


Readers interested in this project can learn more about the project through:

Author : Donny arrr

Bitcointalk profile :;u=2330472

ETH Address : 0x2eb56cD651CBc1D8088AC385D0fF0960F950E41a

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