Vision rx20

Vision rx20 Venus and Mars combined in 7th house and by malefic may cause night blindness. General eye problems: Venus posited in ascendant/8th house and by malefic planet indicates constant tears will roll from the eyes. Lord of 2nd is associated or by Sun and Mars indicates redness of eyes. placed in 5th house by Sun indicates eye problems. Saturn posited in 4th house by malefic indicates eye problems. Mars and combined in ascendant indicate eye problems. Debilitated Moon posited in 6th/12 house and by malefic Moon is places 2nd to Sun in horoscope and combined with malefic. Moon placed in 10th by malefic without having any benefice aspects may cause eye problems. Malefic planets placed in 4th and 5th house and Moon posited in 6th/8th/12th house indicate eye trouble. Sun is in opposition either to ascendant or to Mars gives impaired eyesight. Sun and Moon combined in Cancer/Leo and by Mars and Saturn indicate weak eyes.

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