History of Granite and Marble

History of Granite and Marble

Natural stones are rock conformations formed by nature. These stones are formed naturally by enormous pressure under the earth. Natural stones were used in decorating and sculpting right from the moment civilization was born. These natural stones are time-tested for their natural beauty. Ancient structures and stones made of natural stones during early societies still stand erect chronicling the beauty and continuity of natural stones.

 When modern people want to make their home stand out from the rest, they used natural stones for their bottoms and walls to bring out eternal beauty.

 Granite and marble are two main natural stones extensively used in this industry. These stones are used in constructions as well as in monumental figures. Commercially, these stones are mined for use as architectural stones for flooring, cladding, bridling, countertops, and much further to be used at home.

The best granite in India is an extensively being igneous gemstone. The texture of granite is generally medium to coarse grains. The porphyritic texture is veritably common in granite rocks. Colorful colors of granite stones are extensively available and utmost of the time, granite is available as a massive rock. The beauty of granite is attributed to the deposits like quartz, feldspar, and mica. Harmonious granite has the same pattern throughout the stone. Variegated granite has colorful modes forming different patterns that aren't easy to match.

It was the ancient Egyptians who excavated granite simply for use in colorful constructions. Utmost of their stones were built using granite and limestone. The only remaining ancient wonder, The Great Aggregate of Cheops was built using limestone. The notorious Pharaoh which is a symbol of outstanding Egyptian civilization was created with granite blocks. The Egyptians had marvelous sculpting chops and the granite blocks of Pharaoh were darned in a perfect manner that you can not slide indeed a piece of paper between the rocks.

 Pure white marble is a metamorphic rock of veritably pure limestone. Marble is planted considerably in colorful countries like Belgium, France, Great Britain, Greece, India, Spain, and Italy. From classical times, pure white marble was considered the stylish of its kind. In the morning, the only white marble was considered good and multicolored marble was considered impure. Still, this belief was just short-lived because quite soon, ancient societies appreciated multicolored marbles too and used multicolored marbles in colorful stones and sculptures indeed though pure white marble is always regarded high. Lately excavated marble is easy to carve and the stone hardens as it ages.

 Ancient Greeks were quite important advanced in civilization and they were really fascinated by marble. Finest architecture and sculpting are specialties of Greek armature and marble has been used in colorful Greek structures. Exquisite statues with detailed art were made out of marble. Structures created using Marble lasted for several years. The Parthenon which was erected in 441-437 BC is considered a symbol of ancient Greek civilization and this scintillating structure was created using Pentelican marble.

 The Greek empire considerably used marbles in their constructions. Temple of Artemis is one of the ancient prodigies of the world and it consists of 127 marble columns each of which is 5 stories in height. It was the first grand structure made using marble. The magnific construction was destroyed by colorful societies that took over Greece, but you can still find the foundation and many columns of the stupendous marbles.

When natural stones were extensively used in constructing temples, it was the Greek empire that brought marble to a particular use. References to cataracts and pools lined with marble can be seen in ancient literature. Thassos marble was extensively used in bathrooms and this type of marble is still excavated moment for marketable uses. Building constructions using marble was popular in India too and the Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Prodigies of the World was constructed using pure white marble stones.

 After the Egyptian and Greek societies made some prodigies with natural stones of granite and marble, the Roman Empire decided to try its hands on both granite and marble. Numerous of the roads of the Roman Empire was created using granite. Public cataracts came popular in Rome and these cataracts were made of granite. Pantheon in Rome used granite stones for columns and you can see these columns standing straight indeed till this day.

Romans loved granite and marble for different reasons. They used granite considerably for construction because the stone is largely durable and strong. Marble was substantially used for aesthetic reasons because Romans believed marble to be the most beautiful gravestone. The construction pattern of Egyptians and Greek was different from Romans. While the former societies used massive granite and marble stones to make constructions, Romans used bricks and mortar for structures and also, lined them with marble and granite crossbeams. It's because of this reason that Romans were suitable to make marble metropolises in a short duration.

 The renaissance period is a golden period for all types of artwork. Artists and sculptors were interested in using natural stones for their artwork. Quarrying styles were bettered by the time and technology use was constructed. Innovative and new consumers of natural stones increased during the renaissance period. Famous Michelangelo made several beautiful buildings out of marble. Ornate decorations made using marble and granite were used in decorating churches, tabernacles, and other structures of magnific nature. Meanwhile, natural stones were sculpted into ornamental pieces for use at home.

It was only during modern times that natural stones were brought near to humanity. Quarrying ways were bettered greatly and there was no need for men to die in chases dealing with dynamites. Innovative technologies were used in mining natural stones. Also, the world started allowing eco-friendly materials to be used to construct homes. Engineers and contrivers were exorbitantly enthusiastic about natural stones that were used in building monuments. In the last decade, people preferred to use further durable, yet swish materials for constructing homes.

Top marble in India and granite are available in colorful patterns and colors and it wasn't easy to find the same pattern of stones. This oneness of natural stones made people want further use of natural stones. In the ancient ages, marble and granite were used for filling and decoration. People trusted durable stones and lay flooring using granite and marble. Piecemeal from their cataracts, living room, bedroom, and other apartments in the home had natural gravestone flooring.

 Indeed though natural stones add exquisite beauty to the home, they're largely penetrable in nature. Harsh substances can fluently damage these natural stones. Still, thanks to the rearmost technologies, it's possible to add further strength to the stones and seal the penetrable nature so that these stones can be used considerably at home. It was only during the last many times that countertops made of marble and granite came popular.

 Natural and exquisite stones which were only used by lords and emperors are now available for a common man because floor tiles made of natural stones are much more affordable now. Consumers must be quite conservative while buying floor tiles and countertops made of marble and granite because natural stones are now made synthetically too. However, always ensure that you buy natural stones that were extensively preferred by nobles of history If you prefer aesthetic beauty for your swish family.

Original Source: Indian Marble Supplier

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