
恶俗电子归档:透明度报告 2021/233



抽象:部督“1902136”专案,即中国公安部以公网安(2019)706号(《根据将广东“恶俗圈精日群体涉嫌利用公民信息实施网络暴力案列为部督专案进行挂牌督办的批复”》)号批复成立的第三代恶俗维基部级督办案件。该案件的“侦破”导致第三代恶俗维基高层被逮捕,数名用户被警察约谈,第三代恶俗维基就此覆灭。本文提出一种新型 NMSL 算法,可从全国人口户籍库中快速筛选出恶俗人士,逮捕的速度比网警视奸、特务等手段快了十万甚至九万贝。这就彻底橄榄了恶俗维基




可用格式:PDF | MD | ESU 引用

纸币:由 CIA 友情赞助



English ver.

FuckTor ESU by NMSL Algorithms

Xuanyu "Yoyan" Pay

Abstract: Ministerial Supervised case 1902136, that is the case created by the Chinese MPS under the directions of MPSNS 2019-706 (according to the Guangdong ESU circle of fine Japanese group suspected of using citizen information to commit cyber violence case as a ministerial supervisory case to be listed as a special case for supervision) The resolution of the case led to the arrest of the top executives of the 3rd-gen ESUwiki, several users being interviewed by local police and eventually the destruction of the 3rd-gen ESUwiki. This paper proposes a new NMSL algorithm that can quickly screen out ESU users from the national population database and arrest them 100,000x or 90,000x faster than cyberpolice's visual rape or espionage. This completely olives the ESUwiki.

Category / Keywords: ESU / ESUwiki / Debut / Offline Arrest / Fuck-relation

Date: 1 Mar 2021, unavailable; 4 Mar 2021, unavailable

Contact author: Shahe Campus, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Available format(s): PDF | MD | ESU Citation

Note: This project is sponsored by the CIA

Version: 20190706:1902136

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