How is Medical Termination of Pregnancy Carried Out?

How is Medical Termination of Pregnancy Carried Out?

Niharika Khan

In India, abortion or the medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) is legal under various circumstances under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act in 1971. An MTP procedure can be initiated at a doctor's office or at home with further doctor visits. It does not involve surgery or anesthesia. The first three months of pregnancy are the safest for this procedure. 

A medical abortion is a significant decision that has emotional and physical repercussions. Make sure you are aware of the procedure's requirements, potential dangers, side effects, problems and alternatives, if you are thinking about having it done. 

Medical abortions are performed for a variety of very personal reasons. The MTP procedure might be recommended to stop an undesired pregnancy or complete an early miscarriage. Also, if you have a medical condition that renders pregnancy threatening, you can choose medical abortion.

Also, Read - 5 Days Past Ovulation (5DPO) 

Different Types of Abortion

1.    Medical Abortions (9 Weeks or Less)

Here, the pregnant woman will be prescribed two distinct medications, usually to be taken within a 48-hour period. The drugs can be either taken at home or at the doctor's office (or a combination of the two). You will get detailed instructions from your doctor on how and when to take the pills. 

2.    Surgical Abortions

A medical professional might need to remove the embryo from the uterus through a surgical procedure. For this type of abortion, light sedation, local anesthesia or general anaesthetic might be necessary. In-clinic abortions, aspiration abortions, and dilatation and curettage (D&C) abortions are a few other names for surgical abortions. 

Personal preference, being too far along in the pregnancy or a failed medical abortion are a few reasons why women choose to have an abortion surgically. 

How to Prepare for MTP

Your doctor will need to see you for an examination. Typically, this comprises: 

  1. A physical examination and pregnancy confirmation
  2. Using ultrasound to see the growing fetus within the womb.
  3. Determining the gestational period and making sure there is no ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Blood and urine tests.

It is recommended to spend a few days at home or in a comfortable setting after the procedure, since you might experience bleeding or cramping. 

Medications Used in MTP

The medication used for the MTP procedure include:

1.    Oral Mifepristone

Mifepristone (mif-uh-PRIS-tone) thins the uterine lining by blocking the hormone progesterone, which prevents the embryo from remaining implanted and developing. A separate drug, called misoprostol, causes the uterus to contract and expel the embryo via the vagina. 

2.    Vaginal Misoprostol

Although it is still used for pregnancies outside of the uterus, methotrexate (Otrexup, Rasuvo, and others) is rarely used for intentional, undesired pregnancies (ectopic pregnancies). This kind of medical abortion needs to be carried out within seven weeks of the first day of your last menstrual cycle. Methotrexate might take up to a month to finish the job. Misoprostol is used at home after the methotrexate has been administered intravenously or vaginally. 

In case you have an incomplete abortion and are willing to go through with the pregnancy for the sake of your baby, make sure to visit a child specialist in Delhi who can guide you through the pregnancy and early parenthood.

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