How Much Do Curtains Aid in Heat Retention?

How Much Do Curtains Aid in Heat Retention?

Your windows should be a top priority if you want to reduce the cost of your energy bills. A home's windows lose a lot of heat, but there is a simple solution to stop that loss: use curtains.


Why do curtains aid in retaining heat?

Curtains aid in heat retention by reducing airflow between a room's warm and cold zones. Even windows with double glazing will allow heat to escape, but a set of thick curtains will act as a barrier, reducing the amount of air that can move from the main room to the window.


A curtain's holes will allow some air molecules to pass through them, but many others will find resistance, much like wind blowing against a ship's sail.


Even if the air just next to the window significantly cools, if it doesn't get a chance to mingle with the warm air in the rest of the room, neither you nor your energy bills will notice.


Which types of curtains are best for retaining heat?

The University of Salford conducted a study that found that drawing your curtains to keep cold out at dusk can reduce heat loss by about 15–17%. The percentage for blinds is a little lower at 13–14%, but the difference is sufficient to justify closing them.


The US Department of Energy estimates that roughly 10% of the world's laboratories have confirmed these findings. If you want to use electrical tape to secure your curtains to the wall on either side, this can increase to 25%.


Even while this could seem like an extreme approach, it might be worthwhile to take into account locations where the back of the curtains won't likely be seen.


What about allowing in some sunlight?

Of course, if energy efficiency is a problem, we shouldn't simply be worried about heat departing the room; we should also be concerned about sunshine that might enter.


Your home's natural heat from sunshine entering it might lessen the burden on your energy expenses. Since there will be more direct sunshine to let into the house if the window in question faces south, this is very important. Generally speaking, you should open your curtains as soon as the light hits them to take advantage of the sun's warming rays.


How much heat are curtains able to hold in?

Heavy drapes, as a result, restrict heat exchange between the chilly air near the window and the warm air in the rest of the room. Generally speaking, the more substantial the drapes, the better insulated they are.


The best insulating curtains or thermal window door panels have a liner attached to the back that reduces airflow and noise transfer while also increasing insulation. Consider using a second set of curtains that hang just behind the first set and are made specifically for this use.



The information provided on how thermal window curtain and thermal curtain lining helps retain heat gives you a good idea of how it is the best option for you in winter when it becomes important to keep your surroundings warm.

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