everest front door handles

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Everest Front Door Handles


Your browser is out of date This website will not look or function as originally intended in your current browser We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Which choice is right for you? Discover the best possible hardware for the job. Get a FREE no-obligation quote Request an appointment with a local consultant to view samples of our wide range of styles and designs and discuss your exact requirements. Why choose an Everest Entrance Door? When choosing an Everest Door, you can rest assured your doors offer the following benefits: Great choice of materials - uPVC, timber, aluminium and GRP options Triple glazing option making your home up to 35% more energy efficient Among the most secure on the market exceeding British Security Standards Energy efficient with A+ ratings - our uPVC Casement Door is rated A+21, the warmest and safest available Light with strong aluminium frames perfect for smaller doors Top quality timber via Softwood and Hardwood options, which can be painted or stained

More secure with features including toughened safety glass, security hinges, hook-bolts and multi-point locking to ensure enhanced security Made to measure for a perfect fit – we’re far less tolerant on gaps than other suppliers, so we use a product specific trim around the edge of the doors for a neater finish Lifetime guarantees against fog and condensation on uPVC, aluminium and GRP entrance doors, with comprehensive guarantees across our entire doors range Everest provides both front and back doors, offering you the best in design and security for your home. Everest Entrance Doors are... Our entrance doors have been expertly designed to keep out unwanted noises and draughts, so your home stays warm and quiet. All our entrance doors feature toughened safety glass, security hinges, hook-bolts and multi-point locking to ensure your home is always secure. Our uPVC, timber and GRP entrance doors come with lifetime gurantees against fog and condesnation, and we offer comprehensive guarantees across our entire range of doors.

Find out more about our popular entrance doors options Add a touch of period authenticity with Georgian bars. They can be placed in an arrangement to suit your taste, and the bar edges can be smooth or classically contoured. Many of our uPVC doors can be advanced even further with our triple-glazed glass option, helping to make your home up to 35% more energy efficient than standard double glazing. And our GRP doors feature triple glazing as standard. View our entrance doors gallery Our latest customer reviews We'd love to tell you moreThe style and colour of your front door says much more about you than you possibly realise. It’s a portal to your personality First impressions count, and no more so than when it comes to our homes. The choices we make about the style and colour of key exterior elements such as the front door can say more about who we are and our personality than we may realise. Colour has long been seen by psychologists as a way of analysing and identifying key personality types.

The majority of us are likely to impress our favourite shades on the entrance to our homes – after all, it’s the first thing we see when we return home. The front door, it seems, is as much a portal into our personalities as it is into our living spaces. Green is one of the most popular choices for front doors, and says a lot about those who choose it. Pale green shades are fresh, natural and airy, suggesting an open, welcoming and tranquil personality who strives to achieve a sense of well-being; while dark green is popular with country dwellers and nature lovers, representing traditional values and respect, and is, in fact, particularly favoured by older homeowners. Blue is the colour of peace. A lighter blue is associated with the ocean and those who have a love of the sea along with the openness that implies, whereas a deeper blue goes one step further and is indicative of honesty and intelligence. A bright pink, a vivid red or even a splash of citrus orange signifies an outgoing and extrovert personality.

Red, in particular, implies a vibrant and lively homeowner and says “welcome” in big bold letters, hence is more common among younger homeowners who are sociable, extrovert and keen to express creativity. Pink is a feminine statement and suggests that a loving and thoughtful homeowner might well live behind the door. The more neutral shades of black, grey or brown reveal quite the opposite, with the resident most likely careful, conscientious and conservative. But if you want to be seen by neighbours as important and earnest, then why not take inspiration from perhaps the world’s most famous front door, 10 Downing Street, and adorn it with a coat of shiny black gloss? But it’s not just about colour. If you are investing in a new door then it’s worth considering what its style could suggest about you and your home. The range of exterior front doors from Everest offers a variety of designs from classic panelled options such as the Burlingham, Bletchley and Beaumont to the contemporary Scandi-inspired Stockholm, Riga and Malmo.

There are double door and stable door options too.Everest doors are constructed from a variety of materials such as uPVC, timber, aluminium and composite. While traditionalists are more likely to opt for the panelled timber and modern types may select a clean-lined simplistic design, it is important to bear in mind the period and style of your property when choosing a front door. You must be sympathetic to any key architectural details. So if you have a Georgian villa in the centre of town, no matter how much you fancy a country cottage-style stable door, the advice is to resist. Similarly if you have a state-of-the-art modern new build then a four-panelled classic design is going to look totally out of place. Bear in mind also that attention to detail is key when selecting the right door furniture. Everest has a range of door handles, door knockers and letterboxes to choose from. If you are a conservative type and have gone for a traditional style door then opt for a gold finish or classic black.

If you are a cool, trendy urbanite then perhaps stainless steel is more appropriate to your personality type. And if you are revamping the entrance to your home, it is worth taking a step back to review the exterior of the house as a whole. Note the elements that you really can’t change, such as the period style of your property as well as the colour of the brick, stone or render, for example, so your choice is a considered one. After all, you don’t want to indulge your fantasies for a hot orange shade on the front door if it will clash with the classic creamy tones of your Cotswold stone. Take a look at some of the most well-known front doors, from10 Downing Street to Bilbo Baggins’ front door in The Lord of the Rings... Originally made of black oak, the most famous door in England is made of blast-proof solid steel.There is no lock nor keyhole on the outside of the door. Guards open the door from inside when they see who is approaching. Home of Sherlock Holmes.

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