F Hole

F Hole


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Перевести · F hole. An "F hole" is the curlicued hole cut into the front of a stringed instrument. There was also a Seattle-area rock band in the 1980s called " The F Holes" which gave a lot of people the wrong idea. Get a F hole …
Перевести · F-hole definition, either of two f-shaped holes in the body of a violin, cello, or similar stringed instrument. See more.
Перевести · 06.04.2013 · F holes. Violins have them, viols don't. The "King" cello, made by Andrea Amati circa 1538. The earliest examples of f holes are on the earliest …
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A sound hole is an opening in the body of a stringed musical instrument, usually the upper sound board. Sound holes have different shapes:
• round in flat-top guitars and traditional bowl-back mandolins;
• F-holes in instruments from the violin family, archtop mandolins and in archtop guitars;
• C-holes in violas da gamba;
• rosettes in lutes;
A sound hole is an opening in the body of a stringed musical instrument, usually the upper sound board. Sound holes have different shapes:
• round in flat-top guitars and traditional bowl-back mandolins;
• F-holes in instruments from the violin family, archtop mandolins and in archtop guitars;
• C-holes in violas da gamba;
• rosettes in lutes;
• D-holes in bowed lyras.

Some instruments come in more than one style (mandolins may have F-holes, round or oval holes). A round or oval hole or a rosette is usually a single one, under the strings. C-holes, D-holes and F-holes are usually made in pairs placed symmetrically on both sides of the strings. Most hollowbody and semi-hollow electric guitars also have F-holes.

Though sound holes help acoustic instruments project sound more efficiently, sound does not emanate solely from the sound hole. Sound emanates from the surface area of the sounding boards, with sound holes providing an opening into the resonant chamber formed by the body, letting the sounding boards vibrate more freely, and letting vibrating air inside the instrument travel outside the instrument.

In 2015, researchers at MIT, in collaboration with violin makers at North Bennet Street School, published an analysis that charted the evolution and improvements in effectiveness of violin F-hole design over time. One of the conclusions of this paper was that acoustic conductance (air flow) is proportional to the length of the perimeter of the sound hole and not the area. They proved this mathematically, and showed how it drove the evolution of shape of the F-holes in the violin family. The highest air flow in a violin's F-hole are the places at the top and bottom where the points nearly touch the other side. The effect is analogous to putting one's thumb over the end of a hose to accelerate the water coming out. By this measure, the open round hole of a flat-top acoustic guitar is not very effective.
F holes. Violins have them, viols don't. The "King" cello, made by Andrea Amati circa 1538. The earliest examples of f holes are on the earliest violin family instruments by Andrea Amati (mid 1500s) and Gasparo da Salo, and Pietro Zanetto ( both from Brescia, mid to late 1500s).
The F-holes on a Violin, and related string instruments, are located on either side of the bridge. F-holes on a Gibson L-5 archtop guitar. Single F-Hole on a Fender Telecaster Thinline guitar. Leaf sound hole in an Ovation Adamas guitar. Many acoustic guitars incorporate rosette patterns around the sound hole.
What are the limitations of f holes?
What are the limitations of f holes?
Of course, there are limitations. Some of the limitations you would expect, others are more subtle. If the f holes are placed too wide apart, the sound tends to become rough. Too close together and the vibrating part of the top becomes too narrow with a resulting "pinched" sound.
A round or oval hole or a rosette is usually a single one, under the strings. C-holes, D-holes and F-holes are usually made in pairs placed symmetrically on both sides of the strings. Most hollowbody and semi-hollow electric guitars also have F-holes.
Перевести · 24.07.2018 · Gibson Limited Edition 2018 F-Hole L-1 Acoustic Guitar - YouTube. …
Перевести · The f-hole, in addition to providing a port for the projection of sound, also allows for a freer vibration and response of the top and bridge assembly. Too “loose” and …
Перевести · 02.01.2019 · The rest—the actual f-hole—then is just a matter of joining up curves. But even in this I keep the movement of the top in mind; the more slanted the f-holes, …
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: one of the two f-shaped sound holes in the top of a violin or other bowed stringed instrument
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“F-hole.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/f-hole. Accessed 17 May. 2021.
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