high dose vitamin c orally

high dose vitamin c orally

high dose vitamin c ms

High Dose Vitamin C Orally


THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! YOUR PATRONAGE ALLOWS US TO SUPPORT THESE CHARITIES & MOREIn 1986 Linus Pauling first raised the possibility that high dose Vitamin C (Vit-C) can be used to treat cancer. This hypothesis was met with intense skepticism by the scientific community and prompted Mayo Clinic to conduct two randomized controlled trials. The trials showed that Vit-C was totally ineffective. These findings account for the residual resistance and doubts in medical community regarding the use of Vit-C as a cancer treatment. It  was not recognized, though,  that Dr. Pauling administered Vit-C intravenously while the Mayo Clinic study included only orally administered Vit-C. There is a profound difference between the two routes of administration. Mark Levine, MD, and his team of researchers at the NIH-NIDDK, established two primary concepts in the mechanism of action of Vit-C. First, Vit-C is so rapidly removed from the body that the absorption rate and the secretion rate reach an equilibrium in the bloodstream at a relatively low oral dose of approximately 350 mg.

When given intravenously at a dose of 50 to 100 grams (more than 100 times higher than the oral dose), the blood concentrations can reach much higher levels. It is at these levels that Vit-C can kill cancer cells. Second, at high blood concentration Vit-C is a pro-drug for hydrogen peroxide, which is a powerful free radical and is toxic to cells. Normally, healthy cells possess a natural antioxidant that neutralizes hydrogen peroxide and thus the cells  are not harmed. However, cancer cells are deficient in this antioxidant and therefore are killed by hydrogen peroxide. Dr. Levine also demonstrated in an in-vitro model the effectiveness of Vit-C against a panel of cancer cell lines. There are several case reports published in peer-reviewed medical journals that meet quality standards set by the National Cancer Institute. The reports  demonstrate that a small number of patients have responded to a high dose IV Vit-C infusion treatment after all other treatments have failed. However, experimental data demonstrating the effectiveness of Vit-C against cancer in animal models, and most importantly, data from randomized clinical controlled trials (the gold standard) are still needed.

Based on a vast pool of clinical experience, IV administration of high dose Vit-C has been shown to essentially have no side effects, unlike chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy. Since IV Vit-C works just like chemotherapy and radiation therapy by releasing free radicals, there are no contraindications for their simultaneous use. In fact, Vit-C may work synergistically with chemotherapy and potentiate its effect. However, there are some disadvantages. The course of therapy is long and intense, two to three times per week (2 hours each) and for the duration of about a year. It can cost over $20,000 for a year-long course of treatment if it is not covered by an insurance. When evaluating new innovative cancer treatments we need to ensure that three basic requirements are met: One: There is a clinical plausibility, i.e., credible case reports exist. Two: There is a biological plausibility, i.e., the mechanism of action is clear. Three: Proven clinical effectiveness, i.e., a randomized controlled trial has been conducted.

High dose IV Vit-C therapy has met the first two requirements. It is unfortunate that it would take many years before the last step can be accomplished. We feel compelled to offer this treatment to patients when there are no other choices even though the definitive clinical evidence of its effectiveness is not yet available. In addition to treatment for cancer, we use high dose intravenous Vitamin C to treat a variety of infections as an adjunctive modality.  Please inquire about the specifics.By: Michael Lam, MD, MPH Common unresolved dental problems include repaired but still toxic root canals, refractory periodontitis, tooth abscesses, decayed teeth, gingivitis, improperly extracted teeth with smoldering infections, leaking mercury fillings, and dental material sensitivity reactions in or around the oral cavity. If left untreated, these oral pathological conditions contribute to increasing systemic bacteria count and thus a higher toxin load in the body. Researchers wonder if reversing gum disease and other oral conditions is a possibility.

Though, the evidence on the negative effects of bad oral bacteria on your health are clear. Research has shown that dental plaques can contain more than 400 species of bacteria, the differing strains of which are responsible for various types of oral disease. These bacteria produce toxins that irritate the gums and stimulate an inflammatory response. The body, especially the adrenal glands, responds by increasing production of cortisol in order to suppress the inflammation and keep the toxin rampage at bay. If not reduced over time, this chronic increased cortisol demand burden needed to overcome toxins may weaken the adrenals, leading to Adrenal Fatigue. Systemic illnesses and Adrenal Fatigue are commonly associated with frequent and repeated infections and slow healing. The immune weakness that results from altered adrenal function also sets the stage for pathogens responsible for oral pathology to fester unabated, resulting in greater debilitation. It is not uncommon to experience sudden onset of adrenal crisis not long after a dental procedure where large amounts of bacterial toxins may have been released.

Similarly, significant improvement in overall health has been seen in patients with concurrent poor oral health after reversing gum disease or other oral pathology. Periodontal disease is also strongly linked to various kinds of autoimmune disorders, in which immune factors in the body attack the person’s own cells and tissue – in this case, those in the gums. This makes reversing gum disease important for not just your oral health, but your overall health as well. The autoimmune function is again modulated to a large degree by cortisol, a product of the adrenals. The bacteria that form plaques and tartars release toxins that stimulate the immune system to overproduce powerful infection-fighting factors called cytokines. Cytokines are important for healing in moderate amounts. In excess, however, they can cause inflammation and severe destructive inflammatory reactions that require cortisol to balance. Certain herpes viruses (herpes simplex and varicella-zoster virus – the cause of chickenpox and shingles) are known to be causes of gingivitis and may play a role in the onset or progression of some types of periodontal disease, including aggressive and severe chronic and refractory periodontal disease.

A weak adrenal system exposes the body to be more prone to recurrent viral infections and makes attempts at reversing gum disease less likely to be successful. Periodontal diseases may exacerbate or even cause type 2 diabetes. People with periodontal diseases have 15 times the risk of developing diabetes in comparison to the non-diabetic population. Multiple pathways are involved. Some evidence has suggested that the bacteria causing periodontal disease may enter the blood stream and activate cytokines, the damaging factors in the immune system, which then may even destroy cells in the pancreas, where insulin is produced. In addition, toxins released by bacteria can weaken the adrenal glands, resulting in metabolic imbalances that can lead to Metabolic Syndrome, glucose intolerance, and diabetes. Periodontal disease has also been linked to a 1.5 to 4 fold increased risk for heart disease, coronary artery occlusion, and stroke. The more severe the periodontal disease, the higher the risk.

In one study, 85% of heart attack patients had periodontal disease in comparison to 29% of people with no heart problems. In another study of patients with hypertension, severe periodontal disease was associated with damage on the left side of the heart. In addition, high cholesterol blood levels have been associated with chronic periodontal disease. In addition to the inflammatory cascade as a prime mechanism of pathology, it is interesting to note that the coronary arteries are the first arteries to be exposed to toxins from the oral cavity after blood leaves the mouth (carrying toxins) and enters the heart through the venous system and exits the heart. A low intake of vitamin C has been associated with a higher risk of heart disease. Some ortho-molecular researchers now consider coronary artery disease synonymous with focal scurvy at the coronary arteries, and for good reasons. Vitamin C, with lysine and proline, are key building blocks of collagen. Breakdown of collagen has been strongly linked to inflammatory responses resulting in plaque accumulation and high LDL in the coronary arteries.

Lastly, it has been found that people who consume less than the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, 60 mg (about one orange), were one and a half times more likely to develop severe gingivitis than those who consumed more than 180 mg each day. While only 65 mg of vitamin C intake a day is all that is needed to prevent scurvy, this is hardly sufficient for optimal adrenal and oral health. Those suffering from poor gum healing do well with high doses of vitamin C. Vitamin C promotes collagen synthesis and is a key factor in wound healing. It is also one of the best natural anti-toxins available. Vitamin C is a wonderful electron donor because of its water-soluble properties and thus readily bio-available to the cells. Toxins deplete electron stores at the cell. Cell death occurs when electrons are depleted. Having sufficient electrons inside the cell reverses potential cell death brought on by bacterial toxins prevalent in the oral pathological states. Vitamin C comes in many forms.

Each form of vitamin C has its own properties and characteristics. It is available in various oral delivery systems as well, from capsule, tablet, liquid, intravenous, powder, to effervescent forms. Absorption from the GI tract to hepatic circulation varies from 5-18%. A bowel tolerance level is usually reached from 5,000- 10,000 mg, where harmless diarrhea occurs. Because over 80% of ordinary oral vitamin C passes through the gastrointestinal tract unabsorbed, ultimate bio-availability to the cell is severely limited. This has been a great challenge. The electron donation and thus toxin-reversal and antibacterial effect of vitamin C can only be relied upon when administered in very high doses. Up until recently, intravenous administration was the only option in delivering high enough doses to the cells for reversing gum disease. In the dental setting, IV vitamin C is administered by biologically oriented dentists prior to dental surgery as a preventative anti-toxin. Such prophylactic doses range from 30 to 50 grams IV vitamin C slow infusion.

This is a time consuming process and is expensive. In recent years, the advance of nanotechnology and liposomal encapsulation technology offers a significantly enhanced oral liquid delivery system with superior absorption from the small intestine. This cutting edge liposomal delivery system dramatically improves bio-availability and is by far the best oral form of vitamin C delivery available. This liposomal delivery system is ideally suited for the out-patient setting because high doses can be administered easily orally and inexpensively. Because absorption occurs at the small intestine and the stomach is bypassed, gastric irritation is minimal if at all present. Diarrhea is also significantly reduced because most of the vitamin C is absorbed and does not remain in the GI tract. Commercially available liposomal vitamin C, such as LipoNano™ C, is a good choice. The dosage varies from person to person, but most do well with 3,000 to 6,000 mg a day for Adrenal Fatigue. When used in a minor surgical setting (such as a dental operation), a loading dose of 6,000 – 12,000 mg of such liposomal encapsulated vitamin C immediately before, followed by 4,000 – 8,000 mg a day for 10-14 days following the procedure is highly supportive of and can be used in conjunction with or in place of antibiotics as indicated.

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