cryptocurrency merchants

cryptocurrency merchants

By The Crypto Merchant Team Cyclebit POS terminals have a wide range of advantages over traditional payment terminals and solutions for in-store cryptocurrency payments: With CryptexPay, businesses can use digital currency for payment. The transaction is sent to the network of the selected token, confirmed and recorded in the blockchain registry. After that, the coins are credited to the owner's crypto wallet, or converted into dollars or rubles for transfer to a bank account. In a massive push to join the 21st century, AMC Theatres began accepting not just Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal payments, but cryptocurrency payments as well — at least for online purchases. can pay using bitcoin, ethereum, bitcoin cash and litecoin, according to a tweet from AMC CEO Adam Aron. While hundreds of cryptocurrency exchanges have popped up in the past few years, multi-location retailers are limited in which options they can choose based on their own unique security protocols and integration requirements. The need to adopt a payment gateway that can be integrated into an existing website or POS hardware and accessed across hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of store locations can also be a limiting factor.

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