does vitamin e oil make your hair grow

does vitamin e oil make your hair grow

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Does Vitamin E Oil Make Your Hair Grow


It wasn’t until recently that evening primrose oil was used for its amazing health benefits, so you may be surprised to learn about the impact it can have on your  hormone health, skin, hair, and bones. The oil is high in essential fatty acids—which provide the building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormone-like substances. Essential fatty acids are necessary for human health, but the body can’t make them—you have to get them through food. Along with  omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function, as well as normal growth and development. Your body needs a healthy balance of essential fatty acids, such as the omega-6, found in evening primrose, and  omega-3, found in  fish oil.  Consuming fats slows down absorption so we can go longer without feeling hungry; they also act as carriers for important fat-soluble  vitamin A,  vitamin D,  vitamin E and  vitamin K. 5 Evening Primrose Oil Benefits

Women can take primrose oil to  naturally treat PMS symptoms because of its essential fatty acid content. Consuming essential fatty acids creates a healthy environment for conception; they help you  lose weight and produce  balanced hormones. I recommend that you take 1,500 milligrams, beginning on the first day of your menstrual cycle, until ovulation. A hormonal imbalance can lead to acne in teens and adults alike, and many people don’t realize that  acne can be treated naturally. In order to treat hormonal acne, you need to tackle the root of the problem—the hormonal imbalance. No topical treatment does that for you; it only treats the already existing pimples or scars. The omega-6 fatty acids present in evening primrose oil can help you to regulate your hormone levels and cure your hormonal acne issues. These fatty acids also play a role in cell structure, improving nerve function and promoting skin elasticity. To take advantage of this evening primrose oil health benefit regarding hormonal acne, you can take an evening primrose oil capsule daily.

You can also put the oil on your face directly. This is known to help with the healing process and improve the overall appearance of your skin. Men and women struggle with hair loss, and sometimes the best way to prevent this issue it with diet or supplements. When it comes to hair, hormones play a significant role—including in the hair pattern found on your head, as well as the rest of your body. Essential omega-6 fatty acid, GLA, which comes from consuming capsules of evening primrose oil, can be highly effective in the  fight against hair loss. Try taking 500 milligrams twice a day—you will begin to see results in six to eight weeks. You can also rub evening primrose oil into your hair or add it to your shampoo. In a study done at the University of Maryland, 86 people who were experiencing hair loss massaged their scalps with  essential oils. They did this daily for seven months; at the end, those who used essential oils daily noticed significant hair regrowth.

Besides using evening primrose oil for this remedy, try  lavender, cypress, and  lemongrass essential oils too. Evening primrose oil has proven to be a valuable treatment choice for people suffering from skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis. Studies published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science have even shown that evening primrose oil can help with age-related structural and functional changes in skin tissues, such as redness, firmness, roughness, and fatigue resistance. Research shows that people with eczema don’t have the normal ability to process fatty acids; this results in a deficiency of gamma-linolenic acid, or GLA. GLA is an omega-6 fatty acid that the body can convert to substances that reduce inflammation and cell growth. Studies prove that evening primrose oil is remarkably effective in  relieving many symptoms of eczema, including itching, redness, and edema. Psoriasis occurs when skin cells replicate too quickly, which results in swollen patches under the skin covered with whitish scales on top.

The cause of psoriasis includes hormonal changes, poor diet, and difficulty digesting protein. An evening primrose oil benefit is its ability to help  naturally cure psoriasis—because the essential fatty acids help with hormone balance and digestion. Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of chronic arthritis that occurs in joints on both sides of the body—such as both hands, both wrists, or both knees. It’s an autoimmune disease, which means that the body’s immune system attacks its own healthy tissues. The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is a combination of genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors. Some studies show that primrose oil may be a suitable  natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis. One study done by Arthritis Research UK measured the effects of evening primrose oil on 49 people. The data found that 94 percent of participants who got evening primrose oil reported a significant improvement of disease-related symptoms, including pain and morning stiffness. 

When using evening primrose oil for symptoms of arthritis, it may take one to three months for benefits to appear. Evening Primrose Oil Side Effects The dosage for primrose oil varies depending on the particular ailment. We suggest consulting your doctor before taking any new supplements. Reported side effects are rare and mild, and include nausea, stomach pain, and headaches. Stomach pain and loose stools may mean that the dose is too high. If you take medication for blood thinning or blood pressure medication, speak to your health care provider before consuming evening primrose oil. If you’re prone to seizures and take a class of medications called phenothiazines, which is used to treat schizophrenia, you shouldn’t take evening primrose oil because it may increase your risk of seizures. Photo Credit: free photos, Shutterstock, Sarah LeeOils are essential for operations of our body. Here are some best known natural oils and cocktails for improving hair health and hair growth.

Of course you should be careful not to overdo it and just selecting a few of these oils, and often switching them is a good idea. Over time, you will figure out which specific oils give results in your specific case. For example, some people react better to coconut oil vs mustard oil vs olive oil. Massage the scalp with warm organic coconut oil (heat it slightly in a double boiler or in a microwave for a few seconds), apply it on the hair and leave for at least 30-45 minutes. To increase the absorption of oil you can do a Saran wrap. Coconut oil is one of the best oils recommended for hair growth because it prevents the loss of protein from your hair. Moreover, it stimulates circulation, prevents dandruff, and reduces head lice infestation. You can follow hot oil deep conditioning treatments about once or twice in a week. If you want to soak your hair in oil for longer, then after applying the oil, wrap a soft towel around your hair, and leave it overnight. Boil some fresh curry leaves in coconut oil until the leaves turn black.

Cool and strain the oil. Massage this oil generously onto your hair and scalp two times in a week to stimulate hair growth. Like curry leaves, you can boil dry amla pieces (Indian gooseberry) in coconut oil. Similarly, you can boil ten Chinese Hibiscus flowers in two cups of coconut oil until they become charred and use the resultant oil to augment hair growth. Massaging antioxidant rich, extra-virgin olive oil on the scalp aids in circulation, thereby encouraging hair growth. It stops DTH production on the scalp and hence prevents hair loss. In addition, olive oil works as a natural conditioner and scalp disinfectant. Another recipe with olive oil involves adding three drops each of cedar wood oil, thyme oil, two drops each of rosemary, lavender, peppermint essential oil, and half a teaspoon of grated ginger in a quarter cup of organic olive oil. Add organic honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in warm olive oil. Massage this paste on your scalp, let it sit for 15 minutes and then wash it off.

Apply castor oil or a combination of two tablespoons of castor oil mixed with four drops of rosemary essential oil to reduce hair loss. Being rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, pure argan oil works wonders in nourishing damaged hair, encouraging hair growth, taking care of curly hair, and protecting your tresses from ultraviolet rays and environmental pollution. Moroccan argan oil is quite popular in this regard. Emu oil promotes hair growth and fights baldness by revitalizing dormant hair follicles and inhibiting 5 alpha reductase. This enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT which, in turn, causes hair loss. Moreover, it has ant-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Eucalyptus oil stimulates blood flow and thus increases hair growth. Furthermore, it revitalizes dull hair, treats dandruff, improves hair texture, and promotes hair elasticity and luster. Amla oil serves as an excellent Ayurvedic remedy for reducing loss of hair. Sweet almond oil helps in reducing issues like hair loss, hair fall, and breakage;

helps ease scalp irritation and inflammation, too. Grape seed oil is a light oil that nourishes the scalp and makes hair grow fast. It can be applied on all types of hair. In fact, it is helps make curly hair manageable. Jojoba oil is similar oil that absorbs quickly and does not make your hair too greasy after application. Pure jojoba oil is hypoallergenic. Wheat germ oil, rich in a variety of fatty acids (longer than the ones present in coconut oil), vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin D, vitamin E, choline, and so on, is considered effective for growing long hair. You may use wheat germ oil in combination with coconut milk and aloe vera gel to nourish your hair and increase hair growth. Another remedy involves massaging the scalp with two tablespoons of castor oil mixed with three drops of tea tree oil. Leave for at least half an hour and then shampoo. You can follow this treatment once daily. Avocado oil, being rich in amino acids and antioxidants, nourishes damaged hair and encourages healthy growth of hair.

It is effective for deep conditioning. Flaxseed oil, being rich in essential fatty acids, stimulates hair and nail growth. Furthermore, you can make a flaxseed gel at home to manage curly hair. Pure nettle oil works as a hair tonic. Pumpkin seed oil inhibits DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) production, testosterone and androgen levels. Therefore, it assists in controlling hair loss. DHT blocks the hair follicles from absorbing proteins. Essential oils like that of rosemary, thyme, sage, lavender, cedarwood, peppermint, Roman chamomile, lemon, grapefruit, cypress, carrot root, geranium, ylang ylang, etc. can be mixed in carrier oil and massaged on the scalp to accelerate hair growth. Rosemary oil, in particular, is high beneficial for hair growth. In case you do not want to buy it, prepare the oil yourself by placing the herb in a glass bottle, adding oil of your choice (olive oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, sesame oil, etc.). Let this solution sit for two to four weeks.

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