gaiam balance ball chair sale

gaiam balance ball chair sale

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Gaiam Balance Ball Chair Sale


As a full-time network administrator, most of my day is spent sitting behind a desk. Recently, I’ve started to notice some bad habits in my posture that have caused me to have back and knee pain on a regular basis. I’d heard that sitting on a balance ball was a good way to ease back pain, but the balls I tried were too short to reach my desk. I learned about the Gaiam BalanceBall chair while surfing on Amazon and it looked like it was worth a try. What caught my attention with the chair was the base and how it lifted the ball off the ground enough to help me sit more comfortably at my desk. Before we get into the nitty gritty of the review, let me tell you a few things about balance balls in general. Balance balls (AKA yoga balls, Pilates balls, gym balls, etc.) are inflated rubber balls that are used in gyms and yoga classes for various exercises. The difference between sitting on a balance ball verses a regular chair is that the body responds to the instability of the ball and forces your core muscles to work at keeping your balance.

It also forces you to stay focused. If you don’t focus on sitting correctly when on the balance ball, you’ll find yourself kissing the floor. Sitting on a balance ball won’t give you six pack abs, but working with one on a regular basis will help improve your posture and help strengthen your core muscles. Now, on to the review… Some assembly is required to get the chair ready for use, but the instructions are easy to follow and I had mine built in about five minutes. The size of the ball that comes with the chair is perfect for anyone between 5′ and 5′ 11″ in height. The bad news is that if you’re under 5′ or over 5′ 11″, this chair won’t work for you. Instead, Gaiam suggests you check out the Total Body Balance Kit. It’s not a chair, but it comes with three different size balls to use so you can find the right fit for your height. Once you have it assembled, it’s time to get sitting. The first step to sitting on a BalanceBall is making sure that you inflate it to the correct height.

If you inflate it too much, it may rupture. If you inflate it too little, you will be uncomfortable while sitting on it and you won’t be doing your body any favors. The general rule here is pretty simple: If the ball you’re using is sized at 52 centimeters, then it should inflate to be 52 centimeters tall. Once the ball is inflated properly, place your “sit bones” in the middle of the ball and keep your back straight (don’t lean on the support beam). Your shins and thighs should be at a 90 degree angle. If they’re not, inflate or deflate the ball until they are. Getting used to the BalanceBall chair on the first day was a little rough. In my old chair, I would wheel myself around my office space instead of getting up. The wheels on the BalanceBall chair are not designed to handle that kind of swerving around. I also found myself bouncing and swaying to the point where I got a little sea-sick. An hour or so break in my regular chair, though, and I was ready to hit the ball again.

After a few days, I noticed a significant difference in my posture and the overall feel of my back. It’s only been about a week since I’ve started using it, so it will take a bit longer to see if it’s made any difference in my core muscle strength, but right now I’m happy to have less back pain and more comfort in my day. After losing my ball to a pair of scissors (I should have taken my own advice), I had to sit in my regular chair for two weeks while I waited for a replacement to arrive. During those two weeks, I realized how much of a difference my BalanceBall chair made in my overall focus and comfort levels while at work. Now that I’m sitting pretty on my replacement ball, I couldn’t be happier with my decision to go from ordinary chair to extraordinary chair. The Gaiam BalanceBall chair comes with a neat little book with simple exercises that you can do right at your desk and is available on Gaiam’s website for $79.98. GeekMom received a Gaiam BalanceBall for review purposes.

Select at least two products to compare. You've added the maximum number of products to compare. Would you like to compare the products you've added? You've already added the maximum number of products to compare. Learn More About Exercise Balls Exercise Balls & Stability Balls for Your Training Regimen Simple to use and easy to store, a exercise ball is an essential part of your daily workout routine. Perfect for toning and strengthening your core, owning an exercise or fitness ball is a hassle-free way to enhance your exercise regimen. This workout staple aids in strengthening your abdominal, back and pelvic muscles. Fitness balls are also a great tool to promote posture, back and spine health. Exercise balls are available in a variety of sizes. Similar workout tools, like balance trainers, help provide a total body workout that provides cardiovascular, aerobic and strength-building benefits. Shop popular brands including, Fitness Gear®, Body-Solid®, BOSU® and GoFit®.

Fitness and exercise balls are ideal for athletes of very skill and fitness level. These inflatable balls can be used in a variety of workout options, including push-ups, squats and crunches. When purchasing your fitness ball, keep in mind the recommended height that's right for your frame. For utility, choose a ball that includes an air pump. Look for a ball designed with extra thick walls for added durability. Keep in mind the rubber materials used in the construction of your fitness ball: Some balls are constructed with recycled and non-toxic materials for an environmentally friendly workout. Exercise balls that feature inflatable nubs on the surface work to massage and relax muscles as you train. Find everything your workout needs: Shop the full collection of exercise equipment DICK'S Sporting Goods. Workouts You Can Do At HomePosted by Geoff in Export, General | I recently came across this article, which talks about using an exercise ball as your home or office chair.

I have used an exercise ball as a chair before, and it was thoroughly enjoyable. Here are some of the benefits of using an exercise ball as your chair. Whether you spend your desk time at the office, or studying at home for that next exam, office ball chairs can help you in many ways. Because an exercise ball is not stable, your body needs to try to balance itself on it. The perfect spinal posture is coincidently the easiest to balance with. Thus, your body will automatically try to align itself into the proper posture. This helps improve your spinal health, and decrease back pains. An exercise ball causes to you to change your position often to balance. For example, if you turn 45 degrees to face the phone, your body will assume a new position. This helps reduce damage caused by prolonged sitting in the same position. Another great thing about using this alternative to a chair, is that you can do stretches or mini-workouts whenever you want, without getting up. If you’ve ever stuck waiting for a minute or two, you can make productive use of that time with a quick workout or stretch.

Because it’s much more convenient, you will probably do it more, thus resulting in better health. This one is very understandable. Sitting on an unstable surface all day will improve your sense of balance, as well as the reactions of your muscles. An overall better balance, that can be observed out of the office. Your body primarily uses your core (abdominal) muscles to help compensate for changes in balance. Thus, your essentially getting a low-key abdominal workout. This may not sound like a lot, but consider the amount of time you spend on your computer at the office, or at home. Those hours can build up, and result in a strengthening of ab muscles. Using an exercise ball will keep the blood flowing to all parts of your body, throughout the day. A desk chair on the other hand, reduces circulation to some parts of the body after prolonged use. It has been proven that staying in one position, will make you more tired, while moving around and being active with give you more energy.

With an exercise ball as a chair, you will feel much more energized after you finish your work. More movement during the day = more calories burnt. Burning 350 calories per day = losing one pound of fat every 10 days. You may not burn quite 350, but nonetheless, it will help you stay fit. Specialized exercise balls designed for sitting usage can range from $15 to $80. Much cheaper than buying an ergonomic chair, which can range anywhere from $100 to $400 and up. Who doesn’t like the idea of bouncing around on an exercise ball all day. Exercise balls are an exciting alternative to chairs, and may just give that spark of fun to your day. Update: I just bought an exercise ball for myself. So far, I am really enjoying it! My only complaint is that in the morning when I am half-awake, it is hard to balance. I found this cheap exercise ball which is  great for trying it out,  if you don’t want to invest $40-$50 in a ball which you may never actually use. Also, before you buy, make sure you know what size is right for you.

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