Kyle Thompson

University of kentucky essay questions (Greene) [Music] [Music] [Music] do you know each other really well well I kind of met all of them through bun practice and I met but I'm like I know him so well no we have so many inside jokes and everything it's a lot of fun I think you guys are really proud of your first song which is another song well I get here the name is Yap is all right tell me more about this song the meaning and why do you guys love it so much well the vocalist them so the song starts with this man who sings oh my oh my and then he's talking about his love story and then he says he's gonna end it and then he says that no matter what happens I'm gonna stay positive and no matter what the abba-abba-abba by like the chorus is way Penina hooked up b9a yeah by you by your body now body our body the high seas high knees a candy mother yeah yeah yeah so do you guys MIT in a rock song yeah yeah yeah come on yeah I can say he's a really good drummer yeah he takes ten seconds for him to get the beat [Music] School of Professional Studies.

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