good cheap king size mattress

good cheap king size mattress

good cheap king mattress

Good Cheap King Size Mattress


Get your best night’s sleep, every night We all sleep differently. That’s why we have a variety of different mattresses to choose from. Whether spring, latex or foam, every mattress at IKEA is designed to offer comfort and support at a good price. So you just have to find the one that suits your body and your budget. View our “Love It or Exchange It” Policy Foam & latex mattresses(8)The best king size mattress (or really any other type of mattresses) would be one that allows you to sleep through the night with as few interruptions as is possible. Understanding this is absolutely vital in choosing your mattress. I’ve prepared a table below that compares the top king size mattresses, but first I’ll explain what you should look out for specifically. Getting The Best Sleep Quality Studies show that when you lie down on your bed for extended hours, the weight of your body will be pressed down against the blood vessels in your skin, which slows down the flow of blood that passes through.

This usually happens more often in certain pressure points that have more weight pressing down against them, especially your shoulders. After a while, the skin receptors will tell your brain to roll over to another position, and this is when a sleep interruption occurs, however briefly. You’ll be getting a lower quality of sleep the more often this happens. To avoid this, you shouldn’t get a king size mattress that’s too hard (because it will lead to higher pressure) nor one that’s too soft (because then you’ll sink into it, which leads to other problems like neck and back pain). Ideally, you’ll want a balance. This is where a memory foam mattress comes into play. How Does Memory Foam Work? A memory foam mattress can mold and contour itself to the shape of a person’s body, which allows that person’s weight to be evenly distributed across the different body parts. This helps relieve the uneven amount of pressure that usually applies to certain parts like the shoulders or even the back of the head.

By doing this, you will have less interruptions while you sleep at night since you’ll have to roll over a lot less. Personally, I always believe that individual or “expert” reviews tend to be heavily biased, so I’m not going to start preaching on how great my experience of using a memory foam king size mattress is (it was), or how you must absolutely have a specific type of product. Instead, mass reviews and statistics should prove how good a certain product really is. Side note: Just in case you do want to know which mattress I’m currently using though, it’s a Tuft & Needle 10-inch King Mattress. I’ll be talking more about it right at the bottom of the page. , memory foam mattresses provided the highest customer satisfaction of 81% (out of some 6900 reviews) compared to any other mattress types (5 others, to be specific: water, latex, air, futon, innerspring), with the lowest satisfaction being innerspring mattresses at only 63% or so. With that said, there are still plenty of different brands and manufacturers of memory foam mattresses to choose from, so I’ve put up a table that compares 5 of the best king size mattresses, and you can decide for yourself.

I’ve included top-rated mattresses in 3 other categories, just so you can see the difference in the popularity and satisfaction as compared to memory foam ones. Since you’ve made it all the way here (and you’re hopefully not bored yet), I’m going to assume that you’re interested in what I have to say about my personal experience in hunting for a king size mattress. In short, it had been a huge pain for me. I tend to be rather thorough in my research before actually purchasing something, and so I always get things right in the end. However, my hunt for the perfect mattress was a mind-blogging experience indeed. Firstly, not only do most mattresses look the same, they apparently have such vast differences in the structure and technology used that they come with the most ridiculous labels. You have mattresses that have specialized lumbar support, gel-cooling capabilities and steel springs that are imported from Sweden. What about the coils? Does the mattress come with 500 coils?

Or was it a thousand? The salesmen in the shops would be spewing jargons of such complexity that you wonder if they’re even real. Ever heard of Talalay? No, it’s not a random mix of consonants and vowels, although it certainly seems like it. It’s a term used to describe a method of manufacturing some sort of latex foam rubber. All I wanted was to find a replacement for my 6-year old innerspring mattress that was giving me backaches due to the way some parts of it have sunk in permanently, and in the process, I was getting headaches as well. In the end, it all boils down to 4 simple factors in choosing your king size mattress: Why I chose Tuft & Needle Technically, both the layers of the Tuft & Needle king size mattress are made out of a custom polyurethane foam (or polyfoam, in short) rather than memory foam. The reason why I included this mattress as part of the top picks was because it felt a lot like a memory foam mattress in terms of its comfort and support, and I thought its spot in the limelight was warranted.

Just to clear things up, a memory foam mattress is usually denser compared to the more common polyfoam mattresses and has the added benefit of being able to resume its original shape more quickly after you get off of it, thus retaining its firmness. Also, memory foam mattresses tend to feel less “bouncy”, but that’s a matter of personal preference. Besides that though, a high-end polyfoam mattress, such as the Tuft & Needle, can feel just as comfortable and offer just as good a support as a memory foam version. One other main reason why I decided to purchase this mattress was because of the amazing reviews that it has received in the short span of time that it’s been around (since early 2013 if my memory serves me right). However, what really won me over was the fact that it has a 30-day, zero hassle refund option, which meant that I could see for myself what all the hype was about and if I’m not sold on it, I could simply return it. I’ll be honest though.

I wasn’t immediately impressed the first night that I slept on it. It did feel a lot firmer* than what I was used to and I was concerned that I might have to start looking for another mattress soon. To be fair, it is my first ever foam mattress. However, with the thought that I’m merely trying this mattress out for free since the pickup charges are covered by Tuft & Needle, I drifted off to sleep. It did take me about a week to “break into it”, but since then I’ve been growing really fond of it. My neck and shoulder aches have disappeared gradually, though I can’t say for certain that this mattress is the sole cause of this because I’ve also invested in a memory foam pillow. The combination of these 2 seems to be the perfect solution for me. I’d also like to believe that my bad posture has also improved due to this mattress’s great support, though that could probably just be a placebo effect. But hey, whatever works! Anyway, good luck and I hope I’ve helped you out in picking your king size mattress!

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