Five Business Benefits Of Integrating Confluence With Jira

Five Business Benefits Of Integrating Confluence With Jira

Atlassian's popular enterprise collaboration applications Confluence and Jira are renowned for their ability to facilitate collaboration when used separately However, they can collaborate to provide higher efficiency. We'll be discussing the business benefits of connecting Confluence together with Jira in this blog.

Scheduling and tracking. Keep teams updated on what's going on in Jira by connecting a calendar of people, tasks and activities to Confluence's workspace. This removes any disconnect between software development teams and the people who write documentation, for instance. This also helps team planning for new releases of products and other big projects.

Consolidated management of users. Jira can be given the responsibility of managing user accounts for Jira as well as Confluence. This makes it easier to add staff members to both applications and allows you to control the extent to which Jira teams have Confluence access. Consolidated user management also allows you to block access to users more easily thus limiting security concerns that are associated with accounts that are not used.

More clear expectations and scope of the project. Jira issues are often created by those working in business on product specifications as well as sales plans and strategic planning. In addition, as I've mentioned earlier, the company is far more efficient and productive when a modern management tool can be used to keep track of tasks instead of email.

Reports in business speak. Jira produces lots of information on projects, however business teams do not have the time or skills to dig into the specifics. This is why Jira information can be connected to Confluence website , reports. Status reports can be easily interpreted by using simple charts.

Documentation for high-quality development. Your process development and product development capability will improve immensely when the team members performing the work have access to the appropriate documentation from within Jira. Confluence pages can be added to the Jira workspace by adding "gadgets" that allow developers and support staff to quickly access documentation related to the task they are working on. Confluence pages that are restricted to users the ability to establish trusted connections is a breeze. be created.

With a strong cross-over between Jira and Confluence across many companies, we can expect to see more options for connecting the two apps with each release.

Integration is not just for developers

Atlassian has developed a number of add-ons to Jira site, which improve existing features and incorporate specific services. I would like to encourage business and IT executives to consider the possibility of connecting various applications together. While integration is typically associated with developers, the business benefits can be easily seen.

Speak to your business and technical teams about how they would like to see the two of you collaborate better. Integration work can be worth it if the platform you choose to use is modern like Atlassian's tools and cloud services. Integration can make a huge impact on the development of products.

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