d Russell Pt. 01

d Russell Pt. 01

"Young girl and old man"

(All characters are over 18 years old)

Night, it rains, and I'm home, I sit and look out the window, I'm enjoying the view of the heavy rain and enjoying its smell and sound. And at that time, an elderly man is walking along the street, all wet. His home is very far away, and he was frozen, he was afraid to catch a cold, and so he wanted to go to someone to warm up. 

He rang the bell of many, asked them to allow him to sit with them, but no one allowed him to the home. And soon he knocked on my door. I opened the door and I see a wet elderly man in front of me, he trembled and said:

"Excuse me, miss, now for me to arrive home is long, and there's such a heavy rain on the street, and I'm so frozen, I guess even caught a cold, a little bit. Could you let me sit with you for a couple of hours? I'd like to warm up in your home."

What should I do? I can't be alone with an unfamiliar man, if he does something bad to me? I feel sorry for him, but...


I answered and felt pangs of conscience. And he said:

"Please! At least for one hour!"

I don't think this man is capable of doing bad things. What if he's just pretending to be good? But, as they say, the eyes are the window to the soul. He has such kind eyes. I want to help him.

"All right, come in."

I told. And he answered with a smile:

"Thanks a lot! You are so kind!"

He went in and asked:

"Don't you have any clothes for me? Any would be good! My clothes are wet."

And I said:

"Look what's in my closet."

And this elderly man opened the closet and saw several boxes with different clothes, but he drew attention to the box with my bras and panties. And his eyes shone! He looked at them with pleasure and picked up black lace panties. He smiled and thought: mmm... lovely...

What? Why is he touching my panties?!! I was angry and said loudly:

"Get your hands off my underwear!!"

And he shuddered, his face looked a little guilty. I opened another box and gave him my pajamas. It's too big, and he can wear it. And I said:

"Take it! Go and change your clothes!"

Nasty old man, how dare he touch my panties!!

"Thank you!" 

He answered with a smile. He's so weird... I shouted to him, and he's not even get angry??? Maybe he realize that it was his fault... or maybe he's just very kind, so kind that hard to make him angry...? By the way, where's he changing clothes? And I knocked on the door of my bedroom.

"Have you changed your clothes yet?"

He answered:

"Wait a second! ... I've changed my clothes!"

And I came in, and he's in my pajamas.

"Thank you! Now I'm getting warmer!"

He said, and I answered:

"You're welcome. Do you want some tea? I can pour for you."

We came to the kitchen and I poured him tea. And I said:

"Excuse me for shouting to you. I'm very sorry about that..."

And he answered with a smile:

"It's all right! I am pleased to be with you, you are very kind girl. And the tea is so delicious!"

And yet this man is very kind and pleasant person, and I am also pleased to be with him...

"Thank you, miss. I won't bother you anymore, I'll change clothes and go home."

We went into my bedroom and he was checking to see if his clothes were dry. It dried. He took off pajama shirt, and then he began to take off pajama pants, and I quickly turned away and said:

"S-s-sorry!! I will leave!"

And I came out. I feel so ashamed!

He came out of my bedroom in his clothes and said:

"Thank you again for the warm reception and assistance! I'll remember you all my life! Well, I gotta go home."

I opened the door, and there's still heavy rain outside... and I said:

"There is heavy rain... maybe you'll spend the night at my home?"

He asked:

"Am I disturbing you?"

And I answered:


He saw the sofa, lay down on it and almost immediately fell asleep. Maybe he's very tired. I covered him with one of my sheets. Soon I went to bed and locked myself in my bedroom, after all, he's a man, suddenly he would want to do something to me, even if he's kind.

The next day, I woke up and remembered this elderly man. I got up and I was all over the house looking for him, maybe he left. How strange, why am I a little lonely? 

And at that time, this elderly man was driving on a tram and remembered me and thought: this girl... she's so lovely... I want to see her.

Where did he go on the tram and why? He was on his way to meet me again!

I'm sitting at a table and I get bored. This man is so kind, pleasant, some kind of warmth came from him... What a pity that he left... Suddenly I hear a knock on the door, I open the door and see him again! I smiled and said:

"That's you! Hello"

He also smiled and answered:

"Hello! I wanted to thank you again for yesterday! And I came here to see you again..."

He kissed my hand, and it made me a little embarrassed... and he said:

"Do you mind walking around city with me? I want to suggest..."

Call!! Phone call!! He didn't say... he pulled a phone out of his back pocket on his pants, and his passport was in his pocket with it and he fell out of there! 

"Hello! What? Meet at the cafe?? All right, goodbye."

It was a business conversation.

"I'm sorry, miss. They wait for me! See you!"

And he ran. This man kissed my hand... and he's not only kind, pleasant, cheerful, he's also... very beautiful... what? how can I think that?? he's just an old man!! No, he's not an old man, maybe he's 50 or 60 years old, yeah, he's about 60! What's that on the floor? Passport?? He forgot his passport!! But, for some reason, I want to see what's on his passport... silly curiosity! it's not good, but... but it's not a personal diary! and I opened his passport. Oh, his name is Russell. Hmm, his date of birth, I'll know how old he is... hmm... hmmm... what?? he's 71 years old??? ... Why am I lingering??! I must urgently return to him his passport!! And then I ran out of the house. 

I ran down the street. But... where is Russell? I have remembered! He's having a business meeting at a cafe! But at what cafe? And I went to all the cafes, I went around 10 cafes... where's Russell??? And there's 11th cafe in front of me! And Russell comes out of it!! And I said with rapid breathing after long run:

"You forgot... passport..."

I'm giving him a passport. And he said: 

"What? But how did I forget it??? Thanks a lot!! By the way, I invite you to this cafe!"

And we went to the cafe. Russell brought two plates of omelette. He said with a smile:

"We see each other for the third time, and I didn't even introduce myself! My name is Russell!"

And I already knew his name! I smiled and we started eating omelette.

We went a lot... and to the karaoke bar, and we walked in the park, and I got two little finger-sized toys out of the slot machine. That was two Hello Kitty toys, but they're identical...

"They're identical, what will I do with the second Hello Kitty?"

And he answered:

"Give me one! I like Hello Kitty."

And I gave him a toy.

We began to communicate, meet every day and help each other, and I realized that I have a wonderful friend, Russell!











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