Cyber Detective • @cyb_detective

github #OSINT thread🧵🧵🧵

a collection of services and techniques for gathering information about repositories, users, companies, and even yourself.

#coding #opensource #socmint [#1]


a tool for gathering contacts of #Github users.

enter the link to the company's github page and get a list of emails of its employees.


github osint thread🧵#1 [#2]


Getting detailed information about Github user and getting list of his followers.


github osint thread🧵#2 [#3]

This site ranks the 5,000 most highly rated (with the most stars) Github users, companies, and repositories.

And if you log in, you can find out your own rating. As you can see, I'm at 10931 among all users.

Github Osint Thread🧵#3 [#4]

Star History

The link to the repository gives a history of growth of the number of stars (so you can see when the repository was in the trends or calculate the accrual of stars).

It is possible to save the results to CSV.

Github Osint Thread🧵#4 [#5]

How to check if the repository's spike in stars (see the top tweet) is due to a fake-out, or if it just hit the trends that day?

Simply look at the Github trending archive for a specific date.

Github Osint Thread🧵#5 [#6]


This service compares multiple repositories and determines which one was created earlier, which has more forks and stars. This can be useful to find the original source among projects with the same name.

Github Osint Thread🧵#6 [#7]

Ranking of the most active Github users by number of comments and contributions over the years (there is a separate ranking each country).

(If a user only has a city in their profile, they can see it in the country ranking)

Github Osint Thread🧵#7 [#8]

A search engine that allows you to search an individual Github repository or a group of repositories.

You can use regular expressions to search for emails, phone numbers, and other personal information.

Github Osint Thread🧵#8 [#9]

Another search engine that supports regular expression searches on code repositories (not only on Github, but also on similar services). It is partly paid.

It is possible to search an individual repository.

Github Osint Thread🧵#9 [#10]

for researching repositories for private data, there's a great thing called github dorks.
one of the most comprehensive is the list from @obheda12

Github Osint Thread🧵#10 [#11]

Note that Github Dorks should not be entered into a Google search and these dorks work for other open source hosting services as well.

I have a special Google Custom Search Engine to search 20 such services at once.…

Github Osint Thread🧵#11 [#12]

When talking about information gathering on Github, it is impossible not to mention advanced search operators:…

They allow you to filter users, companies, and repositories based on many different criteria.

Github Osint Thread🧵#12 [#13]


Gathering information about a Github user often does not work without running code from their repositories. To run some project in Python, Go, ShellScript or JS directly in your browser, use the link " "+link to repository.

Github Osint Thread🧵#13 [#14]

GitHub Repository Size

Before you download or run any repository in Gitpod, keep in mind that its files can be huge.

This simple extension will help you check this point:…

Github Osint Thread🧵#14 [#15]

That's all for today (but I think I'll add more to this thread in the future). I also recommend threads about other social networks:

github osint thread🧵#15

#osint #socmint [#16]

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