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Consider this a wake-up call to bedding makers: Very few of the queen-size sheets we tested performed well enough for us to recommend, and two of those were expensive enough that we suggest using coupons or waiting until they go on sale before buying. As for the others, our tests and reporting revealed a litany of problems: • Some fitted sheets easily ripped or came apart at the seams in our strength tests, and some could tear from just a heavy cat's claws. • Other sets had fitted sheets that popped off the corners of mattresses they claimed to fit or flat sheets that fell short on the sides of the bed. • Some wrinkle-free sheets didn't live up to their name. • One company's sets had mismatched colors. • Environmental claims were sometimes dubious. The Federal Trade Commission has told retailers to stop labeling and advertising rayon textiles as eco-friendly bamboo. Once the plant fiber is processed, it's rayon, not bamboo. Plus the processing uses toxic chemicals that emit hazardous air pollutants during manufacturing.

Three sheet sets we tested claim to be bamboo but should be labeled as rayon or a rayon/cotton blend. The sheets in our tests were made of 100 percent cotton, rayon, or a rayon blend with claimed thread counts ranging from 200 to 1,000. Thread count is the number of vertical and horizontal threads per square inch. Our latest tests again confirmed that higher thread count doesn't guarantee better sheets. In fact the top-scoring percale sheets, which had a claimed thread count of only 280, were strong, shrank very little, and easily fit mattresses up to 17 inches high, even after we washed and dried them five times. Sheets are hardly a new or complicated product. So we think companies should be able to make sheets that fit well, don't shrink, are strong, and don't cost hundreds of dollars. But for now you'll need to shop carefully. Usually long-fiber cottons, such as pima, Supima, and Egyptian, are stronger and less likely to pill. Combed cotton has short fibers and debris removed, resulting in a smoother fabric.

Usually cotton/polyester blends don't wrinkle as much as 100 percent cotton sheets, but they aren't as soft or as porous, so you may feel warmer while sleeping. Choose Crisp or Soft Feeling new sheets in the store won't help you figure out how the sheets will feel once they're washed. That's because sheets are usually treated with fabric enhancers and softeners to improve hand feel. To help you choose, our trained sensory panelists judged the sheets' softness and crispness after five washings. Weave also affects how the sheets feel. Percale is closely woven and feels crisper, while sateen has a softer feel and a glossier look. Twill weaves create a heavier fabric that can feel soft or crisp. Get the Right Fit Measure your mattress' height, including mattress pads. Remember that padding settles, so measure in at least two spots away from the corners. Buy sheets that are a couple of inches deeper to allow for normal shrinkage. Before using sheets, wash them to remove finishes or excess dye.

If the sheets shrink or fade, or if you don't like how they feel once they're washed, you'll need the receipt to return them. Ditto if the sheets are mislabeled or if sets are missing pieces. Build a store shopping list Double click on above image to view full picture 72 in. x 80 in. Mover's blanket with sturdy double stitched fabric to protect furnishings Add to My List California Transparency in Supply Chain Act Disclosure Supplier Code of Conduct Request a Free Catalog New Stores Coming Soon For The Latest, Up To The Minute News, Follow UsChoose the right alarm for your childBy: Renee Mercer, MSN, CPNP A bedwetting (enuresis) alarm is a device that emits an auditory and/or tactile sensation in response to moisture. The alarm is attached to a child's underwear or pajamas in the area where the first drop of urine would be expelled. When the child wets, the alarm goes off and alerts those in range that wetting is occurring. The child hears or feels the alarm and learns to get out of bed and empty urine into the toilet.

Gradually, the child learns to respond to the feeling of a full bladder by waking and going to the bathroom before the alarm goes off. Alarm training is a type of behavioral conditioning. What are some of the leading brands? You can read what our customers say about each alarm! Our top selling alarms include: Malem Multi-Choice, Malem Recordable, Malem Bed-Side, and Wet Call Alarm & Pad What features should I look for when buying an alarm? Successfully using a bedwetting alarm to achieve dryness is a journey that can take several weeks. You'll have questions along the way. So make sure you're buying from a store that will help you throughout the journey. We have a team of certified Bedwetting Experts available via phone, chat or email, as well as a wide variety of resources to help you choose and use your alarm. Click here to learn more. When deciding on a bedwetting alarm, look at how the alarm is placed. Does it fasten to any pair of underwear, or does it come with its own specialized underwear?

Some children like using their own briefs while others prefer those with a built-in sensor, where placement is never a problem. A pad type alarm is an option for those who prefer to lie on the sensor rather than to wear it. Methods of stopping the alarm after triggering can vary. Some alarms require a two-step turn-off in which the sensor is removed from wetness before the reset button is pressed. This design prevents an active sleeper from accidentally pulling off the sensor without being alerted. Wireless alarms require wearers to get out of bed to turn the alarm unit off, which works well for heavy sleepers. Sound comes from a unit clipped to the shoulder in wearable alarms. In wireless and bedside alarms, it comes from a separate unit set away from the sleeper. Most users prefer to have the sound close to the ear, but some like the option of hearing the sound from a distance. Wearable alarms can vibrate as well as sound off. The vibration from the wearable alarms would be similar to a gentle shaking of the shoulder.

Many users find this adds extra sensory stimulation, increasing their response. Different alarm types handle the issue of volume in different ways. Wireless alarms generally have manual volume control. Wearable alarms sound at the same volume every time. In most situations, the highest level is necessary for the parent and child to respond. What will work for children who are sound sleepers? Many parents looking for solutions to their children’s bedwetting are quick to assume that alarms won’t work for children who sleep deeply. In fact, bedwetting alarms can be very effective for even the soundest of sleepers. For these children, the parents initially play an important part in rousing the sleeping child once the alarm has sounded. As long as the alarm is loud enough for parents to hear, they can provide backup if children do not respond initially. The wearable alarms all sound at 80 decibels, and make a variety of noises. Wireless alarms with volume control can sound even louder.

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