front door designs tamilnadu

front door designs tamilnadu

front door designs in tamilnadu

Front Door Designs Tamilnadu


Home Ideas is your starting point when looking for inspiration on design ideas for your home. View thousands of images from Kitchen styles and materials, Bedroom and Bathroom ideas and Outdoor Living. See how others have transformed their living spaces with different materials and colours. You can easily refine your selection when looking for popular style, colour and material combinations like white granite kitchens, french provincial dining areas and many more. Our built-in Aqua Filter breaks down the hard water resulting in water that is soft and easy for your detergent to dissolve.. Your IFB uses steam to penetrate the smallest folds and removes the tiniest dirt particles from your fabric.. To ensure that your wash is as thorough as it is efficient, the machine uses a special programme that uses optimum energy and water. Keeping it clean, all around.. Your clothes are precious. Our unique Crescent Moon Drum prevents your clothes from hitting the steel drum. So that you get them back in the same shape as you put them in..

Our 3D Wash System uses nozzles to circulate the water dissolving the detergent and pushing the solution deeper into your clothes, giving you the cleanest and freshest wash.. Missed out on your favourite shirt? This machine lets you add laundry even after wash cycle has started.. An additional cover at the bottom of the machine protects against possible damage caused by rodents.. The drum gently rotates clockwise and anti-clockwise ensuring that your clothes are not tangled resulting in a crease-free wash.. Senator Aqua SX - 8 kg Elite Plus VX - 7.5 Kg (White) Elite Aqua SX - 7 kg Senorita Plus VX - 6.5 Kg (White) Senorita Aqua SX - 6.5 kg Senorita Smart 6.5 Kg Elite Aqua VX - 7 kg Serena Aqua VX - 7 kg Senorita Aqua VX - 6.5 kg Elena Aqua SX - 6 kg Elena Aqua VX - 6 kg Eva Aqua VX - 6 Kg IFB Front Loading Washing Machines IFB's state-of-the-art Front Loading Washing Machines are equipped with user-friendly features and unique programmes.

Engineered for the future, IFB's Front Loading Washing Machines are tried and tested to give your clothes the perfect wash that they deserve. With advanced technologies like Aqua Energie, Steam Wash, Crescent Moon Drum and world class features such as Auto Imbalance System, Air Bubble Wash System, 3D/2D Wash System, Foam Control System, Protective Rat Mesh, our Front Loading Washing machines are a class above the rest. Not to mention the fact that we keep all Indian conditions in mind when we incorporate features into these machines. What’s more IFB’s the only brand to give 4 Years 100% Superwarranty and 10 Years spare parts support that gives complete peace of mind with an excellent service network across India. Buy IFB Front Loading Washing Machine online to save time. Let IFB infuse freshness into your clothes and make you look perfect every day. Gift your loved ones the freedom of choice with IFB Gift Cards.The foyer is the first public space within the privacy of your home

A foyer is an entryway to a home. Often, the design and decoration of foyers are overlooked as they are considered to be just a passage. However, passageways are fast diminishing and many homes have front doors that open out directly into the main living area. With apartment dwelling and the scramble for square feet, we have forgotten and underestimated the foyer’s value. Foyers have both utilitarian and design roles to play within a living space. The utilitarian aspects of a foyer include storage and security space. Design-wise, you can set the tone of an entire house right at the entrance while still providing visual privacy. An effective design is achieved typically only when form follows function. A good home design is one where clear demarcations have been made, based on the various levels of privacy required. Every home has public, semi-public, semi-private, private and absolute private spaces. Foyer is the first public space within the privacy of one’s home. A foyer typically leads to the living room and sometimes the dining area, which are considered the semi-public areas of your home, where guests are entertained.

A well-designed foyer will cut both visual and physical access into the living areas of the home. Imagine walking into a home and being able to see everything from the main door? It is also aesthetically unappealing. The foyer sees the highest traffic within a home and needs proper storage planning. You would be surprised at the number of activities that actually happen within that small space! Typically, lifestyle and culture dictates a foyer’s storage space design. Generally we Asians, especially South Indians, do not wear outdoor footwear inside our homes. Both from the point of cleanliness and of emotional detachment, of not bringing in worldly worries into one’s home, we follow the practice of leaving our footwear at the doorstep. Thus, a storage space there makes a lot of sense. There is no formula to calculate the space you need for footwear, as it is lifestyle dependent, but you could design space for overlooked items such as shoe polish, cleaning cloth, shoehorns, and foot sprays.

These cabinets need proper ventilation, as we don't want to walk into a smelly foyer nor invite foot-related diseases. Provide seating for easy donning of footwear. Vaasthu and Fengshui suggest a mirror at the entrance to ward off evils, and it makes practical sense as well -- you want to take one last look at yourself before leaving the house. If you have very little or no foyer space, at least keep aside a minimum space for footwear. This could be combined as a design element installed for visual privacy. A foyer also needs to house other items such as umbrellas, raincoats, a key stand, a bucket and cloth for the car wash, cap soap oil, raincoats, kolam/rangoli powder and so on. This list is neither exhaustive nor restrictive. Most of us have grown up being asked to pack our school bags the night before and leave it near the door. Not only do these patterns continue, most families use this area to keep things that they need to take with them when they leave home in the morning for work or school -- a sort of memor area for lunch bags, car keys, bills, office bags, laundry items and so on.

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