





This is an easy to understand explanation of the real roots of why Many believe that there is a clear connection between the Ancient Anunnaki and representations of Reptilian beings on Earth

The man who famously bought My Bonnie from Brian Epstein speaks of his time in Liverpool, his memories of The Beatles and their manager, and why he'd rarely come forward to set the record straight Not all reptilians are defectors of the heart, but a group, just like a group of humans, that has worked to influence this planet . New Living Translation Lizardsβ€”they are easy to catch, 8 maj 2020 In the beginning, God planted a garden in the east, in Eden, and there he put Adam and Eve In the Bible story, the snake (Reptilian souls) that began to crawl were associated to the snake that represented the vices because the deity souls began to use or get influenced by the vices .

She May 12, 2013 Β· Reptilians from the Draco system are manipulative and deceiving by

Reptilians in the bible The writer describes in chapter 3 the rise of Samuel to the office of the priesthood and to the office of a prophet Those reptilian human hybrids that have at least 50/50 split of dna are able to shape-shift . The Satanic Bible was written by Anton LaVey in 1969 In his 2011 book Thinking, Fast and Slow, the psychologist Daniel Kahneman explains that our mind has three distinct thought processes, which he calls β€œsystem one,” β€œmammalian,” and β€œsystem two .

The Reptilian alien is a fixture of science-fiction, from H

The Sar Shalom Hebrew-English Bible! Tanach (Hebrew Scriptures) Brit HaHadashah (New Testament) soldiers in Iraq, and revive them using the med beds and regen tanks, and age-regressing them and reprogramming them, and using them for terrorist attacks to further their Illuminati NWO agenda . They were also able to artificially inseminate humans with their children and alter the DNA of Cro-Magnon man Paranormal investigator Scott Roberts talked about the pervasive presence of the serpent in human history, religion, and in the alien mythos of the Reptilians .

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees…for ye are like whited supulchres…full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness ( Matt

In Central and South America people worship the feathered serpent god called Kukulkan or Quetzalcoatl Apr 18, 2018 Β· The basis the β€œReptilian Elite” theory is that in ancient times a group of advanced reptiles from the Alpha Draconis star system came to Earth and infiltrated the governments of the ancient civilizations in order to control all the humans and enslave them and became their rulers and bred with other humans to form crossbreeds so that their The basic text of Serpentine / Reptilian Divine Beings in the Hebrew Bible: A Preliminary Investigation may now be part of a book or more official paper of his . 27 lip 2019 Ancient Aliens - The Reptilian Agenda episode 8 2019: Serpent gods are found in the religious traditions of Mesopotamia, Central and South Jan 12, 2020 Β· So, yes – the Reptilian Aliens are the ancient β€œdemons”, β€œdevils” and β€œgods of the underworld .

This prayer is highly effective is getting deliverance on a genetic level from this type of Nov 27, 2019 Β· Jeffrey P

2021-09-27 Mon 00:02 Reptilians Transplant the soul of Humans Read the Bible together with your friends anywhere! finished reading Deuteronomy 3, Deuteronomy 4 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan: Then we turned and went up the way to Bashan . The Earth-based Reptilians of Lemuria agreed to this under the condition that the Reptilian body be the foundation for this new being In Genesis 1:14 we read: 'And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years .

subtil = cunning, crafty, clever, intelligent Sep 01, 2021 Β· Reptilians-Bible-UFO (and Giants) superchman September 1, 2021 in ASL

That there is no God/Creator, and that life is the result of evolution and that we on earth were genetically engineered by aliens from other worlds But, the internet can be a great resource when you want to find a specific Bible verse too . See more ideas about aliens and ufos, reptilian people, archangel metatron Within the DNA of these reptilians is an inability to empathize and well as a larger reptilian part of the brain God Please Seek Vengeance For Me And All Who Are Written In The Book Of Life And 144k Elect Amen Soedit on 16-5-2011 by caladonea because: correct misspelled word .

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