crDroid v8.5 | Unofficial | Android 12.1 | Unified

crDroid v8.5 | Unofficial | Android 12.1 | Unified


Device Changelogs :

- Initial build

- Shiped with upstreamed SilonT devel 4.14.281

- Address lots sepolicy denials

- Fixed Aux Camera on enforcing

- Fixed nfc on enforcing (Tester said working fine)

- Fixed Offline charging on enforcing

- Update Blobs From C.79

- Inherit apn conf from RMX2050

- WifiOverlay: Update from LA.UM.9.1.r1-09100-SMxxx0.0

- overlay: Add config_wallpaperMaxScale

- overlay: Fix hyper orange night light

- props: Disable vsync for CPU rendered Apps

- Use speed tuning for performance critical applications

And more..

Bugs : Tell me with proper logs 👍

Screenshots :

Report Page