free prophetic word

free prophetic word

A few years ago while living near the wonderful pile town of Summersville, West Virginia, I'd a many extraordinary dream. The desire was divided in to four parts. In the first part, I was making my place whilst the Headmaster of a private school. Secondly, among my teachers was elevated to my former position. Thirdly, the board chairman who'd existed in the community most of her life was going away. In the last area of the desire, I was preaching free prophetic word to a big African-american American church about them, "You Have Resolved on the Other Area of the Jordan." In the desire, that good church had achieved much and possessed a good national ministry. However, the Master stated that they had not reached the fulfillment of their divine destiny. As I preached, the strong presence of the Master descended because mighty church. He began to offer discovery and path regarding the immense destiny that He had in the pipeline for them. The church exploded in praise and praise. I awakened from the dream.

The first three elements of the desire happened in just a few months. I resigned from my place, the teacher I saw in the desire became the meantime Mind of College, and the board chairman and her husband sold their household business and left town. However, the last area of the desire didn't immediately happen. Actually, I didn't understand this percentage of the dream. Five years transferred as I continuously pondered the desire in my own heart. Lately, I was asked to conduct a grant publishing workshop and preach at a big African-american American church in Chicago. I however didn't realize the meaning of the meaning, "You Have Resolved On the Other Area of the Jordan" however the Master directed me to preach that message. As I studied the Term, the incredible prophetic meaning of the meaning in the desire was revealed.

Two and a half tribes of the Israelites discovered the wealthy farm and grazing lands to the east of the Jordan Water with their liking. The tribes of Gad, Reuben, and half of the large tribe of Manasseh determined to be in on the "different side" of the Jordan and ergo not mix around in to the assured land. Moses and Joshua had provided them permission to do so but with one important requirement, their players should light emitting diode the battle in using the Assured Land. Joshua chapter 3 records the amazing parting of the flooded Jordan. The priests light emitting diode the procession on a dry, divine course built through the ton waters. Correct with their deal, 40,000 players of the two and a half tribes needed the cause in the battle. Their divine destiny was to believe the reigns of leadership in battle and carry the rest of the tribes within their assured destinies and lands. What a good mantle of ministry was laid upon Gad, Reuben and half of Manasseh!

The Master started initially to reveal the divine destiny that He has for HIS African-american American people. I was given an article written by Susan Castell which surprised me. The prophetic term given to her concerning African-american American believers was similar as to the the Master was exposing to me. She wrote: " You have come to the area for such a time as this. It is today time to lay aside the fat of racial hatred and the crime of unforgiveness which therefore readily sticks to and entangles you. It is today time to overlook what lies behind and to reach forth as to the lies ahead. It is today time to arise and seek Me for the fulfillment of one's divine destiny.

Only whilst the survival of ancient Egypt and Israel relaxed on the shoulders of Joseph (a man sold into slavery by his friends and overly enthusiastic to a foreign land), therefore does ab muscles survival of this good nation of America rest upon you. It is today time to grasp My strategy and allowing Me to beginning within you the heart and the perspective of Joseph who was able to forgive his friends and people who had enslaved and imprisoned him. It is today time to grasp the mix of My Child and turn into a good advantage in the area of one's captivity.

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