Cristino alberto


Have you heard about iTEX Exchange before? An exchange that share 90% profits with the holders of their token; wow! This is amazing.

I know many will say why exchange again because there are many exchange out there, but in this scenario, we are not talking of quantity but quality. Investors has been crying out loud on the challenges they are facing in cryptocurrency exchange and it hit the heart of some expertise to build are better marketplace for trading of cryptocurrency. This is the the main reasons why iTEX exchange was created in order to subdue those difficulty and add more features.



All investors prefer a suitable trading environment in order for them to trade and make more profits; but it seams reverse is the case. Some of the challenges are facing in exchange is unconducive interphase for trading. I remember there are some exchange that you need a very large desktop devices before it could be open, some take long time before it load which ought not to be so. Investors go to exchange to trade and make profits but many exchange will indirectly placed a very high trading and withdrawing fees, thereby limiting the profits traders ought to make. There are still other notable challenges like security; users losing their funds to attackers. It does not end there, some exchange are not transparent, they don't offer regular customers service to the users.

The good news is iTEX exchange has arrived; it is going to solve all the above mentioned challenges and also offers more features that will make it the best for trading of cryptocurrency.

In a nutshell, iTEX is a cryptocurrency exchange for trading of digital currency. It has many features which make it stand out among its colleague and all traders will be happy for coming across it.



The iTEX exchange is user-friendly; it has a wide interphase that permits smooth trading. It could be accessible through the web, desktop and other mobile devices.

iTEX took security as their top priority in order to protect user's fund in the exchange. So iTEX exchange is going to provide a maximum security for the exchange; traders and investors do not need to be scare of losing their funds to attackers.

In iTEX exchange, the transaction fees is very minimal for both trading fees or withdrawal fees. The transaction process in iTEX exchange too is faster and very reliable.

The iTEX exchange is very transparent, all activities are done in consent of the users. They also offer maximum customers service to the users of the platform. So in case you need urgent help or clarification on the platform, their workers will be always available to help out.

The iTEX exchange has a cold wallet which are not connected to the internet thereby minimizing the level of vulnerability to attack.

The iTEX exchange also regulate and controls the level of money laundry in the exchange.

There will be features that store all records for future reference.

There are still many features of iTEX exchange, but let me stop here. You can read more from the whitepaper which am going to attach the link beneath.



  • One of the most notable benefits of this exchange is their plan to share 90% of their interest with the holders of their token. So to be the beneficiary of this superb package, just purchase the itex token and hold; of which you will be enjoying and be sharing out of 90% of gain the exchange made.

  • Another benefit is 50% of the mining trading. What this mean is that, 500 million of their token will be share to users based on the level of trading that might have taken places on the exchange. So the more you trade, the more you earn.

  • Listing of your token in iTEX is not that tedious as other, they only consider the level of community in telegram, twitter and currency voting.


Are you an investor or you are planning to join? iTEX exchange is the best platform for trading of cryptocurrency. It has features that will make you enjoy your trading without facing any challenges. It is an exchange that will give you all you want and make you have a sound profits.

You can get more information about iTEX exchange by visiting any of the below link:

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