FAQ to a digital marketing company in Kolkata from a small business owner

FAQ to a digital marketing company in Kolkata from a small business owner

Esta Global

After the pandemic has hit the market hard, small business owners are thinking of venturing online and get their business growing. However, they have plenty of questions about the digital marketing company in Kolkata that are left unanswered. This article will answer all the lurking questions and doubts of small businesses.

Is digital marketing relevant for my business?

If you are ambitious with an aim to be at the top of the game, then the answer is ‘yes’ – you need a digital marketing company in India to beat your competitors and emerge as number 1. However, you need professionals and experts working in this field to turn the game around. Don’t settle for the novice and expect to have miraculous results. Get passionate people on board and reap the fruits of their actions.

Which businesses DO NOT require digital marketing?

Businesses with no ambition, goal, and zeal can do well without digital marketing. The whole world is on the internet. Even if you are looking for a maid service, you can get one from the local area through Google search. So, in this case, if you think that any business that can survive without digital marketing services in Kolkata, then expect the business to go into oblivion.

Is digital marketing and SMO the same?

SMO is an integral part of Digital Marketing, as digital marketing is the boss out here. The boss has a number of channels to market and advertises your business and SMO is just a small part of that. SEO, PPC, email marketing, content marketing, mobile marketing (SMS blasts), and (yes) SMO – all fall under the big banner called ‘digital marketing’.

Why should I go for digital marketing?

COVID-19 must have taught you the importance of online shopping. With everyone in lockdown, the online shopping sector was the only saving grace that kept the economy rolling and businesses alive. Small businesses have also learned their lesson and understood the fact that online shopping can save their business from collapsing. You can get shoppers online with digital marketing services in Kolkata.

Is Digital marketing services expensive?

The cost varies from one digital marketing company in Kolkata to another. Also, your requirements would be the deciding factor. However, getting lured by ‘affordable services’ that’s cheap and pocket-friendly rates might be a trick and won’t get you the leads. Instead, opt for companies where they offer you a justified quotation and start working with them. Bad quality service with cheap rates is something that can give your business a bad repute in Google as well as with customers too! Justified rates would beget you quality leads and also credibility in the market.

How long should I wait to get leads from digital marketing?

Minimum 3 months is the time you should wait to get potential leads from your business. However, getting organic traffic can take at least 6 months. Any company claiming to get you results sooner than this time – is FAKING IT!

Can I skip digital marketing?

Do that at your own risk. As times are progressing, a digital marketing campaign on the internet would be grabbing more eyeballs than posters, brochures, and billboards. Also, with digital marketing, you can track your potential customers and start interacting with them, but you can never trace or track how much people got influenced by the banner or billboard and posters – talking about your brand.

Hope all your questions were answered! In case, you are want to ask anything more, please feel to reach out to us!

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