feng shui

feng shui


What is the science of Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese tradition that uses interior design principles to improve your life. It is based on the philosophy of arranging pieces in living spaces in order to create a balance with the natural world.

By implementing certain design principles, feng shui allows your energy to flow through your home and is said to improve the overall quality of your life. Many architects and interior designers incorporate feng shui into their designs when planning their home.

Often referred to as the art of placement, Feng Shui, in its simplest terms, is about placing different elements to optimize "chi" or energy. Feng shui has principles to follow, including the command position, the bagua, and the five elements.

Basic Feng Shui Principles


Bagua, which translates to eight zones, is an ancient form of floor plan used to analyze the energy of a home. It consists of eight boxes, each representing a different aspect of life, usually wealth/abundance, fame/fame, love, family/new beginnings, children/fulfillment, knowledge, career/life path and helpful people/travel, with boxes Central. On your behalf,

the bagwa map helps you bring good chi energy into all important areas of your life. If there is an area that needs improvement, you should apply the proper feng shui principles to the related space in the home.

The easiest way to apply a map to your home is to place it on your floor plan. Draw your floor plan and place the 9 house plan on top of it. You can feng shui an entire house or an apartment, you can use the map in any space you want.

Five Elements

Feng Shui principles focus on five elements. Earth, metal, water, wood and fire.

These elements can be considered literally in terms of how it is combined in the home, for example wooden furniture for the fireplace, but they also correspond to certain emotions, colors, shapes and areas in the bagwa map.

The idea is that each element should be balanced through the interior design. When we feel out of balance in our home, it is because one or more elements are missing or there is too much of one element.

Feng Shui started in China around 5000 BC and spread over thousands of years. Feng Shui in Asia is an idea and worldview that affects daily personal and social life; Also, feng shui shows people's understanding of their place in the universe. Based on ancient Chinese traditions, Feng Shui has been around for over two thousand years, incorporating knowledge, rituals, aphorisms and superstitions from all over China. The importance of Feng Shui in East Asian countries is so much that familiarity with it is necessary to understand the cultural history, life and psychology of China and other East Asian cultures.

What is the state of Feng Shui in the world today?

Feng Shui has long gone beyond Asia, and its international commercial and personal presence is growing. Feng Shui is a multi-hundred billion dollar industry that has millions of fans all over the world. In the last century, with Asian immigrants, Feng Shui has spread from its Chinese and Asian roots to all parts of the world. Its theoretical and practical content is explained on hundreds of thousands of websites, probably visited by millions of people every day. Feng Shui is no longer just an unreliable belief for old, rural and traditional people, but has entered the global market.

As a writer in the newsletter of the American Institute of Architects stated: Feng Shui is no longer just an ancient Chinese secret slowly taking root outside its original heartland, but is now global and permeating culture and politics.

The Amazon Kindle site lists over 1,000 Feng Shui books in English alone. There are several times this number on second-hand book sites. There are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of commercial feng shui websites; And hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions, of people around the world visit these sites every day and to varying degrees regulate or manage their lives by what they read.

What does Feng Shui say? The words of Feng Shui!

 Feng Shui claims that there is an energy or life force called "Chi" or (Qi) that affects human life. Feng Shui is a millennia-old belief system deeply rooted in Asian beliefs and practices about nature, architecture, health, and divination. It is part of a comprehensive and ancient worldview that revolves around the belief in "Chi," a universal energy with a supposed life force that animates all existence.

According to this belief, the existence and life of the entire universe, the solar system, the earth and the human body need to be in harmony with the local flows of "Chi". The identification, manipulation and instrumental use of the pervasive flow of "Chi" is called Feng Shui. The goal of feng shui is to bring the environment, home, workplace, gathering places of people and even the human body into harmony with "chi". Based on this, life becomes more natural and healthy. What is good and bad is related to places, building styles, furniture and even handbags. According to various authorities, Qi can be manipulated with diet, herbal teas, exercise regimens, meditation, and with masters.

According to feng shui sources and teachings, chi circulates best in places with soft objects with rounded edges. Irregular objects with sharp points or angles can block or disrupt the flow of qi, causing "sha qi". Sha Chi is a negative energy and has a bad effect on people and places. It is said that in order to increase the flow of Chi and decrease the flow of Sha Chi, the traditional five elements of Chinese tradition (water, earth, fire, wood and metal) must be in balance with each other.

What is "what"?

According to traditional East Asian belief, Chi is the energy or life force of the entire universe. What does everything animate and inanimate have? Different people have different things. Each type of animal has its own type of qi. A nation has its own things and a religion has its own things. What is the road, what is the stone? Each food item has its own unique qi. Identifying what is animate or inanimate means understanding its basic nature. For the entire Chinese tradition, qi is natural. It is an eternal part of the world. It has its own rhythm and regular movement. What has existed since the beginning of time and will exist forever. Chi is always interacting with the beings around him.

Mr. Zhang writes about Chi: The material force of Chi moves and flows in all directions and in all forms. The two elements, Pin and Yang, in their ceaseless successions, constitute the great principles of the universe.

For the philosophers developing Zhang's system, qi was the ultimate "something" capable of explaining all processes.

Another author and practitioner who sells chi machines on the Internet describes chi as follows:

Chi is the energy of life itself, known as the balance of yang and yang (male and female electromagnetic energy, positive and negative, electromagnetic energy) that is present in all things. It flows in creation.

Belief in acupuncture is also dependent on the belief in the existence of Chi. Acupuncture practice is based on intervention in more than six hundred hypothetical internal pathways or meridians along which qi moves in the body.

 Throughout history, feng shui has been associated with methods of predicting the future. Foretelling the future and determining auspicious days and times for important events (weddings, business openings, travel, conference meetings, beginning of building construction, etc.) have always been an important part of the business of feng shui instructors.

Is Feng Shui a science?

Feng Shui is an art, however many Feng Shui promoters present it to people as a science. Feng Shui is neither science nor religion nor magic, the basis of Feng Shui is the naturalistic life that emerged based on observation based on

Zhang's writings, the 3000-year tradition of beliefs related to "Chi" in East Asia can be summarized as follows:

"Chi" It is the primary substance on which the existence of everything depends.

"Chi" has breadth and depth.

The existence of "chi" is not subjective and exists independently of the mind.

"Chi" can move. Chi is believed to be constantly changing.

Edmund Ryden, the translator of Zhang's book into English, adds to these interpretations in the introduction of this book. He exaggerates to the point where he says that the best translation of "chi" is Einstein's equation (E=mc^2).

Feng Shui author Simon Brown gives this account of chi:

"Chi" is a subtle charge of electromagnetic energy that passes through everything and carries information from one thing to another. The "chi" that flows in your body is often the carrier of your thoughts, beliefs and emotions.

Popular Feng Shui author Sarah Rossbach believes:

Chi is the life force that gives life to animals and plants, makes mountains stand, and makes rivers flow. According to Rossbach, without Chi, trees would not flourish and humans would not exist.

Eliot Tanzer, another active promoter of Feng Shui, says:

If you want to be successful and healthy in "all fields", there is no more important concept for you to study and understand than "Chi" and the flow of "Chi".

Some opponents are looking for a scientific proof of the existence of Chi energy, and with its non-scientific nature, they want to label Feng Shui as superstition. However, the scientificity of an issue is always debated. As they currently deny the scientific theories of God and consider religion as pseudo-science and superstition.

Science does not and does not claim to know everything in the universe. Even this claim is in contradiction with the nature of scientific work. If science knew everything, research would be useless! So we acknowledge that there are many mysteries that scientists have not yet understood.

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