high chair baby review

high chair baby review

high chair baby months

High Chair Baby Review


I love love love the Bumbo chair! I even got the tray for it. My son has been using it since 2.5 months. He eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner in it as well as plays while I'm cooking. He is now 6 months and 20 lbs. I'm very sad to have to move him over to a high chair. The Bumbos are just so easy. Especially to travel with. But now that he is strong and more active, it's time for straps... I would recommend the Bumbo to everyone! I feel like the negative reviews are due to parent error. It clearly states that this is a floor seat and never leave the child unattended. If you choose to put it on a counter or higher surface, don't leave your child's side. When your child can arch and move/lift up the chair, it's time for a new product. Don't put your child in danger.I was in the bath and my 6-month-old son Billy was in the bathroom with me right next to the bath in his Bumbo playing with a toy when he dropped it. As he was reaching for it, he fell straight out onto his head. I picked him up straight away and comforted him, but this shouldn’t have happened!

I did not leave him alone. I was right next to him. The purpose of a Bumbo is so that they can sit unaided safely. You don’t expect to have to hold them in the Bumbo just incase they fall out! I am furious as my son now has a lump and bruise on his head at the tender age of 6 months.i would rate this a 1 star! my 8 month old daughter fell out of the chair while she was on the floor in our living room! she was reaching over the side for a toy and she went face first into the carpet! the idea is good but NOT SAFE for your child!I am interested in getting a Bumbo chair and think that it is a brilliant idea. I have read all the pros and cons and the cons all seem to be with the parents putting their child in a little soft chair 4 ft. up on a counter or table. Think before you act. As far as the falling out because they arch their backs, I would expect that to happen. So monitor them--it's not a babysitter, it's just a chair.My 6 month old fell out of the Bumbo Seat while sitting in it on the floor.

The caregiver didn't see the actual event happen; he turned his back for a few seconds and looked back to see my son lying on the floor next to the Bumbo. He has been able to arch his back since he first began sitting in the Bumbo at about 3.5 months. At the time he was roughly 17lbs, 27inches. His feet could always touch the floor, which I believe is the main problem with the seat and children getting out of them. We don't know which way he fell, but we're guessing he arched his back and rolled to the side. How do I know I can trust these reviews about Bumbo? 694,519 reviews on ConsumerAffairs are verified. We require contact information to ensure our reviewers are real.We use intelligent software that helps us maintain the integrity of reviews.Our moderators read all reviews to verify quality and helpfulness. My 6 month old son arched his back and fell out of his Bumbo seat while on the floor and hit his head. Also, I purchased the play tray that went with it and my son grabbed it and yanked it off with little effort and hit himself in the head with it.

The result was red marks on his head and the inability to use the products anymore due to too high of a risk.I love my Bumbo Chair!!!!! My granddaughter is almost 8 months old she's been using it since @ 3 months old. I feed her in it! Maybe the weight/age limit needs to be lowered if theses kids are getting out of it! I love mine and wouldn't know what to do without it. Especially when she was real little, she would watch me work in the office, make lunch or whatever...I'm not giving mine up!!! I was going to get it for a baby shower gift today and the store wouldn't let me buy it.My son was sitting in his Bumbo. He was on the kitchen table with my husband, who was cooking dinner. My husband had his back turned to him, and heard a noise. He turned around and my son had fallen out of his chair. He had a huge bump on the back of his head.We rushed him to the hospital and upon receiving a CAT scan, we got news that he had a skull fracture. We were required to overnight at the hospital so they could run test results and monitor his progress.

I purchased the Bumbo and I love it! My son does reach for things on the floor while in it and as a result I watch him very closely. I also feed him in it. Parents out there need to use there brains when using this product as with every other product out on the market. People like that are the reason we have do not take internally written on bottles of Preparation H. I have bragged about this product to both my sisters that have infants. Last Thursday, 6 month old daughter arched back and fell forward out of chair. This had never happened before and it happened very fast. The chair was on the kitchen counter and my wife was standing next to it, but had just turned her back. I was about five feet away looking down and did not see it happen. Child fell head first onto tile floor from about 3 feet up.Large bump developed and pediatrician recommended going to urgent care. Urgent care recommended MRI scan be done, so we were sent to the Stanford Hospital emergency room. MRI CONFIRMED FRACTURED SKULL.

Spent night in emergency room, required MRI and other treatment, but no surgery. Kept overnight for observation and released the following day. We received this product second hand from a friend; there were no warning labels on the seat.I bought a Bumbo for my 6-month-old daughter and used it as directed. I only sat her in it on the floor. She only sat in it twice before she figured out how to pop herself out of it. She was able to use her foot as a lever, arch her back and pop herself right out of the seat causing her head to hit the floor. I e-mailed the company and they e-mailed me back a very non-caring e-mail about how they were sorry that that had happened, and that I could use the link they provided for some chicken recipes. This product should be taken off the market. She had a large bruise on her forehead.My 8 month-old dtr was sitting in the seat on the floor. I was in the same room nearby cleaning. I turned around to find her laying on her neck and side of her head,the seat still attached to her bottom,in the air.

She is with in the weight limit the maker suggest. Fortunately,she was not hurt. I threw the chair out. I could not even imagine giving it to someone else's child who most definately would get hurt.The chair was a baby gift. My baby is okay. I do think this chair should be looked at more closely it is extremely dangerous. It does not take much for it to tip over.I love my BUMBO! I have no complaints and just felt I had to share. I used it as intended, on flat floor surfaces and my daughter enjoyed every moment. It is not intended to be a babysitter and, as with all infant items, children should be watched when in it. But honestly this on my top 5 list of MUST hav's for babies. It has come to our attention that the Bumbo seat is blown with 141B which is used in the production of polyurethane products. The problem is that it is illegal to export into the United States products blown using this blowing agent. So although everyone is worrying about the safety aspect one should also look at the legality of this product.

Basically illegal for sale into the United Sates--and Europe, for that matter.I have a Bumbo Baby Seat and have always used it as suggested. I keep it on the floor and keep a close eye on my daughter. She weighs way less that the 22 lbs suggested maximum weight. She still managed to come out of the seat landing on her head resulting in a large bruise. This happened just last week, in my attempts to contact the company to inform them of their advertisement that it is impossible for an infant to flip out of the seat if used correctly was wrong. I learned this morning of the recall of the product. When I got online to find out what to do with the seat I learned they are only shipping new warning labels. I do not feel this is sufficient. The seat still poses a signifcant safety risk. Children still can come out of the seat even when used according to the manufacturers guidelines. I will not place my daughter in this seat again, nor will I recommend it to other parents.I was lead to beleive that I would receive a significant amount of use out of this product.

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