discipliner sa pupille

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Pupille compagnie [ ] a discipline sédentaire, 1895

This catalog provides online access to our holdings. Cataloging of the collection is ongoing and new entries are continually added.

General Research Division,
The New York Public Library. "Pupille compagnie [ ] a discipline sédentaire, 1895"
The New York Public Library Digital Collections .

General Research Division,
The New York Public Library. "Pupille compagnie [ ] a discipline sédentaire, 1895"
New York Public Library Digital Collections.
Accessed August 19, 2022.

General Research Division,
The New York Public Library.
Pupille compagnie [ ] a discipline sédentaire, 1895
Retrieved from https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47d9-9670-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99

{{cite web | url=https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47d9-9670-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99 | title=
(still image)
Pupille compagnie [ ] a discipline sédentaire, 1895, (1910)|author=Digital Collections, The New York Public Library |accessdate=August 19, 2022 |publisher=The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations}}

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Vinkhuijzen, Hendrik Jacobus, Collector
The collection assembled by H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910), a Dutch physician, consists in its entirety of over 32,000 pictures, from many sources, mounted in 762 scrapbooks.
Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication ("CCO 1.0 Dedication")
Developed by GetArchive , 2015-2022
Military uniforms: Germany, 1871-1909
Military uniforms: Germany, 1871-1909
420 Changes in uniforms and armament of troops of the Russian Imperial army
Corps belge au Mexique. Officier (Petite tenue), Bataillon de Grenadiers (Sous-Officiers et Soldat.) 1864
Military uniforms: Germany, Bavaria, 1896.
Military Uniforms: Belgium, État-major [ ], 1895
Military Uniforms: Belgium, Artillerie [ ], 1895
The collection assembled by H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910), a Dutch physician, and presented to the Library by Mrs. Henry Draper in 1911, consists in its entirety of over 32,000 pictures, from many sources, mounted in 762 scrapbooks. (The digital presentation will ultimately include them all.) The collection is remarkably diverse, depicting costume as various as the rough wool garments of Bronze age Etruscan warriors, the robes of Ottoman Turk court officials, and the elaborate uniforms of the preening armies of 19th-century Europe, the collection's special strength.
The aesthetic quality of the images varies. There are prints seemingly cut from 17th-century festival books along with 19th-century chromolithographs, original watercolor compositions of some artistic merit, crude pencil drawings, and occasional photographs. Dr. Vinkhuijzen's usual strategy was to extract plates from illustrated books and magazines. He colored some of the printed images, and when printed images were lacking, drew others by hand. Some of the unsigned watercolors found in the collection may also be by him. He arranged his collection as loose images in boxes according to his own classification system; this organization is retained for browsing the digital collection. (Mounting the plates in scrapbooks was apparently accomplished by others after Dr. Vinkhuijzen's death.) The New York Public Library comprises simultaneously a set of scholarly research collections and a network of community libraries, and its intellectual and cultural range is both global and local, while singularly attuned to New York City. That combination lends to the Library an extraordinary richness. It is special also in being historically a privately managed, nonprofit corporation with a public mission, operating with both private and public financing in a century-old, still evolving private-public partnership. Last year, over 16 million New Yorkers visited the library, and over 25 million used its website.
The NYPL Digital Gallery provides free and open access to over 640,000 images digitized from the The New York Public Library's vast collections, including not just photographs but illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints and more.
Digital projects and partnerships at NYPL are managed by the Digital Experience Group, a 21-person team of programmers, designers and producers dedicated to expanding and enhancing all points of computer and Web-mediated interaction with the library's collections, services and staff.
PICRYL is the largest media source for public domain images, scans, and documents. PICRYL is an AI-driven search & similarity engine. PICRYL makes the world's public domain media fun to find and easy to use. Get Archive LLC, creator of PICRYL, endeavors to provide information that it possesses on the copyright status of the content and to identify any other terms and conditions that may apply to the use of the content, however, Get Archive LLC offers no guarantee or assurance that all pertinent information is provided, or that the information is correct in each circumstance. Permission for use, re-use, or additional use of the content is not required. GetArchive believes there are no usage restrictions or limitations put on content in the U.S. Get Archive LLC does not charge permission and license fees for use of any of the content on PICRYL, however, upon request, GetArchive can provide rights clearance for content for a fee. Get Archive LLC is the owner of the compilation of content that is posted on the PICRYL website and applications, which consists of text, images, audio, video, databases, tags, design, codes, and software ("Content"). However, Get Archive LLC does not own each component of the compilation displayed and accessible on the PICRYL website and applications. If you have specific questions or information about content, the website, and applications, please contact us.

NYPL's Public Domain Archive. Not developed or endorsed by NYPL. Part of the World's largest public domain source PICRYL.com.
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Vinkhuijzen, Hendrik Jacobus, Collector
The collection assembled by H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910), a Dutch physician, consists in its entirety of over 32,000 pictures, from many sources, mounted in 762 scrapbooks.
Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication ("CCO 1.0 Dedication")
Developed by GetArchive , 2015-2022
Military uniforms: Germany, 1871-1909
Military uniforms: Germany, 1871-1909
Corps belge au Mexique. Officier (Petite tenue), Bataillon de Grenadiers (Sous-Officiers et Soldat.) 1864
Military uniforms: Germany, Bavaria, 1896.
Military uniforms: Germany, Saxony, 1886-1895
Military Uniforms: Belgium, Méd[ecin] militaire, 1895
Military uniforms: Austria, [Infantry], 1897
Sargent Hall, 1876. [Interior view] New Hampshire in 19th century. Stereoscope card.
[View of the Flume, 1872.] New Hampshire in 19th century. Stereoscope card.
Ajutante di Campo del Re. Generale. 1895
Military Uniforms: Belgium, Apothicaire militaire, méd[ecin] vétérinaire, 1895
The collection assembled by H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910), a Dutch physician, and presented to the Library by Mrs. Henry Draper in 1911, consists in its entirety of over 32,000 pictures, from many sources, mounted in 762 scrapbooks. (The digital presentation will ultimately include them all.) The collection is remarkably diverse, depicting costume as various as the rough wool garments of Bronze age Etruscan warriors, the robes of Ottoman Turk court officials, and the elaborate uniforms of the preening armies of 19th-century Europe, the collection's special strength.
The aesthetic quality of the images varies. There are prints seemingly cut from 17th-century festival books along with 19th-century chromolithographs, original watercolor compositions of some artistic merit, crude pencil drawings, and occasional photographs. Dr. Vinkhuijzen's usual strategy was to extract plates from illustrated books and magazines. He colored some of the printed images, and when printed images were lacking, drew others by hand. Some of the unsigned watercolors found in the collection may also be by him. He arranged his collection as loose images in boxes according to his own classification system; this organization is retained for browsing the digital collection. (Mounting the plates in scrapbooks was apparently accomplished by others after Dr. Vinkhuijzen's death.) The New York Public Library comprises simultaneously a set of scholarly research collections and a network of community libraries, and its intellectual and cultural range is both global and local, while singularly attuned to New York City. That combination lends to the Library an extraordinary richness. It is special also in being historically a privately managed, nonprofit corporation with a public mission, operating with both private and public financing in a century-old, still evolving private-public partnership. Last year, over 16 million New Yorkers visited the library, and over 25 million used its website.
The NYPL Digital Gallery provides free and open access to over 640,000 images digitized from the The New York Public Library's vast collections, including not just photographs but illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints and more.
Digital projects and partnerships at NYPL are managed by the Digital Experience Group, a 21-person team of programmers, designers and producers dedicated to expanding and enhancing all points of computer and Web-mediated interaction with the library's collections, services and staff.
The media on this page is placed in the public domain by New York Public Library, an essential provider of free books, information, ideas, and education for all New Yorkers for more than 100 years. Founded in 1895, NYPL is the nation’s largest public library system, featuring a unique combination of 88 neighborhood branches and four scholarly research centers, bringing together an extraordinary richness of resources and opportunities available to all. Serving more than 17 million patrons a year, and millions more online, the Library holds more than 51 million items, from books, e-books, and DVDs to renowned research collections used by scholars from around the world.
Disclaimer: The media on this page is placed in the public domain by New York Public Library, 445 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor New York, NY. Read more: https://www.nypl.org/research/collections/digital-collections/public-domain. This website is developed as a part of the world's largest public domain archive, PICRYL.com, and not developed or endorsed by NYPL, https://www.picryl.com



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Translation of "sa pupille" in English

J'ai été informé que le roi avais beaucoup d'affection pour sa pupille .

I was informed that the King was extremely fond of his ward .

Thornfield appartient à M. Edward Rochester, et Adèle est sa pupille .

Thornfield belongs to Mr. Edward Rochester, and little Adele is his ward .

Elle a une hémorragie intracrânienne et sa pupille vient d'exploser.

She's got an intracranial hemorrhage, her pupil just blew.

Quand on a retiré son pansement, sa pupille n'a pas réagi à la lumière.

When the bandage came off, Her pupil did not react to the bright lights.

Dans sa pupille , on peut retrouver le symbole du Yin et Yang.

In its pupil can be seen the symbol of Yin and Yang.

comprenant, de part et d'autre de sa pupille

comprising, on either side of its pupil

Gardez un œil sur sa pupille qu'elle était malade pendant sa grossesse.

Keep an eye out for his ward that she was ill during her pregnancy.

Le joueur contrôle Edward Charles Harden, un voyageur qui recherche sa soeur disparue avec l'aide de sa pupille Lissie.

Players take control of Edward Charles Harden, a traveler helped by his ward Lissie in the search of his missing sister in a small coastal community where secrests and darkness lurk beneath the beautiful landscapes.

Aredian: Vous avez soigné sa pupille ?

Aredian: You have treated his ward ?

On m'a dit que le roi était... très attaché à sa pupille .

I was informed that the King was extremely fond of his ward .

Quand Pundit Sameer accepte que sa pupille , il précise également que sa musique n'est pas à vendre, donc il ne se charge pas d'enseigner.

When Sameer Pundit accepts as his ward , he also makes it clear that his music is not for sale, so it will not charge to teach.

La lumière est Ton oeil, Bien-Aimé, et l'ombre est sa pupille .

Light is Thine eye, Beloved, and shade is its pupil .

Peu de temps après, le duc de Suffolk fit de Catherine, la fille de Maria, sa pupille et l'épousa en quatrième noces en 1533.

Lord Willoughby died in 1526; the Duke of Suffolk made Maria's daughter, Catherine, his ward shortly thereafter, marrying her as his fourth wife in 1533.

Un Ajusteur de pensée ne regarde jamais le progrès spirituel de sa pupille sur la durée de la vie humaine.

A Thought Adjuster never looks at the spiritual progress of his ward over the duration of human life.

En l'espèce, l'employé de l'APEA Vaud, la curatrice Vanesa CASAS aurait eu le devoir de protéger sa pupille Rita ROSENSTIEL.

In the present case, the employee of the APEA Vaud, the trustee Vanesa CASAS had the obligation to protect her pupil Rita ROSENSTIEL.

La résolution du télescope spatial Hubble aux mêmes longueurs d'onde, grâce à sa pupille de 2,40 m, atteint 50 millisecondes d'angle.

The resolution of the space telescope Hubble at the same wavelengths, thanks to its pupil of 2,40 m, reaches 50 milli arcseconds.

Elle tint ses paupières écartées avec sa main gauche, plaça l'aiguille à la surface de son oeil, et l'inséra profondément dans sa pupille .

She held her left eyelids apart with her left hand, moved the needle to the surface of her eyeball, and thrust it deep into her pupil .

Après le décès de celui-ci en 1814, le village devint propriété de sa pupille Wiktoria Klose, fille de Fryderyk Klose qui était alors propriétaire des villages de Przecieszyn, Skidziń et Wilczkowice.

After Gherri's death in 1814 the village changed to the property of his ward Wiktoria Klose, Friedrich Klose's - the former owner of Przecieszyn, Skidziń and Wilczkowice - daughter.

113 Mais l'équivoque est bientôt levée et profitant de la présence de don Basilio et du notaire, que don Bartolo avait fait mander pour précipiter ses noces avec sa pupille , les deux jeunes gens rédigent leur contrat de mariage.

But the misunderstanding is quickly cleared up, and the two lovers, taking advantage of the presence of Basilio and a notary (whom Bartolo, anxious to marry his ward as quickly as possible, has summoned), draft their marriage contract.

J'ai sauvé sa vie, soigné sa pupille , protégé son fils!

I have saved his life, I have treated his ward , I have protected his only son!

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