good office chair pranks

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Good Office Chair Pranks


April Fools’ Day (April 1st) is fast approaching, so we thought we might offer a few prank ideas for the more mischievous pandas among you (and if you’re not prone to mischief, now you’ll have some idea about what to look out for).Plant a grass garden in your coworker’s keyboard Install an airhorn as a door wall protector Turn their windshield wipers into a rainbow paintbrush* * This prank can be dangerous. We don’t recommend actually doing it. Offer them some water in an original way Pull the zip-tie, throw it, and run! Give them an office technology upgrade Create an infinite loop of shopping carts around their car Become a seat and watch people’s reactions Paint soap with clear nail polish and leave it in the shower Infest their office with (fake) rats Attach an airhorn to their seat Make their worst nightmare a grim reality Ruin the flavor of every Pringles piece like this little girl did: Give their hands some surprise lubrication

Tell someone he’s self-absorbed Make their Oreos taste minty fresh (make sure the toothpaste is edible*) * The fluoride in toothpaste is toxic, so please use your discretion when using this prank. Consider using mayonnaise as a safe alternative! Make sure they read the morning newspaper Throw them a surprise balloon party Give their car a bright new paint job (with sticky notes) Introduce them to mayonnaise-filled donuts Leave them a big, soggy brown present Dip cotton balls in water and leave them to freeze overnight Delight their taste buds with caramel onions Image credits: 1, 2 Make sure their car is nice and safe with packing cling wrap Image credits: Steven Stehling Offer them a cup of water (or two or several thousand) Serve them some delicious Jello right at (and on and in) their work desk Image credits: Cole EweretThough no one knows the exact origin of April Fools' Day, it likely has its roots in Roman history beginning with the festival Hilaria or from the Medieval Feast of Fools.

These were festivals in which the lower class would often dress up and impersonate the kings and queens and not have to worry about getting their heads chopped off, at least for a day. The earliest recording of April Fools' Day is in in 1392, so it's been around a little while.  April Fools' Day is celebrated in several countries. In Italy and France, they might pin a paper fish on your back and yell, "April Fish!" Who knows where that tradition came from!               Now, you might get pinched or tricked but depending on your friends and family, you might get something far worse! Here's a list of some of the best, not too harmful, April Fools' Day pranks out there. Go ahead, vote for the ones you might play on a friend or co-worker. If you do, you'll become filthy rich, I guarantee it! Collection Photo:  via youtube 1 + - Photo:  Fonda Bowman /via Pinterest 2 + - Photo:  Melonie Zappa/via Pinterest 3 + - Photo:  reRetarded/via imgur 4 + - Photo:  Carissa Christner/via Pinterest 5 + - Photo:  Hannah Lende/via Pinterest 6 + - Photo:  Kenzie Hillside/via Pinterest 7 + - Photo:  Bostyn Smith/via Pinterest 8 + - Photo: Scott Ableman/Flickr

May 20, 2015 | Do you see yourself as somewhat of a prankster? Or, like poor Gareth from The Office, do you often find yourself the butt of the joke? One of my all-time favourite, easy-to-pull-off office pranks is all down to a simple Google Chrome Extension called ‘nCage’. When downloaded, the app replaces every single photo on the victim’s computer with one of Nicolas Cage. Of course, this simple prank takes just a few seconds to set up and deactivate…which is more than I can say for the 20 hilarious and elaborate examples below. If you’re looking for inspiration for your next big prank, then you’ve come to the right place!We don’t want any of you getting the sack for these antics!) Have you ever ‘nCaged’ your colleagues? This is a great one, but it certainly takes a fair bit of effort to pull off. Pranksters spent hours covering the entire office, including all the bits and bobs like scissors,  keyboards and rubbish bins in foil, before their colleague arrived for a hectic day at work.

The end result looks like something out of a sci-fi film! Are you a fan of the more sinister office pranks? Why not dress up as a colleague’s car seat and wait for them to finish work? This prank must have taken some real scheming and I have no idea where you’d get your hands on a car-seat suit (especially at short notice!) Very resourceful, if a little bit terrifying! Would you dress up as a car-seat to freak out a colleague? Did you ever grow cress as a child? It’s so easy to plant, that it could pretty much grow anywhere; in potatoes, from cotton wool, in a computer keyboard! This green-fingered little prank is perfect for those with a knack for gardening! How to get your own back on a colleague who keeps moaning about ill employees in the office. You can really see the anger behind those ‘trying-so-hard-to-smile’ eyes! It would certainly get on your nerves, mixing up your Us with your Fs and your Ts with your Ds!

This works particularly well if you pull it off stealthily. Would you have noticed, if I hadn’t pointed it out? This prank is so crazy, it just might work! Pranksters asked a colleague to give Mrs. C Lyon a call, to pass on a really important message. The number they had quoted was for the local zoo (Mrs. Sea Lion…) This one is a little silly, but if it worked… Has anyone ever borrowed your office chair and messed up the way you had it set up? How frustrating is it? It’s almost impossible to get it back to the perfect position. Now imagine facing the same thing, every day, without knowing why. Just pop over to your colleague’s desk every time they disappear and lower their chair! Warning: It will drive them mad. You must have seen or heard of this prank before? The one that scares the life out of you with a terrifying image while you’re concentrating hard on a computer game? It is slightly unfair to take this kind of prank warfare into the office, but this poor woman’s reaction is priceless!

This prank is legendary and all you need to do is print off a label, sit back and relax. Subtle and inoffensive, it’s a great prank for beginners. What other machines in your office could you sabotage? He crops up time and time again in office pranks, both on and off the computer! In this prank, he’s even managed to make his way to the toilet – terrifying. It must be that lovely smile… This easy-to-replicate office prank is particularly cruel and will undoubtedly leave your victim trembling. Also, you might want to get the rest of the office in on it as you really don’t want to have to explain to your boss why the whole office have gone deaf! Whoever pulled off this fantastically fresh and taste-confusing prank will be regretting it, if the angry note is anything to go by. The combination of Skittles, M&Ms and Reese’s Pieces clearly isn’t very appealing! Sweet-treat assassin, you should be ashamed. If you liked the look of the ‘cress-keyboard’ then the grass-desk will be right up your street.

This is an absolutely fabulous effort that actually took a whole three weeks to pull off! Click here to see the grass-desk unfold! I’ve seen desks covered in newspaper, wrapping paper, foil and cling film, but I’ve never seen anything quite like this! This lucky lady’s got her own private den to shut out the world and get all of her work done. If you thought that the horn on the chair prank was a bit harsh, then you’re going to love this one. The ingenious prankster swapped an air freshener in the toilet with a big horn (disguised by a label) and simply waited for a toot. You’ve really got to feel for the named-and-shamed colleague who emerged! I just genuinely hope that this was a joke. Gift your colleague a ‘find the toenail cake!’ Desk pranks are the most common form of mischief in the workplace. Pranksters just love to fill up work-spaces with all kinds of things, while their colleagues are away. This particular desk-hijack is pretty unique and very unhygienic;

what on earth would you do if you came back to this pile of rubbish? I’m not sure the boss would be too pleased either, so perhaps consider a cleaner option. You could fill your colleagues desk with balloons, post-its or transform it into a ball-pit like our clever pranksters below! Remind your colleague of the good old days, with an adult-sized ball pit. Fun while it lasts, but I wonder who’s going to clean up all those balls after the inevitable pandemonium ends! You’ll probably recognise this workplace prank from popular TV show The Office. The relaxed and low-maintenance task of placing stationery inside a bowl of jelly, is cheap, harmless and doesn’t take too much time or effort. For originality, you could come up with all sorts of different stationery items to mould…pencils, calculators, a mouse? Last but not least, this truly unforgivable prank, which you can aim at the entire office, will certainly leave you with a mutiny on your hands.

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