The Green March - 1

The Green March - 1

The Green March

Two years into a plandemic by the parasitic scum, the various international mafia gangs organized in governments around the world and members of their various think tanks and organizations, "WEF", "WHO", "NED", "CIA", "ABC", "BBC", "CNN", etc etc...

and their over-sized corporations, including banks, Alphabet Google, Meta Facebook, "Big Tech", "Big Pharma" etc...

have succeeded to roll out their plans without any meaningful opposition.

The masses who consider themselves awake continue to avoid arriving at the actual source of the problem and its solutions, instead preferring to engage in endless sharing of "new" information and "old" information, and demonstration after demonstration.

However, the root of the problem is that freedom goes together with responsibility, you cannot have one without the other. Responsibility means doing for self, together with others in your community, rather than handing off responsibility to self-proclaimed authorities and others such as politicians, police, lawyers, etc.

This is where power, or authority, has been ceded to others to take authority on your behalf but without being under your control: whether science, technology, communications, government, hospitals, schools, concentration camps for the aged, etc. in all cases people have simply surrendered their authority and now are surprised when they wake up one day to find that they cannot move, and have no power at all.

So much so that even the criminally insane can turn science on its head, knowledge and education upside down, make fiction into fact and fact into fiction, all because they can, with everyone afraid to lose their job, their status, their comfort, their "old life", and so, in fact, the end result is precisely as it should be: the loss of the old life, job, comfort and security. What else can be expected when you surrendered all authority or power and responsibility to others who have anything but altruistic motivations.

Yet no one seems to be willing to accept that this is the root of the problem. Instead they prefer to blame the "elite", more aptly described as the parasitic scum that leach off the blood, sweat and tears of the millions, instead of blaming themselves. How else can less than 0.01% rule over 99.99%?

From this one should be able to simply understand that freedom and democracy also both go hand in hand. No freedom without responsibility, no responsibility without freedom. No freedom without democracy no democracy without freedom. Surely this is obvious given the numbers: 0.01% vs 99.99%. If there was democracy, would not the 99.99% over-rule the 0.01%?!

Yet, the example of "direct democracy" held up is that of Switzerland. But, as The Green Book pointed out since 1980, this is not at all the correct and ideal form of direct democracy. Instead of being forced to vote "yes" or "no" and getting tired of participation, and with the media and fear directing the majority to take a vote in favor of experimental "vaccinations", which is exactly the expected result of a pseudo-democratic system such as Switzerland where under that system the masses do NOT own any of the following:

  • Big tech
  • Social media platforms
  • News media
  • Communications
  • Corporations
  • etc etc etc

So what good is their endless expected participation in referendums, being passed off as direct democracy?

The Green Book has long pointed out the correct way to freedom and democracy:

No democracy without popular conferences
Committees everywhere
Representation is fraud
No representation in lieu of the people

and other slogans which are explained in detail in The Green Book in providing the final solution to the problem of democracy, namely, the Authority of the People.

In the self-governing society where the people have authority, it is not forced that the lazy sheep who have no interest in life other than eating, sleeping, procreating, defecating and urinating, should be forced to take part in the Popular Conferences.

Instead it is, while open to all without exception, in reality the caring, the thinking, the conscious who take part in the decision-making assemblies of the Popular Conferences.

Further this truly democratic system does away with all the endless divisions between the "conscious" part of society, divisions along party, ideology, class, sect, group, sex, etc, since true democracy, the Authority of the People, has only one face and method:

Popular Conferences from the local level, where all legislation is drafted from the deliberations of the free men and women conferring in conference, and People's Committees which place all administration such as education, hospitals, health, agriculture, science, etc under the control of the popular conferences.

In this way the people, those who participate as above mentioned, do not need to rely on others from far and above to grant them crumbs or dictatorship, coercion, mandates, laws, regulations, none of which are to their benefit, and in this way they manage their affairs for themselves and by themselves together with other free people.

This is explained in great details in the many publications of the libraries on the Third Universal Theory, the practical theory of The Green Book.

See the links below to finally get started along the green march to people's authority.

This will lead to millions of People's Committees for Health throughout the world, replacing the local, regional and state "Departments of Death", and all the National People's Committees for Health will make up the World People's Committee for Health.

The WPC-Health will take its policy from the deliberations of millions of basic people's conferences throughout the world, up through the regional and national people's congresses, where the policy on health, takes its final shape, and at an international level in regard to such things as "pandemics", at the World People's Congress.

Such a "mandate" would be indisputable in its level of participation in policy forming, namely the people making the legislations and thus a World People's Health Committee would not have a policy made by its expert members, which are comprised of the secretariats of all the people's committees for health, but instead, by the people.

These policies are then implemented by the people's committees, and we can be sure they would be in direct opposition to those unscientific corrupt mafia-benefiting policies of the "World Health Organization". Would the WHO with a staff of 100 funded by the corrupt few, stand a chance against the democratic mass policies given to the World Health Committee to execute? Obviously not, so why don't we get started?

This is just a simple example in one area, that of health, but the same applies to so many other areas, every area of administration in fact, and also human rights in general. If millions of popular conferences adopt the International Green Charter of Human Rights, and the people's committees for justice are tasked to abide by, protect and promote those rights, then we have actual human rights that we also have the power to enforce, unlike the theoretical ones given only on paper by governments.

The length of this journey is shortened by the numbers of people who get involved, and the sum total of their efforts. The more people start to study and work on these solutions to make them once again a reality, and for the first time in their life time and community, and the more encouragement and effort, the sooner we arrive at freedom.

Unless that effort is made, to read about the solutions and comprehend the Third Universal Theory and how it is applied, then one thing is sure: we will not arrive at freedom, nor will we deserve Christ nor the Mahdi or any Savior to come to our aid.


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