how often should a pillow top mattress be turned

how often should a pillow top mattress be turned

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How Often Should A Pillow Top Mattress Be Turned


DK - House Works, 2010 Dorling Kindersley Limited A good night's sleep starts with a good bed. How does yours stack up? Since we spend one-third of our lives in them, beds and mattresses deserve proper care. They'll repay us with a clean, healthy place to sleep. The Pea Princess' Guide to Mattress CareWhile the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" was meant to show the delicacy of the true princess, in reality, it showed up her future mother-in-law's housekeeping habits. Keep your castle's bedding in top shape with these tips for mattress care:Just as our bodies need the support of a good mattress, so mattresses need a proper place to rest. Purchase mattress and box springs as a set to make sure that the two pieces will work together harmoniously. Check the bed frame; larger mattress sizes — queen- or king-sized beds — require center support or full-width slats to span the wider width. Take a seasonal spin. Unless the manufacturer advises otherwise, rotate mattresses from heel to toe when the seasons change.

To rotate, revolve the end of the mattress nearest the headboard toward the foot of the bed, then nudge the mattress back into place on the box springs. Rotating mattresses helps prevent the formation of sleeping "wallows," caused by the same body in the same spot every night.Some mattresses should also be flipped when the seasons change. While pillow-top mattresses should not be flipped, other mattresses wear more evenly when the bottom surface nearest the box spring is flipped over to the top of the bed during a seasonal rotation. Check with your manufacturer for specific recommendations for your model.Kids enjoy bouncing on the bed, but the poor mattresses loathe the practice. Discourage these child gymnasts. Jumping on beds can damage mattresses and box springs, and fracture bed frames.Sweet dreams are the goal, but accidents happen. Protect mattresses from messy mishaps with mattress pads. They'll absorb moisture and spills before they soak through to the mattress.Regular vacuuming will keep mattresses clean and fresh.

Remove all bedding from the mattress, then use the upholstery brush to vacuum the top surface and sides of the mattress. Vacuuming removes dust, skin flakes and the dust mites that feed upon body waste. Vacuum mattresses thoroughly when rotating them seasonally.If a stain does occur, use an upholstery shampoo as directed to remove it. An alternative cleaner, recommended by manufacturers for use on mattresses, is called "dry suds." Create them by placing about 1/4 cup of liquid dishwashing detergent in a small mixer bowl. Turn the mixer on, and add a few teaspoons of water, a teaspoon at a time. The bowl will quickly fill with foam. Scrape the top layer of foam into a small bowl, and take it to the mattress. Rub the stained area gently with the foam, using a sponge or a soft brush, being sure not to wet the padding beneath. Leave the mattress exposed until it is thoroughly dry before replacing the bedding. DK - House Works, 2010 Dorling Kindersley Limited Launder bedding and pillows.

If you change bedding for the season, air out the spring blankets before putting them on bed. Store winter bedding after having it cleaned. Controlling Allergens in the BedroomCarpet, window treatments and mattresses collect dust and dander and provide a happy playground for dust mites. Found anywhere there are humans, humidity and higher temperatures, dust mites are a major cause of allergic symptoms in the home. More correctly, it's their feces and dead body parts that cause allergic reactions — and their food source is us! Dust mites feed on discarded skin flakes, making bedding and bedrooms prime dust-mite real estate. Over the years, they'll multiply inside mattresses to the point where it's estimated that 50 percent of the weight of a 10-year-old mattress is caused by dust mites and their leavings. If family members wake each morning with puffy eyes and sneezing noses, it's time to control allergens in the bedroom. Fight back against dust mites, dander, dust and pollen with these tips:

Use vinyl covers designed to form a barrier between mites and the mattress.Pillows, comforters and other items should be made from synthetic fibers. Encase pillows in vinyl covers for added protection. Clean well and often. Regular cleaning is the best defense against allergens and dust mites. Send Duff to other quarters. Bed down household pets in an area outside the bedroom if allergies are a problem. Pet dander is an allergen for many, and pets shed fur and skin cells, too, promoting dust mite populations. Banish Duff from the bedroom at night, and make it up to him with extra walkies in the morning — after a good night's sleep. Keep humidity levels low. Dust mites die back when there's insufficient moisture in the air. In humid climates, use a portable or whole-house dehumidifier to reduce in-house humidity levels to between 30 percent and 50 percent.Mites thrive in warm weather, so keep household temperatures lower in the bedroom.Fight back with spring cleaning.

Because mites grow best in warm, humid weather, take advantage of early spring to clean the house. Vacuuming and dusting will remove the mites who've wintered over before they can run riot in spring.Stuffed toys are a comfort for children of all ages, but harbor dust mites just as mattresses do. Replace the teddy bear with a plastic model for a healthier night's sleep. Wash bedding often, in hot water. Temperatures of 130 degrees F are required to kill mites; mites can survive cold water washing. Wash sheets and pillowcases weekly, and give pillows, comforters and blankets a trip to the washer every month to six weeks.They are lovely to look at, but plants bring pollen, insects, dust and microbes into the bedroom. For best rest, restrict them to other rooms.Pillow tops are one of the most luxurious types of mattress. They have an extra upholstery layer that provides increased comfort and also looks fantastic. In this post, we’re determined to help you find the best pillow top mattress available in 2017.

The soft upholstery of pillow top mattresses means that they are always comfortable – at least for the first few months. People often rate the initial comfort highly compared to other mattresses. The soft support also spreads your body weight more evenly, which can reduce pressure points and prevent joint pain. The problem is that cheaper options often don’t maintain this level of comfort for long. This is partly because the mattresses can’t be turned when indented. It’s vital to choose a product that remains comfortable for many years – or you could be forced to replace it much sooner than you hoped. If you’ve decided to buy a pillow top mattress, we want to make choosing the best product as simple as possible. After reading through our pillow top mattress reviews and buyer’s guide, we’re confident you’ll find the right one! After reviewing all the top pillow top mattresses available, we’ve selected our top 7 picks in the comparison table below. We’re confident you’ll find the perfect model for your needs.

Mobile Users: For optimal viewing, tilt your phone to landscape (wide-view) to see the entire table. Product Wallet Our Score Zinus Memory Foam (our top pick) $$$ 98 Serta Roswell  $$$$$ 95 Simmons Beautyrest $$$$ 91 Home Life Euro Top Harmony $ 88 Serta Perfect Sleeper $$$$ 84 Dreamfoam Bedding Ultimate Dreams $$ 80 Icon Sleep$$$ 78 If you’re used to sleeping on a hard spring mattress, switching to a pillow top can make a big difference to pain and stiffness. The increased cushioning of these products provides greater contouring around your back and shoulders. This reduces pressure on certain parts of the body and relieves pain. There is nothing quite like relaxing in a bed of pillows each night. In terms of luxury, pillow top mattresses are often the clear winner compared to other types. They are also often highly rated by people who sleep on their front or side – although they may not be as comfortable for back sleepers. Foam-topped pillow mattresses don’t transmit the vibrations caused by movement as much as other types.

This can increase sleep quality for both you and your partner. Make sure you know which material each layer is constructed from though – movement transmission depends on the materials used throughout the mattress, not just the pillow layer. Pillow top mattresses are made from a variety of materials. The support section can be built with foam or springs – or in some cases a mixture of both. The pillow layer is often made from memory foam or latex, but cheaper options may be built from polyester. The type and quality of the pillow layer can have a big effect on the overall comfort. Memory foam contours to your body shape and provides excellent support. Natural latex also provides a responsive sleeping surface that doesn’t cause excessive pressure on one area. Latex is also often cooler than other types of foam. While polyester is the lowest quality option, it can still provide a comfortable sleeping surface. The material used for the support section affects the structural properties of the mattress.

Spring mattresses often provide good support, but may transmit movement more than foam support layers. Support foam can often provide the perfect mix of support and comfort. The material also affects the longevity of the product. Latex models are usually the longest-lasting, although also the most expensive. Dense memory foam is less likely to permanently deform than cheaper materials. While they are known for their comfort, not all have the same level of firmness. The design of pillow tops mean they are typically softer than other materials, but there is still variation in comfort. The right firmness largely depends on your personal preference and sleeping position. Do you enjoy sleeping on your side? If so, a softer option is probably the best choice. This allows you to sink further down into the mattress. Or do you often sleep on your stomach? In this case, a firmer option is required so that your body remains in a neutral position. Make sure you choose a product with a firmness that matches your sleeping style.

The Dreamfoam Bedding Ultimate Dreams is an 11” mattress that’s designed to provide both support and comfort. Aside from the soft upholstered layer, it is built with a tri-zone foam core. This reduces motion transmission and also provides excellent support for the neck, lumbar spine and legs. Most of the reviewers say that it is amazingly soft, has just the right firmness for a restful sleep and that the product is so comfortable. Several reviewers mention that the mattress is slightly smaller than the advertised size. The difference is only one or two inches – and doesn’t affect the comfort of the product – but is something to be aware of before you buy. Other than this minor complaint, this is one of the best value pillow top mattresses on the market. Check Amazon To View Current Pricing & Availability The Signature Sleep 13” is built with 609 individually encased springs for increased comfort and reduced movement transmission. The springs are 15 gauge, which provides firm support to reduce back pain.

It also has a soft pillow top for added comfort. Reviewers love the Signature Sleep 13. Majority of them say that it’s the perfect mattress and that the pillow top is soft without sinking too much. Other positive comments include that it provides excellent lumbar spine support and is quick to inflate. One potential problem with the product is that it’s much heavier than other options. This is to be expected – especially as it’s a high-quality 13” mattress – but means you’ll probably need to enlist help to get it upstairs. Once it’s ready to sleep on, however, there are few mattresses in this price range that provide the same level of comfort. For the ultimate in luxury mattresses, the Simmons Beautyrest Recharge is definitely an option to consider. The support layer is made from individually encased coils for extra support, while the top pillow layer is made with 2” of luxury foam for added comfort. Sandwiched between the coils and foam is a layer of latex that provides comfortable support for almost any sleeping position.

Some of the reviewers have said that it is great for couples, as movement isn’t transmitted and it isn’t too soft (which prevents rolling together). Other reviewers praise the quality of the product and have noticed reduced joint pain since using it. The Simmons Beautyrest is more expensive than other options on this list. Considering the combination of supportive coils, latex interior and foam pillow top layer, we think the product justifies the higher price. If you have a larger budget and want to buy one of the most luxurious mattresses on the market, the Beautyrest is definitely an option. Pillow tops are probably the softest and most comfortable of all mattress types. While they sometimes have issues with durability, and also can’t be turned when they start to lose shape, they provide a level of comfort that is almost unmatched. They can also reduce joint pain and have low movement transmission – although this partly depends on the layer materials. The most important factor when choosing a mattress of this type is the material used for both the support and comfort layer.

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