folding chair for breastfeeding

folding chair for breastfeeding

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Folding Chair For Breastfeeding


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Infant Car SeatsTravel System Car SeatsConvertible Car SeatsBooster Car SeatsCar Seat AccessoriesPremium Car SeatsCar Seat BasesStroller & Car Seat Toys car seat finder finding the perfect car seat has never been easier What are the pros of a breastfeeding chair? What are the cons? What are the alternatives? A breastfeeding chair is designed to provide a comfortable place to feed your baby. Most recline into different positions to support your back, and some have a rocking feature to help soothe your baby. However, they can be expensive, and not all mums find them comfortable. Could a breastfeeding chair make life easier? Or will it just sit unused in your baby's nursery? Read what worked for BabyCentre mums. "I really love my nursing chair. It’s fantastic not just for breastfeeding but for feeding in general and comforting a baby. I didn't get it until my son was two months old. My only regret is not having it sooner. He associates it with his quiet, cuddly time and it calms and settles him as part of his bedtime routine.

I would definitely recommend one." "I think it’s the comfiest chair in the world! I slept in it at end of my pregnancy as I couldn't get comfortable in bed and it really helps with backache too. I used it for all feeds at first because I had a caesarean and couldn't get comfortable on our sofa. I use it for bedtime and night feeds only. I think my baby knows the chair means bedtime." "We used my Gran's old rocking chair. However, in retrospect I would have bought a proper nursing chair. The rocker was difficult to get out of with a sleeping baby. If you have the room in your baby’s nursery, I would definitely get one. It was much easier to settle my little one in his room at night than on the sofa in a busy house.” "I didn’t have one for my first, but was given one for my second. I’ve never fed in it as the arms are too high and I can’t get my daughter into a comfortable feeding position. Instead I do most of my feeding in our recliner downstairs or lying down in bed during the night."

"I didn't feel the need for one for either of mine. Night feeds were done in bed and day feeds wherever I was at the time. However, I did buy a nursing pillow second time round and wish I had had one all along." "I used one for night feeds with my bottle fed baby. It’s important to be comfortable whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding. Now that my second baby shares a bedroom with her sister, I don’t want to disturb my sleeping tot. So, I feed my baby in bed and feel a lot less sleep deprived that way." "Breastfeeding chairs are completely unnecessary in my opinion and just another expense you can do without. Yes, comfort and position are really important, especially at first. But we managed by experimenting with different cushions and pillows that we already owned." "A chair in the nursery is invaluable. It doesn't have to be a proper breastfeeding chair. We bought a second-hand one from an auction site." "I’d recommend getting a chair, but it doesn't have to be one marketed specifically for breastfeeding.

I used a comfortable reclining chair. It was a lot cheaper than the breastfeeding chairs I saw but it was perfect for feeding my baby in peace. I found the recline function very useful for comfort, but even that isn't a necessity. Any comfortable chair will do, just add a cushion!" "When I was pregnant I spent ages researching whether to get a breastfeeding chair or not. In the end we got an armchair. It's much prettier than a breastfeeding chair and doesn't take up half as much room. We use it for story time now and I'm glad we didn't spend the extra money." "I already had a rocking chair and just put that in the baby's nursery. It was a nightmare to sit in at first as I tore badly and couldn't get out of it. However, since my little one started sleeping in the nursery I’ve used it every night. It gently bounces and when I don't need it any more I plan to put it back in our living room." "We have a nice low and wide armchair which I sit cross-legged in with a feeding cushion on my lap.

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