dua lipa — radical optimism

dua lipa — radical optimism

pinterest english

end of an era

· to lose all senses — потерять голову

i've lost all my senses

· a sweetest pleasure — величайшее удовольствие

the sweetest pleasure, i feel like we're gonna be together

· to be forever and ever — навеки, во веки веков

who knows, baby? this could be forever and ever

· a kiss goodbye — прощальный поцелуй

another girl leaves the club, send a big kiss goodbye

· to fall in love — влюбляться

another girl falls in love, another girl leaves the club


· a solar eclipse — солнечное затмение

time is passing like a solar eclipse

· to blow a kiss — посылать воздушный поцелуй

see you watching and you blow me a kiss

· to let a moment slip — дать моменту ускользнуть

it’s your moment baby don’t let it slip

· to read one’s lips — читать по губам

come in closer, are you reading my lips?

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training season

· to be drawn to something — чувствовать притяжение к чему-либо

or just the poison that i'm drawn to?

· to play fair — играть по правилам, честно

play fair, is that a compass in your nature?

· to be vulnerable — быть уязвимым

knows just how to take control when i'm vulnerable

· to feel vertigo — испытывать головокружение

convеrsation overload, got me feeling vertigo

· to let somebody know something — дать кому-то знать что-либо

if that ain't you, then let me know, yeah

· to see in good light — видеть в хорошем свете

i tried to see my lovers in a good light. don't wanna do it just to be nice

· to hit like an arrow — пронзить, словно стрела

i hope it hits me like an arrow, someone with some potential

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these walls

· a poker face — в терминологии покера выражение лица, не выдающее эмоций, а также мимические уловки, вводящие оппонента в заблуждение

maybe we should switch careers, 'cause, baby, you know no one beats our poker faces

· to end up — оказаться

· to be wasted — быть пьяным

when the night ends up in tears, wake up and we blame it all on being wasted

· to face your fears — столкнуться со своими страхами

· to get worse — ухудшаться

they tell us, "go and face your fears", it's getting worse the longer that we stay together

whatcha doing

· to steal one’s heart — украсть чье-либо сердце

there's a part of me that wants to steal your heart, and a part that tells me "don't"

· to be no good at something — быть плохим для чего-либо, бесполезным

· to give up control — отказаться от контроля

'cause i'm no good at givin' up control

· to be heading for collision — идти навстречу столкновению

· 20/20 vision — иметь прекрасное зрение (острота 20/20)

but if control is my religion, then i'm headin' for collision, lost my 20/20 vision, please

· to be scared to death — до смерти бояться

whatcha doin' to me, baby? i’m scared to death that you might be the one to change me

· to cloud one’s decisions — затуманить решения

and now you're clouding my decisions, got me headin' for collision

· to shake the feeling — избавиться от чувства

i see you next to me, but i can't shake the feeling that there's more to learn

french exit

· to be the last one standing — последний, кто устоял

· to leave somebody stranded — оставить кого-то в затруднительном положении

someone's gotta be the last one standin' and i hate that i'm leavin' you stranded

· to hit the road — отправиться в путь

but i gotta hit the road

· a french exit — уйти не попрощавшись, по-английски

and i really hope you'll understand it, only way to go is a french exit

· to make sense — иметь смысл, обретать смысл

· a clean break — полный разрыв

maybe time will make it make sense, i'm better at a clean break than leavin' doors open


· things don’t last — оканчиваться ничем

· take rose-coloured glasses off — снять розовые очки

in the end, those things just don't last and it's time i take my rose-coloured glasses off

· to throw a match and let it burn — бросать спичку и позволять ей гореть

was a time when I just threw a match and let it burn, now i'm grown, i know what i deserve

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falling forever

· to hold on — держаться, не сдаваться

· to throw away the moment — выбросить момент из головы

are you good at holdin' on? i know the mind is quick to throw away the moment

· to carry over — переносить что-либо

· ’til tomorrow and beyond — до завтра и ещё дольше

i hope the feelings that you give me carry over 'til tomorrow and beyond

· to keep getting better — становиться лучше

can it just keep getting better? can we keep fallin' forever?

anything for love

· to give up easily — легко сдаваться

· to be set on doing something — приниматься за что-либо

· to cut something off — отсечь, прервать

and i'm not interested in a love that gives up so easily, i want a love that's set on keeping me. when it hurts, we don't even think to cut it off

· to be perfect together — быть идеальной парой

· to part ways — расставаться

we're not perfect together that means we've gotta part ways. remember when we used to do anything for love?

· to be terrified of a heartbreak — бояться разбитого сердца

we're all terrified of heartbreak, run at first signs of problems


· to mean it — говорить серьезно

says he'll never leave, he means it too

· to take something for granted — принимать как должное

when love comes young, you take it for granted

happy for you

· to look hot as hell — выглядеть горячо

baby, together you look hot as hell

· to be all for the best — быть к лучшему

· to pick up the pieces — собрать осколки (своего сердца)

even the hard parts were all for the best, i see where you're at now, you picked up the pieces

pinterest english 💋

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