eGOLD MINING - Mining. Hosting. Cloud Mining

eGOLD MINING - Mining. Hosting. Cloud Mining


Over the past few years, the cryptocurrency markets have seen significant and unprecedented growth, with investors in the space earning huge profits. One major drawback, however, is that trading cryptocurrencies is a bit complicated and the recent influx of new projects into the market is quite overwhelming. As a result, investors that do not have the time, resources or expertise to do exhaustive research may end up making snap judgements and losing money. As such, it has become particularly important for investors to be cautious while making investments in ICOs and cryptocurrencies in general. This is because a large proportion of investors lack the knowledge to dissect projects, analyse teams or even to ascertain the authenticity of the claims made in the white paper. More so, even if these investors have the knowledge and expertise to analyse and make risk assessment for blockchain projects they may lack the time, resources, and in depth research required to make informed decision. On the other hand, there are multiple genuine cryptocurrencies and ICO projects that have viable products, and world class teams that have the ability to execute the vision and deliver revolutionary solutions within the space and this is where eGold Mining fits in, as they have designed a platform that allows individuals to support and participate in blockchain mining. The project intends to build and maintain datacenters with blockchain mining capabilities.

About eGold Mining 

eGold Mining is a cryptocurrency mining solutions project (the “Project”) that is designed to allow individuals to support and participate in blockchain mining. The project intends to build and maintain datacenters with blockchain mining capabilities. eGold Mining will be building datacenters in South Dakota, USA. With industrial electric prices quoted at 4.5c/kWh, cool temperatures throughout the year, abundance of green energy, and lack of state corporate taxes, South Dakota is a prime location for a large-scale cryptocurrency mining operation.

In addition, eGold Mining is launching an Security Token Offering (or “STO”) to certain investors, which we will convert into an Initial Public Offering (or “IPO”), in which eGold Mining’s selling (EGM) tokens, a security token, pursuant to Simple Agreements for Future Tokens between eGold Mining and the investors. eGold Mining plans to work on a Mini-Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) under Regulation A+, which, upon approval by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), would open up participation in the Project to the public. The EGM token holders will get up to 50% of the Project’s blockchain mining profits paid out monthly in ETH.


eGM's mission is to become the largest and most trustworthy dividend paying cryptocurrency mining operation in the world. The eGM team is dedicated to maximizing dividends for all token holders.

The Cryptocurrencies That Will Be Mined

eGold Mining will be mining a host of different cryptocurrencies based on profitability at the given time. eGM will be using ASIC-based, GPU-based, and FPGA-based hardware to mine these cryptocurrencies. A few cryptocurrencies we will mine are BTC, ETH, LTC, ETC, DASH, ZEC, etc. Expansion programs will be done monthly to increase the number of hardware to mine more crypotocurrencies. The goal is to maximize short-term and long-term profits.

Distinctive Features

Why you should choose eGold Mining?

Unmatched benefits which no other competitor can provide

Profit Sharing

50% of the net profit is shared with token holders every month, six months, and year depending on accumulated G-points and the length of time the eGM tokens were held. Payouts will be in ETH via smart contracts.


eGM is taking proper steps to comply with all security laws set by the United States government. The goal is to be the first US-based profit sharing company in the mining industry. eGM plans to operate legally under South Dakota, USA jurisdiction.


Being a registered company in the United States allows for security of investment compared to similar companies around the world. eGold Mining’s official business entity registration can be found here.

Cheap Electricity Rates

The electricity costs for eGold Mining is under 4.5 cents per kWh with all additional cost factors included. eGM has the cheapest electrical costs of all profit-sharing mining companies.


Opposed to traditional profit sharing methods, eGM rewards investors through a point system referred to as ‘G-point’. The G-point system is there to reward long-term token holders the most.

No Contracts

Unlike Cloud Mining, eGM does not require the purchase of contracts or hash power to receive mining profits. Profits are shared by simply holding eGM tokens and accumulating G-points.

How It Works?

You only need to buy eGM tokens and store them in your personal ERC20 wallet (we recommend Metamask). By holding this token, you can accumulate G-points every day. You compete with others to see who can collect the most G points and get the biggest share of profits! Learn how G-points are calculated here.

eGM greatly incentivizes long term token holders as the longer they hold, the higher profit share they receive. This is made possible by the payout structure below.

Short Term Holders

Dividends paid every month

G-points reset every month

25% profit share

Must hold tokens for full month to receive profit share

Long Term Holders

Dividends paid every six months

G-points reset every six months

15% profit share

Must hold tokens for at least three months to receive profit share

Elite Holders

Dividends paid every year

G-points never reset

10% profit share

Must hold tokens for at least six months to receive profit share

About The eGM Token

EGM is a token with payouts that entitles the token holders to a percentage of the net profits of the mining, cloud mining, and hosting operations. Profits will be paid out on a monthly basis allowing regular people to reap the benefits of cryptocurrency mining.

Initial Token Offering (ITO)

ITO Budget Requirements and Allocation

Soft Cap 1 = $8m

Soft Cap 2 = $12m

Soft Cap 3 = $20m

Hard Cap = $50m

Calculations are based on 8/02/2018 mining difficulty (subject to change)

Calculations are based on Soft Cap 2

Energy rates ~ 4.5c/kWh

Energy costs are subject to change based on the market for Natural Gas

Energy rate will range between 4c-4.5c/kWh

The purpose of the ITO is to raise enough funds to cover the startup cost of the operation. It is also to distribute eGM tokens to token purchasers so they can start earning a share of the mining profits. The eGM token plays a pivotal role in receiving your share of the mined cryptocurrencies.

There will be 25 million eGM tokens in total. 20 million tokens will be available to the public through the pre-sale & ITO and the other 5 million tokens will be distributed amongst the directors and advisors.

The directors will be held in an escrow wallet for two years and they cannot sell more than 50% of their tokens per year thereforth. They must break that 50% into monthly sells (4.16% per month) and report the sale of their tokens for our monthly public accounting reports.

After a four year period, the directors are allowed to freely sell all their eGM tokens one week after reporting their intent of sale. Advisors can sell all their tokens after two years of holding but must report the intent of sale to the company first.

There are three softcaps for the project: $8 million, $12 million, and $20 million. The first softcap is the minimum amount needed to start a profitable operation.

The second softcap is the amount required to meet the projections set under ‘Projections and Return on Investment’, below.

The third softcap is the amount required to buy land, build a warehouse, invest in more s, and buy more ASIC miners.

With a larger startup amount, we will be able to eliminate many future expenses and will be able to purchase more s to back eGM tokens.

The price per token will be determined at the completion of the ITO. The reason for this is the bonus from the presale and referral program that must be calculated into the overall price of the eGM token.



For more information, please visit the links i have provided below;








Author: BrainerdPaul

BitcoinTalk profile link:;u=1680409

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