does vitamin e oil kill warts

does vitamin e oil kill warts

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Does Vitamin E Oil Kill Warts


October 25, 2011Pelvic Pain, Contraception, Integrative Medicine, Sexual Health, Incontinence, Pregnancy and Birth By clicking Accept, you agree to become a member of the UBM Medica Community.What home treatments are available for dog warts? Owners who wish to treat their dogs' warts with home remedies can use vitamin E or castor oil, recommends Organic Pet Digest. However, dog warts generally clear up on their own without any treatment, explains PetMD. How do you treat skin problems on dogs? What are some home remedies for a constipated dog? What are some folk treatments for hiccups? Warts are small tumors caused by the papilloma virus, reports Organic Pet Digest. In most cases, they are harmless and cause no pain. Although veterinarians can perform surgery to remove unsightly growths, in most cases, canine oral warts require no treatment, notes PetMD. There are several holistic at-home remedies available to treat warts in dogs, including rubbing the wart with either vitamin E cream or castor oil, explains Organic Pet Digest.

Organic Pet Digest also suggests feeding an affected dog thuya essential oil capsules. However, such a treatment is dangerous. Thuya, also known as thuja or arborvitae, is toxic to dogs, according to the Midtown Animal Clinic website. The Plants for a Future website agrees that all parts of the plant are toxic. Thuya is also a wart treatment in humans, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. The treatment applies to the skin and does not require oral ingestion. The Midtown Animal Clinic states that thuya is mildly toxic to dogs if ingested, and far from being useful for skin conditions, it can actually cause skin irritation. Dogs that consume thuya may experience vomiting or diarrhea. Learn more about Veterinary Health What are some home treatments for ear mites? Natural remedies for ear mites in dogs and cats include yellow dock root extract and water to kill the mites, and using vegetable or olive oil to soothe th... How do you cure a dog's stomach ache?

According to Canine Journal, a dog's upset stomach can be cured with many natural remedies, such as feeding it rice, boiled chicken and banana baby food. What is a home flea and tick remedy to bathe a dog in? One of the most effective flea and tick remedies is simply a bath with normal soap and shampoo, which kills most fleas and washes away ticks that have not ... What are some home remedies for treating fleas on cats? Natural remedies like eucalyptus and rosemary, along with treating the home to prevent further infestation, are helpful in treating cat fleas. What are some treatments for hydrocephalus? What are some natural treatments for cherry angiomas? How do you do yoga at home? How do you buy Frontline for dogs at a discounted price? What is Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome? Are reviews for Slick 50 engine treatments generally positive?Medical science probably will never be able to explain how burying a coin or rubbing a potato can remove a wart, but the mind has powerful influence over the immune system that almost anyone can use to advantage.

Medical treatment will get rid of warts. The problem with most methods of wart removal one encounters in a doctor's office is that they change the pigment of the skin so that the removal of a wart leaves a freckle, age spot, or a lightening of the skin called vitiligo. This effect is most noticeable on dark skin. Medical treatment of warts can also leave scars or ulceration. That is why most people prefer natural home remedies for warts removals. Here are thirteen natural home remedies for warts removal. If one doesn't work for you, another surely will! For children, the more outrageous the cure, the more likely it will work. Natural health experts Joe and Teresa Graedon suggest touching a wart with colored chopsticks and uttering an ancient "proverb," such as "The touch of the chopstick will surely dissolve the water." Other possibilities are shining a laser pointer at the wart (taking care not to point the light in the child's eyes) or poking the wart and rubbing it with an ice cube.

Just don't ruin the effect by telling the child the cure will not work—because it probably will. Dr. Samuel Moschella published an article in the Cleveland Clinic Quarterly about a technique he used with his adult patients who did not want to undergo wart removal surgery. Dr. Moschella ordered his patients to soak their feet in warm (113° F/45° C) water for 30 to 90 minutes a week. And if they added one part vinegar to four parts of water, they killed any foot fungus as well. Dermatological researchers conducted a scientific study of the use of adhesiotherapy, the use duct tape to remove warts, to treat children's warts. The children were divided into two groups. Half were given the standard liquid nitrogen treatment to remove the warts. The other half were treated with a tiny piece of duct tape to be placed over the wart for six days. At the end of the sixth day, parents were told to remove the duct tape with warm water and put on a fresh piece of duct tape for another six days, repeating the process every six days for two months.

At the end of the study the skin care scientists found that warts had disappeared in 60 per cent of the children treated with liquid nitrogen. But warts disappeared in 85 per cent of the children treated with duct tape. A safe and non-threatening treatment, duct tape may have modulated the children's immune systems so that they could fight the viruses that cause the warts. The only ingredient in over-the-counter wart removers with scientifically proven wart-removal power is salicylic acid, which is also the active ingredient in aspirin. Salicylic acid is found in Clear Away, Compound W, and Wart-Off. A study published in the British Medical Journal found that over-the-counter wart removers work better than laser surgery, liquid nitrogen, and other high-tech treatments. Any wart removal plaster than contains salicylic acid is also great from removing splinters. Put a small disk of Clearaway Wart Removal System or Mediplast on a splinter for 12 hours, and it should work its way out in several days.

Smoking encourages the growth of warts, and increases the rate at which genital warts become cancerous.Although the human papillomavirus within them lies beneath a horny layer of keratin, any breaks in the skin can transmit the virus to cause new warts. Hypnosis has been used to treat warts. Success rates range from 55 per cent in children to 27 per cent in adults. Raw garlic cloves have antiviral activity. Rubbing raw garlic on a wart at night and then covering the wart with a bandage sometimes removes the wart. Tea tree oil, usually applied as a cream, kills bacteria and sometimes removes warts. It is usually necessary to use the tea tree oil cream for 2 to 3 months to get rid of the wart. Genital warts, caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), the same virus that causes cervical cancer, are hard to remove without medical treatment. Even genital warts, however, respond to nutritional and natural home remedies for warts. Here are some suggestions specifically for dealing with genital warts.

In laboratory studies, vitamins A, C, and E increase the multiplication of healthy cells but prevent the multiplication of warty skin infected with HPV. Vitamin E has the greatest effect on the viruses that cause warts, but all three vitamins should be taken together because they recharge each other. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is important in preventing the progression of genital warts to cancer. Oral contraceptives, as well as most of the drugs for controlling seizures and eating disorders, increase the body's need for vitamin B6. Don't take B6 if you take L-dopa for Parkinson's disease, valproic acid for seizures, or theophylline for asthma, because the vitamin can interfere with those medications. Beta-carotene is especially important for women who have genital warts. One study found that women who develop cervical dysplasia (a condition that sometimes leads to cervical cancer) have an average of two-thirds as much beta-carotene in their bloodstreams as uninfected women. Beta-carotene boosts the immune system in both men and women, and encourages the adhesion of skin cells to each other.

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