



发表于 收录于合集

抓犯人 catch criminals

防止犯罪 prevent crime

警察(两种说法)police officers

社区的一部分 part of community

辍学 drop out of school

职业训练 vocational training

帮派 gangs

轻微犯罪 minor crimes

监狱 prison

威胁社会安全 pose a threat to society

犯罪分子(三种说法) offenders/criminals/prisoners

惯犯 re-offend

犯罪记录criminal record

改造 rehabilitation

死刑(两种说法) capital punishment/the death penalty

不可饶恕的 not tolerated

关押 imprisonment/lock up

无辜的人 innocent people

定罪 convicted

犯罪率 crime rates

暴力文化 violent cultural

社区服务 community service

过度拥挤的监狱 overcrowding prison

回报社区 repay their community

受害者 victims

罪案实录 crime stories

耸人听闻的案件 sensational crimes

公众对罪犯的恐慌 fear of crime among the public

徒刑 prison sentence

违反者 lawbreakers


The job of the police is to catch criminals.They must also prevent crime and make communities safer.


The police should be in close contact with schools.They should focus on young people who have dropped out of school. These teenagers may become involved with gangs.


prison is the most common punishment.Some criminals pose a threat to society.They are put in prison to ensure the safety of other citizens.


Many prisoners re-offend when they are released.A criminal record makes finding a job more difficult.


Rehabilitation aims to make them better citizens.Rehabilitated prisoners are less likely to re-offend.


The mass media focus on violent and sensational crimes.This lead to fear of crime among the public.

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