How are escorts different from prostitutes?

How are escorts different from prostitutes?

Renee Winters

People often find escort services and prostitution similar. According to them, the only difference between prostitution and escorts is that one is legal and the other is not. But prostitution is legal in many countries, and so is an escort service. Both the escort service and prostitution have striking differences, especially after an increase in independent escorting services; some of those are Asian escorts in Mississauga and Asian escorts in Etobicoke.

Escorts v/s Prostitution

1.    Companionship v/s Coitus

Escorts services are all about hiring companionship. An escort will work as per your needs. You can take an escort on a date with you, share your secrets. Escorts even have deep, meaningful conversations with you and can act like your lover as per your wish. It is not always important to end up having sex with the escort.

 While in prostitution, it all about bodily pleasures. You can have the coitus, pay for it and just leave. No strings attached after that.

2.    Fixed prices v/s bargained deals

You can reach any escort services through their website, and some of the independent escort professionals have their website and social media handles. You only need to decide the location and search about escort services around those locations. For instance, you can search for Asian escorts in Mississauga and Asian escorts in Etobicoke. Ask about their prices and convey to them your expectations.

 But in prostitution, there are certain areas that you can go to, like the outside of the bars, discos, etc., and bargain before sealing the deal.

3.    Grooming v/s unruly

Escorts are professionally trained and highly groomed so that to fit in the high-class society. Some even take etiquette classes before joining the escorts industry. The primary idea behind this is that if the escorts have to attend a high-end restaurant or high-end parties, then they should know how to behave.


4.    Workplace

The workplace of escorts and prostitutes has a huge difference. While the work of escorts takes one to the luxury hotels, abroad trips, luxury spas, etc., prostitution is mainly conducted on the streets and in shady brothels.

 Escorts always enjoy luxury and better pay as compared to prostitutes. Also, escorts lent companionship and entertainment to the clients. The primary duty of an escort is to accompany clients to any social gathering. 

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