Here are some steps on growing marijuana plants

Here are some steps on growing marijuana plants

Alesh Pipetkov

The first thing you must do is to prepare the soil for the plant. You must keep it in the right nutrients, pH, and moisture. When growing marijuana plants, most people prefer to mix a large quantity of peat moss or perlite in the soil to provide nutrients. It is recommended to let the soil settle after adding in the peat or perlite and then watering the soil well.

If you have a large marijuana plant, you will need to prepare a bed with a bed frame made from 2×4 or 2×6 wood. You must soak the frame in the water for at least 12 hours, let it dry and then place it in the pot. The bottom of the pot must be filled with compost to make sure that there are no rocks that can disrupt the growth of the plant.

Selecting the Right Marijuana Strain

You must choose the right strain of marijuana for your plant depending on the size, lighting and the amount of heat. To make a good decision, you must find out how much you are willing to grow the plant. You must also ensure that you select the right kind of marijuana strain. You must find the plants that can take less space, grow the fastest, take less heat and be the one you can control.

In most cases, a regular indoor garden uses a grow light. There are also some new indoor grow tents that are being developed to enhance the growth of the plants. You must also purchase a good ventilation system.

Selling Marijuana Plants

The most recommended method to grow marijuana plants is to sell them from your garden. The first thing you need to do is to establish a good relationship with your neighbors or friends. After a few weeks, you should be able to start selling some of your marijuana plants. However, when you do, you need to be careful about the conditions of the sale. For example, you must not sell marijuana to children or teenagers. You must also charge your buyers with cash only.

When growing weed from seeds, you will need to give your plants the proper environment. Your cannabis plants will need to have a good light cycle, nutrients, and the correct level of water.


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