Fascination About Fortuna Tarot Deck Emerald Anima - Studio Artemy

Fascination About Fortuna Tarot Deck Emerald Anima - Studio Artemy

The Star Tarot Deck Review - YouTube

The Modern Witch Tarot Deck Amazon Reviews 2021

What Does Deck Review: The Fountain Tarot Mean?

, The Sun. It's difficult for me to choose some of my preferred cards, since there are so numerous! The Moon card (above)is so dreamy ... with a beautiful lady sitting on the crescent moon, looking down into the rough waters, 2 lighthouses functioning as the towers. The Enthusiasts(above )is another preferred, mainly since it includes an interracial.

couple embracing.(I love it when tarot addresses real-world unity like this! )I also adore the sassy position of the Princess of Swords( below). Found Here are especially incredible: The Three of Swords appearing as a cloudy thought bubble. And the 3 of Cups is so enjoyable, with three jubilant and tastefully bikini-clad women raising cups

and splashing in shallow water. Then there's the creative analysis of the Wheel of Fortune(below), with the domino result of the cogs in motion. The Star card is stunning, depicting a mermaid, half in and half out of the water, with a green sky. One card that makes me question a bit is Strength( listed below). It looks more like a Moon card to me. Half of the card is taken up by a moon. And there is a lady resting on the back of a wolf, who is howling at the moon. Lovely card images, for particular, however does not remind me of Strength as much as The Moon. Because I'm familiar with RWS type decks, and I didn't wish to train my brain to change systems, I changed the cards to better fit my instinct. My mind sees"Knight "when I see a Court guy on a horse. And the chariots seem more Kingly to me. So that's how I used, and will continue to use, this deck.

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